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Celina Guitare
• 26. Artist. Gemini. Introvert. •
Eric Guitian
Miami    I write about Cancer, Love, and everything in between.


Nicole Livano Aug 2020
Each string vibrates as he tugs the cords releasing a beautiful mix of intimate sounds.
They’re repetitive putting out the same tunes from the instrument, beautiful whimpering tunes. He creates a perfect rhythm with his hands, never missing a beat, something most people couldn’t do.
Or at least most people dealing with this instrument but he did it with ease having complete control of what he was yielding. The melody rose with tension just one extra cord begging to be played would send the song over the edge but he slowed down letting his lips do all the work again releasing the same beautiful sounds thought to never exist.
The song taunted his audience with such a close release into bliss but he kept his hushed words to a minimum making the most awaited part seem farther and farther away until he seemed to think they were ready for the euphoria.
He pushes his way open into the ****** of the song using his hands and lips tugging at the tension he pulled back on going faster and faster until it broke. The song withering around him as he fights to keep it steady from the explosion. He uses the music still flowing through the air to keep him going trying to steady the pace until the vibrations end his strumming along with it.
The girl still panting on the bed with cherry red lips matching the man's swollen ones was an alluring sight but he had a gig tonight and his guitar was waiting for him at home.
August  Dec 2012
August Dec 2012
Talking to others leads to the feeling of guit
The feeling of a relationship that was built
Is still smudged, dark as night, on my conscious.
Combined together in a one sided partnership
My once lovely red beating heart, turned to ebony
By your scared, fearful, controlling tendencies
When I dressed, I had to keep you in mind
Looking even slightly desirable to another man wasn't right
All of my male companions
They had to be abandoned
Just so that I could send your wandering mind at ease
I bent over backwards, always attempting to please
My spine & discs melted inside of my back
You didn't mind, you liked that
The ways you made me compromise & mold
The way you made me rip & fold
I finally decided to stand up to you
To say no, to say that you were just to cruel
I pulled all of the strength that I had inside of me
And I knew that I had to leave
But you stain my every action
Even  now, even just a little faction
There is a tall overshadow over my eyes
I want to love, but I can't help but lie
And I'll keep escaping out of the blue bathroom window
Until the knees of my tights are stained indigo
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
Eric Martin Aug 2018
I's a shame
Satan knew my name
I'm a dead man
Or worse
Save me from this cures

This feeling wont wain
Lucifer save me from this pain
My name is all I am
Satan speaks rhymes same as man and cures, go with indies song, punk guit, rain, destructions but only chorus