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Kirsten Perry  Sep 2017
My Love
Kirsten Perry Sep 2017
I don't expect you to understand,

I know you will never understand the

way it felt when you held me.

How it felt like all the pieces of myself were being

held together.

When you let go I shattered into pieces

on the cold floor called loneliness.

Waiting for the broom called society to sweep me up

into the dust pan called expectations and ultimately

chuck me into the waste basket called reality.

I don't expect you to understand why I needed you.

Why it hurt so bad that you didn't need me.

I don't expect you to understand anything that I have gonethrough

they are my struggles and my journeys.

You were just a bump along the way.

A bump that caused my suspension to recoil,

but a bump none the less.

You were my knight in shining armor.

My light at the end of the tunnel

or at least I thought so.

You shimmered like a shooting star.

I wished upon you in the darkest of nights.

When the thoughts clouded my head.

I felt like Dorothy clicking her heals

and getting her wish.

I felt like Cinderella slipping on her glass slipper,

and marrying her true love,

I felt like Snow white being woken

form an eternal sleep with a kiss.

It felt like a fairy tale.

Happily Ever After.

Until one day when I saw the look in your eyes

I knew.

My fairy tale was over.

Dorothy still in Oz.

Cinderella with a broken glass slipper.

Snow White with her heart cut out in a box.

Happily Never After.
I wrote this for my creative writing class. Hope ya'll enjoy

— The End —