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Expo 86' Sep 2015
Forçado a um habito falho
Esfaqueando a face que eu sou
Encimentando um mundo que mal começou
Estrangulando todos os meus pensamentos

Oh, mergulhe no meu coração
E acenda a alma da minha substancia
E se apresente como meu purgatorio
Enquanto eu me balanço nessa rede de discórdia
Sobre essa mar de ruinas

Me afaste dessas fraquezas
Me ilumine com seus pesadelos
E acabe com minha juventude
Com seus sonhos doentios
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Escravo do dinheiro
I became
After I am working every single
Day 19 hours
I am no longer happy
Having to look at a huge
Amount of money
I hate being
The escravo do dinheiro
Every single day
Yes father
That money is giving me
Lots of headches
The small amount of
The money I use daily
The large amount of money
I keep it in the bank
So it grows with the interest
Every month
Yes father I know that money
Doesn’t grow on tree
And also money only brings
Comfort and nothing else
I can’t buy friends with money
Because that is not how we make friends
Also we can’t buy love with money
Because love is not for sale also
Love is a feeling that comes out of our
Hearts to give to those you love
Father I don’t like the rich people
I love the poor people
That lives in Canada
They are what I call my friends
Also I know that I can trust
My poor friends
They also don’t have much money
To live like me
Sometimes we have to stretch our money
When we are shopping for clothes
We can’t buy new clothes because they are
Very expensive so we need to buy
Used clothes from the second hand store
Also we need to wash the clothes before we wear it
To get rid of the bed bugs
Victor Marques Nov 2011
Nossa Senhora da Aparecida

Na noite te pedi inspiração,
Divulgar teu nome e devoção.
As correntes do escravo Zacarias,
Velas apagadas Tu acendias.

A corrente to rio era muito forte,
O menino Tu livraste da morte.
Aqui em Castanheiro do Norte,
Te pedimos pão e sorte.

A fé em Deus, ele é amor,
Olhai para as vinhas do Senhor,
Ao Jorge e á D. Anita,
Agradecemos a festa  bonita.

Victor Marques
aldo kraas Oct 2023
Escravo do dinheiro
I became
After I am working every single
Day 19 hours
I am no longer happy
Having to look at a huge
Amount of money
I hate being
The escravo do dinheiro
Every single day
Yes father
That money is giving me
Lots of headaches
The small amount of
The money I use daily
The large amount of money
I keep it in the bank
So it grows with the interest
Every month
Yes father I know that money
Doesn’t grow on tree
And also money only brings
Comfort and nothing else
I can’t buy friends with money
Because that is not how we make friends
Also we can’t buy love with money
Because love is not for sale also
Love is a feeling that comes out of our
Hearts to give to those you love
Father I don’t like the rich people
I love the poor people
That lives in Canada
They are what I call my friends
Also I know that I can trust
My poor friends
They also don’t have much money
To live like me
Sometimes we have to stretch our money
When we are shopping for clothes
We can’t buy new clothes because they are
Very expensive so we need to buy
Used clothes from the second hand store
Also we need to wash the clothes before we wear it
To get rid of the bed bugs
aldo kraas Aug 2023
Escravo do dinheiro
I became
After I am working every single
Day 19 hours
I am no longer happy
Having to look at a huge
Amount of money
I hate being
The escravo do dinheiro
Every single day
Yes father
That money is giving me
Lots of headeches
The small amount of
The money I use daily
The large amount of money
I keep it in the bank
So it grows with the interest
Every month
Yes father I know that money
Doesn’t grow on tree
And also money only brings
Comfort and nothing else
I can’t buy friends with money
Because that is not how we make friends
Also we can’t buy love with money
Because love is not for sale also
Love is a feeling that comes out of our
Hearts to give to those you love
Father I don’t like the rich people
I love the poor people
That lives in Canada
They are what I call my friends
Also I know that I can trust
My poor friends
They also don’t have much money
To live like me
Sometimes we have to stretch our money
When we are shopping for clothes
We can’t buy new clothes because they are
Very expensive so we need to buy
Used clothes from the second hand store
Also we need to wash the clothes before we wear it
To get rid of the bed bugs
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Escravo do dinheiro
I became
After I am working every single
Day 19 hours
I am no longer happy
Having to look at a huge
Amount of money
I hate being
The escravo do dinheiro
Every single day
Yes father
That dinheiro is giving me
Lots of headaches
The small amount of
The money I use daily
The large amount of money
I keep it in the bank
So it grows with the interest
Every month
Yes father I know that money
Doesn’t grow on tree
And also money only brings
Comfort and nothing else
I can’t buy friends with money
Because that is not how we make friends
Also we can’t buy love with money
Because love is not for sale also
Love is a feeling that comes out of our
Hearts to give to those you love
Father I don’t like the rich people
I love the poor people
That lives in Canada
They are what I call my friends
Also I know that I can trust
My poor friends
They also don’t have much money
To live like me
Sometimes we have to stretch our dinheiro
When we are shopping for clothes
We can’t buy new clothes because they are
Very expensive so we need to buy
Used clothes from the second hand store
Also we need to wash the clothes before we wear it
To get rid of the bed bugs
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Escravo do dinheiro
I became
After I am working every single
Day 19 hours
I am no longer happy
Having to look at a huge
Amount of dinheiro
I hate being
The escravo do dinheiro
Every single day
Yes father
That dinheiro is giving me
Lots of headeaches
The small amount of
The money I use daily
The large amount of dinheiro
I keep it in the bank
So it grows with the interest
Every month
Yes father I know that dinheiro
Doesn’t grow on tree
And also dinheiro only brings
Comfort and nothing else
I can’t buy friends with money
Because that is not how we make friends
Also we can’t buy love with dinheiro
Because love is not for sale also
Love is a feeling that comes out of our
Hearts to give to those you love
Father I don’t like the rich people
I love the poor people
That lives in Canada
They are what I call my friends
Also I know that I can trust
My poor friends
They also don’t have much dinheiro
To live like me
Sometimes we have to stretch the dinheiro
When we are shopping for clothes
We can’t buy new clothes because they are
Very expensive so we need to buy
Used clothes from the second hand store
Also we need to wash the clothes before we wear it
To get rid of the bed bugs
aldo kraas Sep 2023
Escravo do dinheiro
I became
After I am working every single
Day 19 hours
I am no longer happy
Having to look at a huge
Amount of money
I hate being
The escravo do dinheiro
Every single day
Yes father
That money is giving me
Lots of headaches
The small amount of
The money I use daily
The large amount of money
I keep it in the bank
So it grows with the interest
Every month
Yes father I know that money
Doesn’t grow on tree
And also money only brings
Comfort and nothing else
I can’t buy friends with money
Because that is not how we make friends
Also we can’t buy love with money
Because love is not for sale also
Love is a feeling that comes out of our
Hearts to give to those you love
Father I don’t like the rich people
I love the poor people
That lives in Canada
They are what I call my friends
Also I know that I can trust
My poor friends
They also don’t have much money
To live like me
Sometimes we have to stretch our money
When we are shopping for clothes
We can’t buy new clothes because they are
Very expensive so we need to buy
Used clothes from the second hand store
Also we need to wash the clothes before we wear it
To get rid of the bed bugs
Rui Serra  Apr 2015
Rui Serra Apr 2015
amargas mentiras retorcidas

luas e sóis


porque me rio?

podes atirar-me palavras
podes subjugar-me com os olhos
podes matar-me de ódio

é a minha sensualidade que te incomoda?

cabanas de vergonha
sobre um oceano *****
deslizam na maré

deixo para trás a noite
o terror

neste maravilhoso amanhecer

no declínio dos meus ancestrais
elevam-se as esperanças do escravo

e sonho
e parto
Eu vi as nádegas da minha mulher sendo apertadas e abertas por mãos grandes e peludas enquanto um trombolho descomunal abria caminho à caverna escura que acredito nunca antes ter sido explorada.

Eu ouvi os ecos no corredor de nosso apartamento, de sons transmitidos pelo esgoelamento de suas cordas vocais delirantes e indiferentes à opinião da vizinhança. Provei o sabor acre da facada pelas costas sem derramar uma gota de lágrima ou de sangue.

Os braços estavam amarrados à cabeceira, sodomizada, num transe hipnótico engendrado pelo pecado. Não me viram entrando. Sentei-me numa poltrona, ainda imperceptível, quase inexistente, um magma quente borbulhava em meu estômago, um vulcão erodia em meu peito, sentia morrendo todos os meus valores, toda a minha compreensão de mim mesmo, faltava-me ar aos pulmões, faltava-me alma ao corpo, já não poderia ser compatível com a ideia de pecado, o ódio se apossava como um demônio em meu corpo obrigando meus braços a se moverem, um escravo arrastado por suas correntes, arranquei minhas roupas, meu pau ereto desprovido de qualquer amor, de qualquer sentimento humano, erguia-se pelo horror, pelo prazer perverso que se apoderava das minhas ideias, o que estaria por vir me excitava.

Aquele homem diante minha indiferença. Seu pau broxado pelo terror da minha imagem. Meu pau duro como uma muralha impenetrável, pontiagudo como uma estaca, atravessou seu peito como uma lança, empalado pelo ânus até a boca. Mudo como um peixe fisgado pelo arpão. Castrado engoliu seus próprios testículos.

Ela com a pele esfolada em músculo crú, estuprada como uma puta barata pelo meu punho a atravessar sua boceta seca, amarrada com suas entranhas gosmentas e fedidas de mentiras e recoberta por fezes, esquartejei em treze parágrafos seu falso discurso . Deixei sua cabeça largada ao canto daquele quarto sujo.

Estancaram-se me encarando. Nenhuma reação, nenhum movimento.

— The End —