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karen champagne
nh    English major from St. Anselms college in NH. A genre of writing from 1983 to the present. Journals full of writing surfaced from 1992. I ...
Michelle Beauchamp
Marina, Ca   
nyc    a.e: no one is brave in the dark


bear  Jan 2015
bear Jan 2015
Champs got that swagger,
I can tell you that.
No wait.
Champ's got THAT swagger.
The kind that just hits you
and you're there lost for words.

Champ has a way with words.
He can keep you engaged for hours.
He can talk about any subject you you want.
Keeps you thinking about life, love, and everyday problems.
He just makes you melt on the inside.
Every time we talk its a treat.

Champ knows how to treat people.
He knows the right way to treat a girl.
He doesn't take advantage or argues
or needs his way to be the right way.
He can just go with the flow
Just wants everything to be calm and stress free.

Champ's the best at handling stress.
He could be hit with 25 different daggers
and not even break a sweat.
Everything he says he will do
gets done.
No excuses.
He pushes his mind to the max.

Champ's got a mind of his own.
Not the kind that can never be changed,
but the kind that you want to have change yours.
He's been through hell and back
and has stories to prove it
but he will never show it.

But champ does has a way of showing IT.
What I mean is

Champ's got a body.
No doubt about it.
The kind of figure that should be on billboards.
But you just want to keep it to yourself
so no one else knows how special it is.
The kind that you can just lose yourself it.

Champ has a way of making you lose yourself.
Its just when everything mixes together
he just has it all working for him.
Champ's got that swagger
and there's still no doubt about it.
McLeod  May 2019
McLeod May 2019
A new day, press play, a challenge for one.
Solo for I, never won.
Spawned like magic, 100 people? That’s tragic.
Less would I prefer,
From the bus, I jump and glide
From the wailing heights, I go to a bush and hide.
Found a camp, a player I’ve tramped,
One closer to being a champ.

Many people less, beginning to stress,
Loot everywhere, what a mess!
In this battle, I thought I would be fine,
But in the distance, I saw a white line,
With the numbers of sixty-nine,
A soccer skin! A soccer skin! Oh God, oh why?
Building fast as the speed of light,
All I knew that it could be a hard fight.
Because, with death in my mind, I didn’t know what to do,
Thoughts boggled up, like the texture of goo.
I placed a trap on the wall of wood,
I waited suddenly, wondering when they would,
Yes! I caught them with my trap!
One closer to being a champ.

Found a vehicle of an interesting shape,
Bouncy like a ball, all around, on the landscape,
A Baller! Yes! Now I’m glad,
But no need to use it, I got a launchpad!
However, I could bounce around, Boom! Bam! and Pow!
Then I could tell them, “who’s laughing now?”
However now, I’m in the final two,
I shot his build down, if only he knew,
Now it is over, show off with a ramp,
Now I’ve become the champ.
This is a Fortnite based poem, written at the beginning of season 9
Scot Powers  Apr 2013
The Champ
Scot Powers Apr 2013
Soundly trounced
the beaten man
warily offered
his shaking hand
to the victor of the bout
from the start
there was no doubt

That he would fall
this day it seemed
a shame for all
who'd come to see
the champ reclaim
his title belt
one more time
we all felt

The Champ had won
so many times
you had to know
there'd be a time
when along would come
a newer face
knock him down
take his place

His fans belief, unwavering
his character,  unsavory
but that's what it takes
if your to be
the champion of
your childhood dreams

He taught the kids
and played the roll
took their papers
and signed them all
a champ and a star
he felt like a king
he reigned supreme
in the squared ring

But when he was
alone at home
all he sought
was to drown
all the sorrows
he'd been through
kicked and teased
like a fool

If the kids
could see him now
curled and lonely
in his shell
would they then
ask him why?
could he answer
and not cry?

Then came the day
of the title match
he knew within
it was his last
he'd make a show
for his fans
he'd even do their
favorite stance
the time had come
to pass on
the title of champ
his time was done

After the show
sitting all alone
thinking of all
that he had done
in walked a kid
and before him he stood
and  said
you are still The Champ
in my book