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Ammar Younas
28/M/Uzbekistan    I am a lawyer and academician. Originally, I am from Pakistan but currently residing in Tashkent Uzbekistan. Previously, I have studied in Kyrgyzstan, Italy, Lebanon ...
20/M    I just write stuff.


He did not forget the friend who, in need,
Had helped in the struggle against the sharks
In the white clothes, but whose hearts wore dark marks.
Mandela, who the Heaven’s angels lead,
Took his long stick and moved along northward.
He advanced with his head held high, grudged
Other friends of his, and he reminded,
“Of my heart no one holds the keys.” They said
Then, “That knight’s steed must always freely hop.
He’s a god abiding in the kingdom
Of love and his right steps no one can stop.”
So Mandela met Mu’ammar at home,
Him he thanked and taught, expecting as crop
More esteem in him to have a good tomb.
This poem is an excerpt of the book "Delenda Benghazi, said Kaddafi" found on;=UTF8&qid;=1387644094&sr;=1-4