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 May 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
I carry the weight of a million troubles
Watching my family tear apart
And everything we had, fell to rubble.

The selfish stubborn that flows about
My sister and mother are broken
I'm stuck in a middle and can't get out.

You stupid ignorant child
Don't you even care
Your relationship's defiled.

Oh but I must have forgot
Everythings about you
Even if our family will rot.

I dread the thought of seeing you
It turns my stomach
I know she dislikes it too.

That isn't how it should be
We should all be excited
Why can't everyone be happy.

I hate this way of life
Please grow up
I can't live with constant strife.

I'll see you very soon
So very soon indeed
The desperate month of June.

See you soon my dear sister
Are you prepared
Because I'm ready for a twister.
 May 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
It seems that now the only feeling left
In this society
is Self-Pity.
The slow-motion black and white
of Life
has crumbled to a point where
cannot find the strength to support themselves.
They have been beaten down to a point
where they no longer feel
of succeeding.
There are those who cannot find the courage
to stand for their own cause,
and instead leach off of those stronger.
More will power to be drained.
They drag down these supporters to their level,
and **** them dry of any color.
Gray and dim,
colorless flames dance in this society.
So sick of watching,
not able to reach out and stop this process,
before it's too late.
Friends, family, coworkers
No longer able to stand straight due to this
Parasitic way of life.
Users, abusers, tormentors
Growing in strength and numbers,
Hate it.
Abhor it.
Cannot step out from these sidelines,
my hand is smacked away.
The cruel reality has been tossed,
and people wish to continue their dream,
their false notions of how this life is.
take my hand,
help me relight the flame.
I wish to see the colors once more.
Do not
Give up.
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