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My bones hurt me over and over again
My veins ache and bend and break
with them and my skin just doesn't
protect my heart or my head anymore
The instructions firing in my skull
are moving me in all the wrong directions
These messy thoughts have got me twisted
and wandering in the middle of the night
My wiring is all misconstructed,
severed & frayed
Just cut the chord
Sell my insides like strips of metal
Maybe they'll work just fine,
under the control of a braver mind
For four years I trusted in the
most cliche of cliches,
The ones that say
it'll all be okay one day
& you'll find a way

But nothing ever budges and honestly,
I'm losing faith in those words
Losing strength in my voice
When everything hurts
And everyone leaves
What's left to comfort me...?
You left a crooked smile and a bitter taste in my mouth

You left shrugs, glares, unanswered questions

You left scraps of your spidery handwriting and an ache in my chest

You left me with people that are hollow, who look at me with disappointment - they want what I cannot give

You left a whisper, a murmur

I awake at 2:32 and I am 

You left.
Didn't want a battle,
Yet you declared war,
Each knock you gave me
Made me stronger than before,
I will not give up,
I will not give in,
You won't make me fall,
I won't let you win.
A short poem may be a stylistic choice or it may be that you have said what you intended to say in a more concise way. Either way, they differ stylistically from a long poem in that there tends to be more care in word choice. Since there are fewer words people tend to spend more time on choosing a word that fits the subject to perfection. Because of this meticulous attitude, writing a short poem is often more tedious than writing a long poem.
We could travel to Paris
Then fly all around the world
Visit main sites
Explore the greater things in life

Or maybe have a picnic
Pb&j; with some pink lemonade
Just the way you like it
Soft kisses and tight hugs

After everything we can lay down
Cuddle as we watch the moon chase the sun around the earth
A sudden shooting star
But what more could you wish for?

tangible it would
be an autumn leaf
blown out of the street
yet to travel another
day. Because the
wind, so kind,
just happens
to care.
(c) Brooke Otto
I was clutching the wheel tight
on my way home
One last left turn
before my street
Trying to choke back the tears
At least until I made it
through my front door
A line too long of cars to my left
I waited in exhaustion
with my blinker flashing,
As to say "someone please"
Then I glanced over
into the face of a determined man,
speeding impatiently down
the cluttered road
He was wearing a suit
and a blue tooth head piece
You can almost hear his mind racing
from the next lane over
In an obvious hurry,
he managed to notice
the bags under my eyes
And the pain growing
from their insides
He slammed on his breaks
and with a flick of his wrist,
he ushered me forward
Smiled slightly
Allowed me to turn fully
And then rushed off quickly
My faith in humanity
Never wavers for too long
Just an other mindful darling
Rising up from the rubble
Of a bad day to silently say
*It'll be okay
I listened to your heart beat for two hours. You lifted me and moved me closer

And the butterflies, they followed

But this feeling cannot last. Like a glass jar, teetering at the edge of your mahogany coffee table. The hardwood floor taunting it as it shakes violently back and forth. We are gasping deeply now, trying desperately not to fall. Not to break.

I can feel you holding on with all that's left in you. You're turning my hands black and blue with one last desperate grip but you can't keep your fingers folded over mine forever. It'll be over soon.

For as far as this goes
Just know
I wanted you
With every inch of skin
That holds my bones
I really wanted you
And I tried
As hard as a backward thinker
ever could
But all these late nights
and salty tears
Will get the best of me
The horror of this is shifting closer
Shadows in the darkness
The light cast from your eyes
can't save us this time
Oh but please
Don't run
Let it wash over the sheets we lie under
I want to be together when it hits
I love you
I'm sorry

Hold your breath
And let it go
Without your spit in my kiss, there's still so much of you left to miss & without your bones in my bed, there's still so much of you left in my head.
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