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The professions of our leaders are paraded across longitudinal and latitudinal vistas. However, I have to ask: Whatever happened to the possession of that which is professed in our contemporary shell of delusion?
A princess may depart from her Celtic docks in order to sail back to her Anglican roots; and the fabric of high society may display an appealing veneer which covers explicit nakedness in the name of mass psychology.
So, my articulate propagate of conformity, I urge you to don the profound tuxedo at your avoidant desire. But please do not seek for me to enter into the denial of our core identity.
For those who are willing to rock this boat of ludicrous salesmanship, I raise my glass to testicular rectitude which transcends gender stereotypes.
High school is like
Trying to breath underwater

At first you hold your breath
Thinking that you can make it through
But then your lungs begin to burn
And your body starts to ache
So you let out some air
Just to try and
Feel a little better
And before long
You're completely out
And your head is throbbing
And your chest is spasming
And every nerve in your body is screaming
B . R . E . A . T . H .
But you know better
So you shout back
And you swim up
With the last of your energy
With the promise of pure air at the end
But instead
You come across thick glass
And you can see
The sun in the sky
But cannot touch it
The wind in the air
But cannot taste it
The freedom in the sky
But cannot believe it
Because you are pounding on the glass
And at last you gasp
And water pours in to your unsuspecting lungs
And all you're left with is the unbelievable disappointment
For you had the promise of sunshine
Laughing on your face
And the summer breeze
Dancing in your fingers
But you are stuck
Behind that glass wall
Because you are trying
Oh, so hard to
Breath underwater
Loves company
She and I
Thicker than thieves
Slicing through
Ourselves like teens
What happened to growth
What happened to hope?
We're too old
for this and
they all know
We're too old
for this and
we're the joke
but we caught on before you
and started playing the fool
so we could laugh along

Oh, it's all right if you say that you hate us
This is a symptom inborn
It is heart-worn and is carried through time
So it's all right when you say that you hate us
This carry-on carrion
Is our reward from your Heavenly Lord
So I guess that he messed up

Sweet Destiny
Left us both
Too blind to grieve
Biting truths
Too impacting
Wherever we go
"Wherever is home?"
We're too old
for this and
they all know
We're too old
for this and
we're the joke
but we caught on before you
and started playing the fool
so we could laugh like everyone, ah, ha, ha

Oh, it's all right if you say that you hate us
This is a symptom inborn
It is heart-worn and is carried through time
So it's all right when you say that you hate us
This carry-on carrion
Is our reward from your Heavenly Lord
So I guess that he messed up

He really messed up
Life is a Machine for Pigs
The best of us are
And served
To the worst of us
who are simply ignored
by the torturous
for Pigs

The best of us
upon The Arrival
of the Machine
Slowly begin
a Dark Descent
A spiral into
Neverending Nightmares
But nobody
is there
To hear
our Cry of Fear.
The worst of us
Are not deemed
fit for the Machine.

and so,
the best of us,
The Lost Souls,
The Last of Us,
are still subjected
To the Machine's
that is the Machine
for Pigs.
While this is a true poem, I've included a number of video game titles (all of them are horror games). They're capitalized.
There's something missing,
Something lost.
We never speak about it, but we both know it's there.

Something that we both so desperately need.
It's just not fair. It really isn't.
Something that we can help each other with.
Why does everything have to be so wrong?
Something that will make us happy.
Nothing ever goes the way it should.
Something that will solve all our problems.

But it won't happen. And I don't think either of us knows why.
˙uʍop-ǝpᴉsdn ɹoʇᴉuoɯ ɹᴉǝɥʇ ƃuᴉuɹnʇ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ oʇ pǝᴉɹʇ oɥʍ ǝuoǝɯos sɐ sᴉɥʇ ʇnoqɐ pǝsnɟuoɔ sɐ ɯ,I
Every time, I'm disappointed
I shouldn't be, because it means I care too much about you.
You couldn't control it and even if you could, it doesn't matter
You've already done too much for me,

*But I'm selfish
Some are born with Starry eyes
Searching for the truth in all the lies
Does anyone understand their pain?
Emotions flow but still remain
How does it feel to know your soul?
Am I just an empty hole?
Becoming one in heart and mind
Passing all the tests of time
My heart was dim now it's bright
It can illuminate the darkest night
Took much pain to grow strong
Now I rise just like the dawn
Beautiful days with sunny skies
Reflected in your Starry Eyes
11-15-13 M.A.N
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