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 Dec 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
I write your echoes
In chalk and not in etchings
A shield for my heart.
 Dec 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
Though you’re as amorphous as the smoke I puff out, you’re much more toxic and I can’t seem to exhale you out of my system as easily.

Your name gets caught in my throat.

 Dec 2013 Sean Antonio Tyson
When we found out we weren’t the Center of the Universe
It shook the core of our collective selfish selves.

We called the findings blasphemous
We charged the scientists as heretics
We realized we were less than specks of dust
But worse off because metacognition is unrelenting.

After all these years
The stars remain indifferent to our presence
But we study them all the same
Doting them like a school girl obsessing over a secret crush
Extrapolating their composition while they don’t bat an eye
Humbled at the horrific beauty:
A lonely planet orbiting all too busy universe.
Rose Maloney sits in her chair
The room is dim
The floor is bare
And life for her is very grim.

Rose takes in sewing
It helps to pay the bills
Though it pays almost nothing
For her meagre skills.

Her children are playing in the yard
Not knowing their fate
Times for Rose are very hard
And the rent man won't wait.

Rose lost her husband, he drowned at sea
And she wishes he'd walk through the door
Tommy the youngest he's only three
There's Lizzie at six, and Billy at four.

A bowl of soup, a crust of bread
Their little faces washed clean
Then up the stairs off to bed
None of them too keen.

The rent man's waiting for his money
As Rose sells her husbands clothes
She knows life won't be milk and honey
So Rose Maloney sits and sews and sews..

© Hazel
Fair as the morning, bright as the day
Life changes, then passes away,
Bright as a sunbeam, pure as the dew,
We wake to see the beauty renew.

Over the river to the other side
Sun and moon shall still abide.
As the time passes over the sky,
Make good your farewell, make good your goodbye.

Only when you drink from the River of Silence
And the blue waves beat a steady cadence,
With other voices, Shall you indeed Sing,
When you reach your final resting.

© Hazel
A flash, a glimmer
Dreams o' Dreams
Everything you wish

A storm in my head
Chock full of
Cloudy memories

A dash of sunlight
It's now clear
What I want is here

It's all in my head
Dreams o' Dreams
Not just in the bed

My deepest wishes
Here they are
Swirling in the mist
This poem is made of multiple lunes using the pattern 5-3-5. In case anyone wanted to know. :)
feeling this morose and desolate
to the point of deep burning in my gut
is almost as tragic as the fact that
I feel this way with every inhalation

I have lost the ability to breathe
******* in death has become my life

I spun the wheel
Rolled the dice
Lay down the cards
Clicked my heels together twice
And I lost
This time
But it is not always so

Life is a gamble
A complicated game
Of twisted roads
Unknown faces
It is a dangerous risk that must be taken

Bet your money
Bet your life
Bet your love
Roll the dice
Shuffle the deck
Play the hand you are dealt

Up the Ante
Poker faced bluff
Hold them
Fold them
Take the ***
Sometimes you win
Sometimes you will lose
The choice to keep on playing
Is  always up to you
But if you posses the courage
Roll the dice

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby
That places me above
All others in their life
No matter the circumstances
Or strife

A promise
Never to hurt me
Or cruelly desert me
A bond
Lovers soft words
I will be the sunrise
In adoring loving eyes

I want a love
That will kiss my lips
Firmly demand
I will only belong to them

I want a love
That will treat my heart tender
Always remember
I would be loyal until my death
To them only
Never leave me sick and lonely

I want a love
That will not degrade me
Force me to relinquish
That what I hold most dear
Can you tell me
Does this exist

I want a love

This poem is copyrighted and stored in author base. All material subject to Copyright Infringement laws
Section 512(c)(3) of the U.S. Copyright
Act, 17 U.S.C. S512(c)(3), Tammy M. Darby
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