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8.3k · Oct 2013
The Exam Hall
Sean Oct 2013
In the solemn air of the exam hall.
With the weight of the world pressing against its walls.
Students write, scribble and scrawl.
In the solemn air of the exam hall.

In the solemn air of the exam hall
The burden is great with every stroke big or small.
Written on these papers their path in life.
In the solemn air of the exam hall.

In the solemn air of the exam hall.
Diarrhea of all sorts spill onto papers before.
Brain dead they are.
In the solemn air of the exam hall
1.1k · Sep 2013
A Place Like This
Sean Sep 2013
"Do you remember?" she asked. I do, I can't forget. A midnight trek ,an open field, her hand in mine, smile on her face, a countdown to an utopia lost. We found a spot. A little infinity to call our own, Back to back we talked, about the future, about the past, about the present. About the tapresy of stars in the sky she didn't want to see. About the shooting star I missed. Laughing we lamented about the chilly weather that we'll be sure to miss once we left this paradise. Smiling face to face, I asked, "What's your dream?". That reply was masked but truth be told, she whispered, mouth close to my ear," Each summertime. When love is finally ours. A place like this we'll spend in springtime
894 · Nov 2013
Her in a nutshell
Sean Nov 2013
Is this what you really seek?
Nothing more than a spark when both our eyes meet.
Just a little lust between locked lips.

You wouldn't know if rocks were hurled, love was thrown in your face, right at you. Lines are so blurred that love is lost within the gray.

You're a hopeless case, thinking life is perfect, yet you're not. Don't you see the flaw in your thoughts? Babe, for being able to appreciate these things makes you more beautiful in ways I can't repeat.

Or is this a lie?(I have trust issues, clearly, you can see.) To me I can only see that there no difference, for each word from your mouth is gospel truth, banishing all doubt that crept in, somehow.

Perhaps your past caught up with you. Changing the way you feel, turning your soul black & Ill. Least of all is what you know, that all these hurts makes you whole.

Yet sometimes I feel like I'm being played like a fool, like putty in your hands, bending to your will. But all my soul seems to hold tight to the vague image of things that aren't real.

All these thoughts rush through my head, as you sit on me and we swayed in the breeze. **** it. I think I'm still barking up the wrong tree, but someday, I'll find that special place for you & me. Just trust me on this, for I'm a *******
742 · Oct 2013
Sean Oct 2013
A commodity so sought after yet so scarce.

Our drug, our need, for we're the hopeless addicts.

Once broken, hard to mend.

I hope that you see the risk i take.
Knowing that trusting you is all it takes.
708 · Sep 2013
Sean Sep 2013
Everything is justified if it rhymes with a reason.

Lord, give me the strength to go through this season.

When pain is fruitful and love abandoned.

I can tell you that depression is my closest companion

You can throw me six feet under the mistakes of my own creation.

For I'm sure to drown, treading water in the sea of my own foolishness.
657 · Sep 2013
Love, Law, Trails
Sean Sep 2013
I'll have you tried for in the court of criminal law for crimes only I can see.

You must know that your pleas for clemency mean so little to me when our broken dreams lie shattered at your feet.

Lack of conscience, lack of fear, disrespecting the word of law is easy you see, for they hardly exist in the eyes at all.

The victim here is me and the guilty party is plain for all to see.

You're hereby guilty as charged for crimes against humanity and crimes against me.
600 · Oct 2013
The monsters under my bed
Sean Oct 2013
Growing up is a painful process,
Necessarily so.
Seeing through the mirage, looking through the glass.
You enter the part called growing up.
Tis the start of the worst to come.

Grownup yet never old, always learning, always hurting.
You thought this time its over, the price was paid the debt was dead.
The past and the future blend into one never leting you leave.
And the monsters just keep growing.

On your death bed,
The last part of growing up, the end of your days.
Pain seems to take a shape.
A familiar one you've knew all along.
Creeping ,crawling under places you've never looked but always knew.
With your final breath, the monsters under your bed greet you like an old friend
539 · Feb 2014
The Lovers
Sean Feb 2014
The lovers swim in a moonlit sea
The beautiful night sky reflected in their very eyes

The lovers fell apart as broken doors
One not wanting the other as much as they did before

The lovers stood in a storm to swords
Words and knives whisper as they fly by
They hold onto each other tight
To them, that was the only thing that felt right.

The lovers were lost in each other's arms.
Right to the day they died they were singing their sweet lullaby.

Tears was gems, diamonds on the floor reflective of fears they've lost.
The world was their oyster and they were the pearls, peas-in-a -pod, they exalt their God.

Lucky they be, to find another when their in need. Their love will never fade even when it reaches heaven's gate.

Lovers love and lovers die to become someone else when the sun no longer shines, and when the sweet moon finally fails and falls apart as it fades from sight. Will these lovers figure out what is truly right?
524 · Oct 2013
Capture This Moment
Sean Oct 2013
Capture this moment.
Yet again.
Slipping through your fingers like sand.
Vanishing like morning dew.
Being swallowed by quicksand, buried six feet under

Capture this moment.
Yet again.
But its already gone.
Disappeared around the corner.
Hidden behind the hills.
Sunk into a lake, never to be retrieved.

Capture this moment.
Think not of it.
To hold it in your hand.
For this moment in time,
Is gone yet again.
Sean Oct 2013
Do they even see what you go through? They don't but I swear I do.

Behind closed doors, hidden in yourself, crying, as the pain in your soul threatens to eat you whole.

Tears fall as you pull yourself into a ball, closer and closer ,edging towards the brink of a fall.

A fall into madness, a fall into fear, a fall to end all the things you hold dear.

But hold onto me, I'll pull you through, across the gap between me and you.

Penned onto paper, my sincere wishes for me and you.

So dear, fear not as it really only takes two. To conquer the word and the ******* it puts us through.
512 · Sep 2013
Sean Sep 2013
Clocks turn,Seasons change
Summer love was nothing but a memory of a bygone age.

Reds, Browns and Golds swirl around your feet. Uncovering old memories hidden in discreet.

Crunch, your feet go on a carpet of dry leaves. Reflecting the sound of memories crumbling in time.

Cry, let the tears roll freely in the season of fall. Freezing your heart over, readying it for the cold of winter's call.
490 · Oct 2013
Point of No Return
Sean Oct 2013
Tell me that you're not having second thoughts only now. You've said too much, you've shown how little I meant to you.

As you push me away, I accepted believing I wasn't deserving enough.

Yes, mabye I still am.

But as the angel flies, I'm left behind trying to purge a memory that refuses to leave me. Thrown into barbs, stuck in the mud, bruised and broken, I dusted off my wounds.

Torn and tattered, I tore myself free. I hear wing beats. I want to be deaf, I want to be blind, I don't want to feel. But deep down I do. I Truly do. It'll be a privilege to have my heart broken by you.
485 · Feb 2014
A toast to your body
Sean Feb 2014
A toast to your body,
A body so fine.
With eyes that tempt me and shut down my mind.
Mischievous breaths.
Shivers down your spine as I bury my head in your chest.

Relax a little, fool around while we're young.
Needy hands, Lustful lips
Love reserved for when its dark, it shows in your eyes.

Fingers running through hair and skin
For places to be.
Pull me a little closer tonight,
you'll be smiling this time.
Right and wrong matters not when I'm inside
436 · Oct 2013
Time to Forget
Sean Oct 2013
Give me a minute.

I'm trying to forget, the smell of her hair, the joy of her smile, the warm fuzzy feeling of her hand in mine, the look she gave me when I touched her perfect face for the very first time.

I'm trying to forget, but its hurts more than i can bear.

How can such sweet memories bear such pain within them? I should have known better, the contract explicit stated 'for only a week, we'll fly'.True to her words, sparks flew, but vanished in a blink of an eye. Oddly ,I'm the only one crashing after a flight.

Even as I curl up in bed with inaudible sobs, I'm trying to forget the feeling of running my fingers through her hair, her contagious laughter, the imperfections of previous romances.

Purging out the last of her, I though I was cleansed, I was free.

I was wrong.

I met an angel, yet she couldn't stay, as she flew off, she left a feather behind. I took it and stuck it on my cap. Yet when time comes to take it of, I can't, I really can't. Now I can't even pry my fingers away form the last reminant of her that I can cling onto.

Even as I look at the horizon where she has already faded out of sight, probably happy in another land, in another's arms.Here I am still trying to forget. Eventually, will I ever ?
389 · Feb 2014
The World
Sean Feb 2014
Broken bones and frazzled stones.
Rusty hands and hairs' split-ends
Broken spirit and barren soul.
This is what the world does to the fools we foster near to home.

Rising tides and turning waves,
Change comes on the winds of hurricanes
as it takes out chunks of your life.
A natural disaster in all but name, does the job all the same.

Fiery mountains and frigid poles
Very much representative of the extremes of your soul.
Forsaken depths and heights of solitude, highs and lows of a life so cold
348 · Jul 2015
Sean Jul 2015
Tender youth is so very short,
We exalt our battles as though we already won,
Romance our tragedies with stories and songs,
Yet live in the moment like our future's foregone.

— The End —