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 Feb 2017 SE Reimer
I find some amazing things when I am
not looking for them, they seem to find me:
forty bucks in the parking lot of Dollar General,
when I walked  there with a pocketful of change
to buy a cheap cigar, so nicotine
a dog left in the country by somebody,
the best behaved most loyal black labrador,
when I was lonely as ******* hell,
and she is now my shadow,
kittens in the laundry room and a
mama looking up at me like , I am sorry,
when I had lost my best friend the week before,
her a cat lover and animal hoarder,
and I calmed the mother cat and said I know
you are in heaven Marge, Thank you for
letting me see!
 Feb 2017 SE Reimer
Emily B
I've worked so hard
to blend into the woodwork
I knitted myself
an invisibility cloak
and I wear it
everywhere I go

because if they can't
see me
then they can't hurt me

one of these days
when my nightmares
stop killing me

maybe I will begin
to reappear again
 Feb 2017 SE Reimer
Valsa George
The old man gazed at the sun about to set
And its molten core soon to dissolve in the sea
Scratching his head with tremulous hands
And running his fingers on the stubble of his unshaven face
He held once more tight to his wheel chair

Casually he had a glance at his hands
Those dry, weak and shriveled hands
Gone wrinkled with passing years!
His hands once so busy are now limp
His days once so brisk are now long and dull

He noticed the discolored patches on his skin
Under them the lattice of tortuous veins on the dorsum
They run down to join with the bigger ones
Like small rivulets flowing towards larger rivers

      He remembered how the streams from summits
So vigorously come down with a gush
Also the noisy cataracts somersaulting down,
Leaving reverberating echoes all around
But they produce only a soft musical sound
As they join with the rivers and pass through plains
And finally end in a kind of hushed stillness
Just before merging with the sea!

The old man philosophized;
Life too, is like a river
Fierce and ferocious when one is young
Gentler and sedate after middle age
And slow and sloppy in old age
With this calm acceptance of the need to de accelerate
Wrapping himself in the shawl against the growing cold
He turned away from the window.

Pushing his wheel chair,
He moved forward,
Knowing no haste…..
Towards his bed for another night’s tired sleep!
Though I dread old age, I love old people especially those who are uncomplaining, spending the evening of their life in quiet resignation! I was inspired to write this after a visit to an old man- a distant relative of me, now on a wheel chair!
Fasten your waistband
Put on your shoes
The pigtails shine under the sun
The little doll you're hugging now
Will die tomorrow
Come on
The window was staring at us
Demanding breath
Have you ever noticed the
blueness of everything in the morning ?!
I love this blue
Our white skin with the livid lips
Your eyes were touchable
through the blue fences
Where did you leave your doll ?
I'm so sad
Ouch !
Your waistband is open
Haven't you noticed ?
It's ok
I'll fasten it
Don't cry
The windows have been daydreaming
Always .

بندینک ات را ببند
جوراب ات را بپوش
دم گوشی ها در آفتاب روشن می شوند
عروس کوچکی را که در آغوش گرفته ای
فردا خواهد مرد
پنجره به ما زل می زد
نفس می خواهند
هیچ دقت کرده ای
در صبحی که هنوز خورشیدش درنیامده
همه چیز آبی رنگ است
من این آبی را دوست دارم
پوست تن مان سفید بود
...در لب هایی که کبود می شوند
از میان نرده های آبی رنگ
چشمانت لمس می شدند
عروسکت را کجا گذاشته ای!؟
من خیلی ناراحتم
!!! بندینک ات باز شده
تو فهمیده بودی!؟
اشکالی ندارد
من برایت می بندم
گریه نکن
پنجره ها همیشه خیال کرده اند
 Feb 2017 SE Reimer
Mohd Arshad
Repentance not only cures the heart
But also brings one closer to God
 Feb 2017 SE Reimer
phil roberts
When the moon is full
A shiny silver disc
I'd steal it and roll it along
Like a hoop with a stick
All the way to your door
And give it you as a gift

Then I'd reach up to the sky
And grab the brightest stars
I'd gather them together
And place them in a jar
So you could let them loose
When the night is dark

And when the weather's bad
And the sky is dark with rain
I'd fill my lungs with air
And blow those clouds away
Then I'd push the sun over you
So you'd come out to play

I'd knock on your front door
And greet you with grace and style
Then I'd sing and dance foolishly
Just to make you smile
In fact, I would do anything
To make you happy for a while

                                                By Phil Roberts
Souls entwined
Hearts connected

Minds in tune
Destined fate collected.*

By Lady R.F ©2017
 Feb 2017 SE Reimer
I was never a rose,
But green
Not a chrysanthemum,
Nor an orchid
Something cut,
Walked upon
And yet,
You were the dew
And kissed me,
With a thousand moist kisses
Making me sparkle
In the sunrise
Well, I didnt even know this was chosen as the daily till just a second ago. Thank you all so very much!
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