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 Oct 2013 Schanzé
First there is the prep.
The roommate.
Wearing salmon colored pants.  
He has Shaggy from ****** Doo
On his left thigh.
The alcoholic.
She has a drinking problem.
She is in denial of her drinking problem.
She hangs out with the loners.
The loners.
Unkempt, unattractive and fat in all the wrong places.
The blond looks like Tom Petty.
The one with dark hair, glasses and braces
They live next door.
Living together but segregated. 
Wild cards.
All of us.

©Gambit '13
 Oct 2013 Schanzé
 Oct 2013 Schanzé
the wounds
you left
in my scarred
heart are greater
than the scars
i wear on
my wrists
i'm feeling
so depressed
because you're
miles away
and i'm sitting
here all alone
 Oct 2013 Schanzé
I did not even know the man
I only glimpsed his face
But since 5:30 this afternoon
He is all that has consumed my thoughts

I saw his last moments
I watched them play out before me
As his car swerved into the next lane and
Off the road
As the trees enveloped him and hid him from view

The rest was a blur

My father and two workmen
Good Samaritans who gave no second thought
To their own safety
As they hurried across the road to save the life of the stranger
Who was breathing his final breaths

I wondered what he was thinking
What he was feeling
In those final moments
Who were the faces that swirled through his brain
As his final tears streamed down his bruised and ****** face
Did he know people cared
Enough to save a man
They did not even know?
Or did he feel alone,
Did he feel no one would weep in his absence?

Volunteers tossed branches aside
As thorns cut into their thighs and sweat trickled down their faces
They threw the driver's side door open and I watched their faces grow solemn

His last breaths were ones of agony
And then he felt nothing

Time of death, 5:30 PM

I hope he knew that someone cared
I hope he knew he wasn't alone
And though I do not know him
Though I barely glimpsed his face
I hope he knows that I will never forget him
For he will be the reason
I begin to truly live
 Oct 2013 Schanzé
 Oct 2013 Schanzé
What, tell me,
is this lead in my brain?
When was it placed there?
Why have I abstained
from those nonsensical stories
I wrote as a kid?
Little mind unscathed,
silly thoughts untampered with.
I was such a quick thinker,
the reel never quit
What happened to the cheeky me
full of bravery and wit?
Now this heart's always pounding,
mind full of wanton dread
I suppose I'll start by peeling
Let's say off with my head!
Layer by layer
hold fast in its stead
One thought at a time now,
'til I'm back from the dead
 Oct 2013 Schanzé
Francisco DH
The cold morning air taunted us while we waited.
I took a seat, book in hand and used the words to block out the outside world known as my reality.
I was quite content with how the words seem to wrap themselves around me, warm me, love me then I heard my name.
My name is the only thing that can take the words, twist the words, and break the words so they may come down, no longer able to protect me.
“I keep forgetting that you are gay, you don’t act it.”

Maybe it’s because when words are not enough to keep others out I flip the switch and act straight.
Maybe it’s because I know that expressing my true inner feelings could get eyebrows to raise and eyes to glare, could get people to snicker and laugh behind my back and have their hands protect the words that they let drain into others ears.
Maybe it’s because at home one dim glow of light in any shape or form could make my shoulder freeze as my mother turns to her phone trying her best to ignore me.
Maybe it’s because at school one friend might be the same as me but when their parents arrive I need to protect them like a mother bear protecting the young.
Maybe it’s because I like the things that I do, the things I say, the way I walk, the way I talk, the way I sing, the way I laugh, the way I smile at romance.
Maybe it’s because that’s just the way I am.
The shattered mirror tells the story,
of a girl who said she had no worries.
A girl who thought she wasn't pretty,
what a pity.

A girl who thought she wasn't thin,
or at least not thin enough.
A girl who would **** to hold someone's hand,
but couldn't find the love.

A girl who spent her Friday's alone,
in her bedroom crying.
A girl who didn't like the idea of living,
and preferring the idea of dying.

A girl who rose,
only to fall,
and lose it all.

A girl who took,
a precious life,
in the middle of the night.

The shattered mirror tells the story,
of a girl who said she had no worries.
Copyright Barry Pietrantonio
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