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Burning desire
With a flickering flame
A bright shining sword
With a double edged blade.

It's win or lose
Sink or swim
This ocean of possibilities
That I'm drowning in.

But there's no single way
To define who I am
So why even try?
Labels aren't worth a ****.
People are not cans of soup that can be labeled. We are who we are and that can so easily change.
Ask 7 different people who I am and you'll end up with 8 different answers.
Really bothers me when people try to live by or up to their labels. And when other give them, ruining potential possibilities.

Take your pick, you know you slick but what would you do to get it?


Have you had enough? Do you give  a ****? or is it just my luck?


What are they to you? Just one or two? You're on the run for breaking them all.
Dedicated to Bobby Trice, Willem Cole Traupel, and Haley Ristow*

Spilled sodas
and spilled hearts.
Smoked cigarettes
and smoked days.

The snow has ceased falling, and my mood has continued climbing.
What used to be a dark shade of orange, an orange haze,
is now a light, gentle shade of white.
Crisp and clear.

And as I shoveled the drive way,
I thought of the less than extraordinary Sunday
and how extraordinary it was.

And as I looked into my cigarette pack, finding it empty,
I remembered a quote the director of our school play had said
"Do not cry because it's over, smile because it happened"
And I guess it's silly to think of a pack of Organic American Spirits in the same shade of white that others think of a school play.
Maybe it's not so much the cigarettes but the people I shared them with.
The people I love.
My bestfriends.
Bobby, Haley, and Willem, I love you all dearly and will forever hold you close to my heart.
That was corny.
**** all y'all.
Wait around not used to my potential
Done things on all levels
Do not belittle or dismiss how I feel
You vent all the time
No solution how to deal with mine
I seek answers don't settle for compromise
Sometimes theres no explain
Things happened the way they do not being fooled
Live the truth over a lie
I like to think of angels sometimes
When I sit aside, alone
Could they be my friends
Perhaps, guardians are homely
But that's not something I can pretend
They work upon wrath and belief
Living skies above and strongly
Sad, I think of friends as miracles
When I looked into the crystal ball
hoping to see my future
I saw only my face, twisted and swirled out of proportion.
And at first I thought maybe it's not the right kind of crystal
or maybe there is no way to see the future
but then I thought maybe there is.
Maybe I did see the future.
And I'm just too scared to realize it.

Last night,
I lost myself.
I became twisted and swirled.
As the smoke came out of my lungs so did my convictions.

As the hash burned gently in the hookah
the snow fell gently from the sky.
As the laughter poured heavily from our hearts,
the general disbelief fell heavily from our heads.

And as I looked into the crystal ball,
I laughed.
I knew the ball was really like water,
always changing, always shifting.
And just like water, it refracts light in strange ways.
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