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Nov 19 · 48
My Silver Home
Satsih Verma Nov 19
Can you share your
success? You give pain to everyone.
You were stealing the happiness of poors.

A priceless stigma to be
lifted from the cemetery of the
creative zombies. I am turning back all the gods.

The truth has no names
no home. Only souls live to wait
for the white bodies.
Nov 17 · 209
Satsih Verma Nov 17
No word walks with
me. I am tired like a smoke bird,
waiting for my lost love.

My future was a sin,
I will not speak of the past. When Borax
fails, I fall at the feet of my palm.

Eyes are cheap. But
response gives the empty bowl
filled by the moon last night.
Nov 16 · 46
In Moon Light Shade
Satsih Verma Nov 16
The moon rises with
stone-face. I wanted to see the
pulse of water. The sodium melts.

I am writing my age
in your palm to see the
attachment of golden tears.

Let the blood flow
from your thumb, before you
shoot the chest of a peacock.
Nov 15 · 38
Return my Love
Satsih Verma Nov 15
It is tragic, when
the road ends. The ignorance
takes me to the sea. Where is my hunger?

A humanoid *****
and you become a snake. Where
was the last man in history?

You want to live
till the day of judgement. The king of
darkness always shines.
Nov 11 · 62
Who was Celibate?
Satsih Verma Nov 11
Your coin will stay
with you. The tiger sleeps in
his cage. The scorpion turns black.

This was an avalanche.
My gravity has increased to
attract the moon. But there is no space.

Do not walk on the
burning truths. Lies have become
sweet to be tasted.
Nov 10 · 53
Murder on the Table
Satsih Verma Nov 10
Luminous, your head
rests on my chest. I pick the soil
under your feet and apply it on your forehead.

The old love speaks
in a different language. Now the
meaning has changed into greek.

I do not know when
the day ends with the sun. The
guest will come in the dark.
Nov 9 · 47
In Twilight
Satsih Verma Nov 9
A dream without
a dreamer wants to reach
birth pain.

Where would you
go in the dark to taste the
secret right to burn?

A corona of scented
thorns on your head attracts
the queen bees.
Nov 8 · 60
The Twisted Hands
Satsih Verma Nov 8
What I need now?
Except, the broken glass. The
love has spilled the venom.

You will not drink the
moon, conjured. The gold intervenes.
And counting of bricks begins.

What was the authentic
hate? Because the lips leave the prints
of a viper. The book starts burning.
Nov 7 · 49
I am Not Through
Satsih Verma Nov 7
In a massive attack
of pain you jumped to celebrate
the sins. The aura was magnified.

Why to be arraigned
the falling star in sea to start the
water burial of truth for ever.

I will not ignite
the heap of wood, till I talk with
the soul. Why do you want to go with the dead?
Nov 6 · 68
I Am Living and Dying
Satsih Verma Nov 6
In sadness, a cuckoo
sings. Does not want to lay eggs in
others' nest. What is the secret of undying?

In my rival's eyes, my
name was written in blood. Give
something to hurt me. My poetica shines.

I want to feel like
a beautiful cherry weeping tree
with limp branches touching the earth.
Nov 5 · 49
Slaughter of Songs
Satsih Verma Nov 5
Watching in the
dark. My pain was a big pain, came
after the solo attack of flowers.

No indictment. The
local body suffers for hush love.
The prayers forget the gods.

In **** water, the
soul takes a bath and then enters
the dead who wants to live.
Nov 4 · 39
My Cupped Eyes
Satsih Verma Nov 4
In the loneliness, it should never
be. Why do you always love the death
of roses to bury the beautiful past.

No help of any elegy.
It was separated after the fugitive
tornado, as light on the moon.

Water and Agni, I play
with both, like tears and smiles.
My name always tells the truth.
Nov 3 · 59
Our Shadow
Satsih Verma Nov 3
To see every one, listen
and to find the true blood to
bury in water forever.

Perhaps arrogance
spoils the sanctity of courage.
Pray for the unknown to come.

Don't burn the night.
You cannot stop the hour of uncertainty.
Not this pain was mine, not yours.
Satsih Verma Nov 2
You don't walk with
the time opening the heart. Somewhere
the earth cracks in the dark age.

Is it the end coming?
I will be taking an aim at the
moon. There was a fear of homicide.

At my ninety I plan an
apology. The myths are still surrounding
me. This is the language of cheetahs.
Nov 1 · 47
No Visual Sorrow
Satsih Verma Nov 1
Going to save my
trust. A legend is born in empty hands.
Sacred kisses become bitter.

It was a dharma,
to give an emotional wound. The eyes
open when you come out of the womb.

A divine fault. We
walk in the opposite direction from the
home. I scream to meet the creator.
Oct 31 · 246
The Years are Gone
Satsih Verma Oct 31
I had been cheated.
O goddess. I am still untouched
by you. Your eyes were very brief.

Ferocious of your dusty
skin. I weep with willow, and live
in your heart as offered of venom.

Let the Balsam become
impatient and desire requiem of
the big lotus in dried water.
Oct 30 · 55
Every Sound of Pain
Satsih Verma Oct 30
I have to say
nothing to more than my hundred
poems, who will want you.

From a star to the
moon, a river flows to touch the
untouched immortality. But the sun dies.

What is the meaning
of life? Will you smile or cry? Tell me
the external pain has turned white?
Oct 29 · 75
Why Om Shanti?
Satsih Verma Oct 29
From the lips I cannot read
me, your love. The fierce life has a high
price. It is poetry of embraces.

What would I do to reach
the milestone? It would be better to go
nowhere to find the dust of a tornado.

How many lessons, you need
to remain human .The ****** give and take
reflect the fall of drinking tears.
Oct 28 · 28
My Untold Agony
Satsih Verma Oct 28
The peers sometimes get
the ****** rebukes, but the new
sovereignty suffers. Who will make an apology.

Your flesh leaves the
footprints. Bones measure the calcium
of stones. But the heart bleeds.

It is difficult to get
full meaning of sitting under the
Bo tree. The honey bees will not hang their nests.
Satsih Verma Oct 27
Face to face, but
not talking, in defiance of the unknown.
Who stands on a wall to write destiny?

Will you improve
yourself? I did not know the smoke
was rising. The world will not stop.

The last god feels
through the pain. A shadow cast tells
you, why not seek asylum from the poorest.
Oct 26 · 51
And you move Away?
Satsih Verma Oct 26
Brutal, was it not?
Love and pain? Because god
was man made? Who makes the deity?

The creation. Was it
an accident? I walk slowly on
the thorns of red roses.

Would you exist without
invisible? The being was sorrowful.
Who will wipe off the moon's stigma.
Oct 25 · 47
What Innocencec
Satsih Verma Oct 25
In half-moon
you have been crying inside,
where the light has gone?

I learn from you
small things like kissing
the blood of the thumb-

When the arrow was
shot towards the tiny eye
of a dead snake.
Oct 21 · 52
Is it the Chronology?
Satsih Verma Oct 21
Again the salt lake in
my eyes spills. This world will
ever become happy one day?

Kafka, why were you
so sensitive? A melancholy teacher
becomes a god of the poor student.

How is it, the right
becomes wrong. Your chapter belongs
to the philosophy of the death of man.
Oct 20 · 51
Extreme Drowsiness
Satsih Verma Oct 20
Unfinchigly, I come
to explore the reason for fall
to explain the expired truth.

See you from evening
to moon, the unknown secrets of
incidents to open the pages of rare love.

I sleep in the books
to become a transgender. The home
has masculinity to **** the sparrows.
Oct 19 · 153
No Retreat
Satsih Verma Oct 19
It was the ascent of
lies. The truth wants to say goodbye,
for empathetically in dignity.

You wear the stars in
darkness and sleep with the moon
on the cacti in the desert of love.

The cosmos permits
to be devoured to make a new
godism and genera and species.
Oct 18 · 43
No Fault
Satsih Verma Oct 18
After the long wait
I forgot how to kiss the flames.
All the moons failed.

The world would
freeze, when I burned and
the phoenix did not dive.

Listen, I love you within
me O god to feel your pulse
when I decided to **** me.
Oct 17 · 54
Makes the Man
Satsih Verma Oct 17
This was my signature
blood. I will think about you. Are
you all right? Almost all the love has collapsed.

What was your lasting
pain ?What was humanistic fear
in telling the truth of one ******?

The same tears of moon
I don't want to swipe in sunlight
I have now stopped asking.
Oct 15 · 44
Forsaken for You
Satsih Verma Oct 15
When life gives a
magnitude shake, putting the
barricades, the vacuum becomes cruel.

The half-love cannot
give the ecstacy of sacrifice. Who will
inherit the land of brutal violence?

Memory itself makes you

restless. I am going to be a martyr.
Attachment also gives pain.
Oct 13 · 54
Thinking at Midnight
Satsih Verma Oct 13
Your words were
desiccated. No blood was spread.
Only meaning was a killer

Two headed with
two brains, the enemy slaps his face.
Do not rub your feet on sparks.

I follow the hemlock,
whisper to the moon. The humanity
suffers. Nothing enchants.
Oct 12 · 52
I am Searching a God
Satsih Verma Oct 12
Not possible to become
you. My heart stops beating. It was not
possible to carry a thought to ******.

The plasticity of man
takes him to an ocean. But he will
not swim to become a sculpture.

Will you wear a frail
gown to cover your wounds, so that
one should not come for sympathy?
Oct 11 · 50
Will Not Eat the Cake
Satsih Verma Oct 11
Between you and you, there
was a pariah. It was a catastrophe.
And you want human rights.

We need gods. Love
was elementary. You were fighting
with yourself, after giving your blood.

Were there thugs in
our home? Why are you taking off
the wig. Bald eagle flies very fast.
Oct 10 · 50
I Know You
Satsih Verma Oct 10
Again my headache
starts. You were possessed by
the uselessness of humanity.

The man and the
bo tree. The message is clear.
You have to carry the ax now.

The goddess has met
you out of the temple to see
how the world is behaving.
Oct 9 · 40
My Philosophy
Satsih Verma Oct 9
I don't want you
to go. It is time not to look back.
Our religion is changing very fast.

The knowledge hurts.
Everything meets the god. This is your
last encounter to believe.

Can a man love a
man? But a melancholy breaks
the garden. Nobody builds a dream.
Oct 8 · 50
No Need of Pain
Satsih Verma Oct 8
Why moon was
limping tonight-like you. The war
will continue. Days are heavy.

Why do you feed me
to climb Venus? When the pain
blooms, the love will have a new birth.

The ego should not
develop. Your hand may not be
cool, when you are taking something.
Oct 7 · 54
It was Void
Satsih Verma Oct 7
You love to do
nothing? I will come when the
moon dips. I will talk with stars.

It is black sky.
And I am searching for the sun which
is cooling slowly.

How can you collect
the lost love. Allegiance was with the patriarch.
What happened to make your face brown.
Oct 5 · 82
To End the Poem
Satsih Verma Oct 5
When you walk
on the moon in February, I take down
the clouds to become wet.

Your memory lingers.
I gather the monarchs to
play with my pain,

I am not sure, when the
dark moves on to give space to
imprisoned pain.
Oct 4 · 41
Who is Gone?
Satsih Verma Oct 4
I will foresee your
beauty to see through the water of tears.
You want to **** the darkness?

The vision of the wounds
appear and disappear. As far as I
remember, the Karma is your Almighty.

What is, and what is
not. You will not reach the end of
love. It haunts you when you sit on the pyre.
Oct 3 · 72
Weird Creativity
Satsih Verma Oct 3
Can we speak wordlessly?
What is a crime? You rise on the tall
tree to see the world and fall to smell the dust.

Each word comes from euthanasia.
Who was the last vendor? You want to
purchase, tell me **** the lines.

The soul has a skin.
Keep on changing to rebuild the mind.
Are you ready for the treatment?
Oct 2 · 58
Life was My Enemy
Satsih Verma Oct 2
How much land you
possess to stand on? Fading of age helps.
One day you will go or I will go.

The sculptor on sand
makes a sculpture of
river flowing without water.

Like we are empty.
The love has dried up in the eyes
to complete the story midway.
Oct 1 · 63
Why do you Follow Me?
Satsih Verma Oct 1
This was my seminal
pain. I have to find out to see
the course of the heart will take place.

Hail to you, walking
with me to celebrate on the river.
I don't feel bad, if I was someone else.

The love on the page
smiles. Red lips would leave the
imprint of fingers on the blanket.
Sep 30 · 72
In our own Temple
Satsih Verma Sep 30
Between direct and
indirect lies futurism. How
to take on the incredible?

Will you leave my
hand? I asked the scented wind.
In sanctuary god takes turns.

You speak via eyes. How
to live in sanctum -sanctorum
without dying?
Sep 27 · 59
Where do we Go?
Satsih Verma Sep 27
Tearing my memoir,
I beseech eternal peace. Will we
start the war between love and hate?

No soothing effect comes
from the language. Like poems
invite consoles anytimes.

I hate bread. It brings the
holocaust. Ends life. Dying under
the walls. Do you like ruin's?
Satsih Verma Sep 26
Something genderless
lives in me. My body was a screen.
The pain travels in blue veins.

When you are bathed
in tears, I become you. Is that true?
The procession rusticates the dharma.

Why coexistence starts
the fight domino style and
wears a living ghost to change the god.
Satsih Verma Sep 25
Searching poetry in you,
the other name of life, when you hold
a firefly in your palm.

When the first tear
drops from the eyes of a sparrow
the poem is written in first light.

When you have no words
to say goodbye and lips try to say
without voice, the poem starts.
Sep 23 · 187
Not Proud
Satsih Verma Sep 23
Wisdom reinvents.
You were burning yourself.
Just don't go my way.

It is the power game
you never played. You may
be sold out in a fish market.

Life demands a pound
of flesh. You walk on cinders
to reach the desert to find gold.
Sep 21 · 52
What is my Hope?
Satsih Verma Sep 21
I have to write
but what? To feel I am something?
The magnesium will decide.

Which was an ode
to madness? The rapture has no age.
You want to be born like snow.

The lips have lost
the smile. Would ever the wounds
heal in the presence of faith?
Sep 20 · 75
Merciless Eyes
Satsih Verma Sep 20
This will be my gothic
poem after cogitation. My enigma
will wait till the grief brings the love.

The attachment was with a
Neptune, who had the silent funeral
after walking over the wall of pain.

Why do you make excuses
to continue your existence with a smoky face?
A sudden flare burnt the heart.
Sep 16 · 67
My Love was Inevitable
Satsih Verma Sep 16
Have you made a
blunder? Your clandestine step
goes back, as if rising from dead.

What was the truth
this or that, jumping on the burning
pyre? Like standing on the trash mountain?

In your dreams, I will
come to pay back the blood of
bald eagle on final departure.
Sep 13 · 284
The Lingering Death
Satsih Verma Sep 13
Time to make a sin.
The blood will not go back. Any
voice will become very dark.

The earth was an earth.
When my heart cries and the stones
make a beautiful temple.

My hands do not move
to catch the truth. The moon will
say, once the sun was my son.
Sep 11 · 106
Our Love is Ticking
Satsih Verma Sep 11
Everything I give to
you, to purge and touch the purity
of truth. Life has made me a broker.

You will never let it
happen, your unpredictable laugh
will break my invincibility.

There is no wait between
us, still we are bound to carry the
burden of an ocean of scars.
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