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 Feb 2022 Sarah Locklin
Shaun Yee
Subtle washing of the brain,
unlike its laundry counterpart,
does proceed with patience and slowness,
to invisibly change the mind and heart;
In minutes or an hour,
The laundromat will be all done,
but sophisticated brain washing,
takes a longer time to finish its run.
most of us are brainwashed one way or other
Repair my broken vessels
My muscles aching from pain
My mind melding
Isanity at my bedroom door

Fill me up
Keep me alive
Make the sweat worth it
Help me forget the tears
 Feb 2022 Sarah Locklin
For my Enchanted Woodland Fairy
Who is so very sweet
She always encourages me
With the sweetest of words
She loves me and I her
She has little fluttering wings
And she has a crown of rosebuds
Sitting upon her pretty hair
Today is my Fairy's Birthday
She will eat the most sweetest cake
And drink the most wonderful honeysuckle dew
With her lips of cherry
She kisses the flowers sweet
She weaves the most prettiest gowns
For the other little Fairy folk
Who use those gowns to dance in
Under the Enchanting Moonlight
That dances through my bedroom at Night
She is a sweet Fairy with a pretty
Her has the prettiest ringlets
That I ever did see
She dances through the rain and through the snow
And yes, you've guessed it
Her name is Adreishka Moonlight Luciano

Happy Birthday, dear Fairy!!! I love you!!!! I hope you enjoy this!!! :) ~<3
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