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PA, USA    Read my poems and you will be educated on the enigma that is I. Teacher, husband, father, cyclist, reader, writer, hiker, unemployed model......(not necessarily in …
Nigel Obiya
Mombasa, Kenya    I am Kenyan The typical Kenyan The one that dislikes his government But loves his heritage The Kenyan that can take a running joke... and …
M Clement
Oregon    I write for me, but I hope you resonate. That resonation means more than you will ever know. Thank you for taking your time with …
Constance Alexandra
26/F/Halifax    A lover in a dangerous time.
oh me oh my
Contact me at Tumblr-
Kida Price
On the planet    "Conformity is only societies way of saying, "Misery loves company."- A personal quote I've created that would justify never leaving my comfort zone. Impressed yet?
Bangladesh    I let the nature to be my companion and teacher...
Ryan Bowdish
Seattle, WA    Loneliness is great for life lessons... But it's not what life is for. I'd like to give myself to you, In a way that you …

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