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When the last memory says
I have to remember
all the layers that whisper in these rooms.  
My fingers become blind
to the passing warmth of years
my lips have forgotten
way too soon.

I always knew
the rambling name
of the nights when I smiled
at the voices of the stars.  
This is when I felt the air lingering
inside of a time
when I knew I could stand
where you are.

Faded hours fall
from my childhood scars
like solemn words set fire in streams
to all I speak.  
Still, I accept your arms
and give you all my love,
no breath of mine will sleep.

A knowing is left
like a sound subdued in my ear,  
and I savor the notion
that your words lie underneath.  
I read each line
one more time....until,
the end of us
is a tear
I'll never weep.
Copyright @2013 - Neva Flores - Changefulstorm
A Heartless act
   I let you put your signature
                       in my throbbing heart,
how could you heartlessly erase it,
               unheeding my pleadings and part?
                                                #          ­  

                                                              ­                    **Wistful thought about the one who left

                                                          ­                                                  #              ­                                                   
             ­                                                                 ­      Without a word, she left,
                                                           ­                                       her soft whispers still reverberate,
                                                    ­                                   would she remember our days together,
                                                                ­                                 I realize, her silent presence was my succor.
                                                         ­             #
A dream, time unspecified-
desires descend to my thought,
standing on the side lines,
avoiding the cacophony of the crowd,
excited about her finesse,
I watch her waltz,
                                 oh! those gliding steps!
On the pool of light, round and round
she circles like an angel possessed,
"Today she sets foot on the next step,
to the future.Years sit on her shoulders
gentle.See her beaming, an oil lamp!"

Tomorrow is waiting outside  this hall,
with bated breath, I am aware,
The cheering crowd's cynosure she is,
their eyes, butterflies, flutter around her,
then my eyes catch this, none else did, I am sure,
a drop of sweat, doused in her fragrance,
a diamond, finely chiselled it looked to me,
glitters on her chin, such a lovely sight,

Her partner in waltz just doesn't notice.
And I thought,"My God! she is gorgeous"
And it falls, the diamond, though so far,
I extend my hand and grab it, what a magic-
I share with her?
Who can know
of all her thoughts
and of what she knows
did she come from a strange world
from some where within
or maybe the moon or the stars
she makes me feel like
i have the devil in my shoes
making me dance
to the ever glittering light
that shines in her hair
but here she is
that princess
of the sand
i look around and hope to find that princess behind
my princess of the sand.
I tried to write a poem
about something else but you
all I write about is love
not a single more would do.

I started thinking elsewhere
peering to the corners of my mind
it’s been so long since I’ve been here
and so cobwebs I did find.

Then I looked around my room
at my books and at my bed
I drift to a time I wish was now
holding hands, under covers while we read.

I flip on the blank television
to try and find me something new
but when I see two lovers kiss
it only brings me back to you.

I go outside in hopes to find
a gust of wind to ******* back
but all I feel is the pouring rain
and some lightning trying to crack

So now I sit here staring
at my paper and at my pen
after all that I should have known
it’d be about you in the end.
 Oct 2012 Sarah LeMarier
Sometimes she is a steam train,
All fire and noise, sizzling, powerful
Too hot to touch …

And sometimes she is tree
Growing, blossoming, strengthening and seeding,
Increasing to a golden leafed complexity,
Before disrobing once more

And yet she is too a river, deep with secrets,
Wide with acceptances, bubbling and meandering and
flowing gentle round obstacles

Then is love the water that makes all her ways possible?
For then rain cannot disappoint
Tis drought I fear most.
The trouble with Cancerians is that they need a whole ocean!
Check out “Feeling Crabby” from last year if you want to know more along that line :)

Rob © 2012
I had my first legal bar experience last night.
I went to Kildaire's Irish Pub in West Chester,
and it was definitely a low key night,
which I liked a lot, because I'm no drinker.
Started it off with a Vegas bomb,
then a Yeager bomb, three red-headed *****,
some Soco and lime, two green tea shots,
and ended my drinks with a bud light.
I made it out of the bar without puking,
which completely surprised me...
The most powerful movement I felt though
was through the karaoke machine,
There was a marvelous energy booming
through the bar, whether the singer
was good or terrible everybody enjoyed.
It made me realize that I want to try
something with my poetry... Spoken Word.
Thank you God!
Today is my 21st birthday, this is a little recollection of last night!
 Oct 2012 Sarah LeMarier
JM Romig
I'm lifted.
Floating to the place where I'm just high enough off of the ground to feel the boundless freedom
and just low enough that coming down won't hurt me a bit.
I'm seven again.
On the playground where me and my schoolyard buddies used to play tag.
I would have never imagined in my youth that two of those kids would be gone
by my senior year of high school.
None of that matters now.
Randy is seven too, and he doesn't even know what alcohol is yet.
Sarah is six again, and has yet to know that your heart can be broken.
Dan is "it", and all the girls are running from him.
but this was a time before the needle and before the germ.
Back than they ran from him because he was "it",
now they run from him because they don't wanna catch "it".
No one would have guessed it,
That this was our fate.
That we would ever grow older.
That we would ever grow up.
That five students of our graduating class would be mothers.
That two of my best friends would be dead.
None of that matters now,
I'm seven again.
We're playing tag.
The swingset is a safe zone.
No one can touch me here.
Copyright © 2011 J.M. Romig. All rights reserved
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