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 May 2013 Sarah H Winston
like fools, we dove into the shallow end.
head first. blind to the danger.
the jump itself was bliss.

fingers interlocked, laughter pouring from our mouths,
eyes bewitched and sparkling naively.
we were childlike. godlike. untouchable.

however our euphoria ended abruptly
at the reality of the encroaching cement bottom -
awaiting our skulls

but by the time we realized what was happening
it was too late.
you cannot stop gravity.

the smiles faded from our mouths.
and we went down,
down, down.

no hope for air.
no flailing limbs.
no final breath.

not a chance at revival.

we were dead on impact.

we never got to swim.
Cool, wet ringlets form in my hair,
Sweet aroma of precipitation.
Eyes wide open to a world widely shut,
All I can hear is its splashing
against the warm, solid grass
and the blacktop beneath my running feet.
Such a vast and beautiful place this is.
So, I halt to throw out my arms,
close my eyes,
and lay my head back
to just feel...
To feel the crash against my skin,
to feel the sun and rain collide
to feel the breath of the clouds surround me,
to feel fully alive.
I never knew I could trust someone
Until I met you

I never knew how beautiful I look when I smile..
Until I met you

I never knew how good laughter is
Until I met you

I never knew love could be so sweet
Until I met you

I never knew touches are warm
Until I met you

I never knew a simple walk on the beach
could be so special
Until I met you

I never knew the vocabulary of LOVE
Until I met you

I never knew a kiss could hold my breath away
Until I met you..

I never knew holding hands and hugging...
Could give me a sensational feeling…
Until I met you...

I never knew I could love someone
as much …
Until I met you…..
 May 2013 Sarah H Winston

Music is my heart and soul.

When I hit that key,
It reminds me,
of all the memories....

Where would we be,
if music was not a part of history.

Look at everything.
If we were to never sing,
There would be nothing.

Music is a part of thee,
A part of history.

It's what makes you and me,
so unique.

We have our own taste.
You will embrace
that pace.... of the music.....

Don't be haste,
it's been placed here in front of you for a reason.
I left my window open last night
Praying he would enter my dreams
And indeed,
In He crept,
Through the wide open window
Then stayed with me all through the night

It started with a dance
Did it count as holding hands?
And I twirled,
As He laughed,
Ear to ear whispering
So all through the night we danced

We decided to explore
Dark corners unknown to light
And we discovered,
Where He led,
Such a magical place
The theatre was ours to explore

Morning came and stopped my dream
I lay in my lonely, empty bed
And I sighed,
There He was,
Now night is gone
Was it truly only a dream?
You tried to catch me
In mid fall
I contimplated stopping you
You insisted to lend a hand

My heart stolen by another
So you slipped into the darkness
You ran many miles, my dear
Just so you could steal it back

But once you found my heart
In a box it was kept
Beating slowly, hypnotically
Dying, starvation grasping it tightly

You rushed back to me, my dear
Heavy breathes fell past your lips
You prayed to God I would still be alive
You found an empy shell of a woman instead

My heart crumbled in your hands
As you stared into my eyes
That day I whispered no you you, my dear
The words cascaded from my mouth

I cant love you, I am broken
I cant be mended, though youre hopin'
My body weak, soul chokin'
Im sorry, my dear, I cant be loved

You took my heart, crumbled may be
Compressed it tightly in your hands, you see
It formed its shape, as it should be
You breathed life back in it
You saved me

*My dear
 May 2013 Sarah H Winston
She comes, and she goes but she never stays
She looks, she smiles, but she never speaks.
I look at her; she is a beauty of forever,
She brightens the way like a shining star.
She walks like a snake sweetly,softly and silently
her open hair flying in the open air
I know, does she know?
What a beauty she can make!
The black unicorn is greedy.
The black unicorn is impatient.
'The black unicorn was mistaken
for a shadow or symbol
and taken
through a cold country
where mist painted mockeries
of my fury.
It is not on her lap where the horn rests
but deep in her moonpit
The black unicorn is restless
the black unicorn is unrelenting
the black unicorn is not
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