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SJ Nov 2015
Tendrils of smoke fill the air

Warning all of what is near

Refusing to be put at peace

The flames will not cease

Coughing up ash and dirt

Struggling to breathe as my lungs hurt

I hear crys of many all around

I search blindly, crawling on the ground

Heat did scorch my skin

Wondering how one could commit such a sin

Who would want to destroy a home

The wind stirs up the flames with its wicked moan

No sign of dying down anytime soon

The howl of wood collapsing is such sobering tune

The men in red pour water but the flames refuse to relent

Watching in a daze as my home collapses before my eyes

Refuse to listen as the rescuers tell me lies

"Everything will be fine." They say trying to calm me

Rubbing the soot out of my eyes so I can see

Made it out alive, but not unharmed

I will live, but baring scars
SJ Nov 2015
Peek a boo. Yes it's me

Oh you thought I would leave

Thought I'd back down?

Whatcha think I forgot to breathe

Losing isn't in my vocabulary

Plus all your lies was causing me to be weary

I grew tired of the *******, time to meet the new Carrie

Stephen King stepped aside, ***** I'm the new scary

Better run and hide back under your covers

The things I plan to do to you make the devil shudder
SJ Nov 2015
Hear my words; Listen to me,

We are nothing if not free

You think you know what hand I've been dealt

You cannot understand the shame I have felt

Treating people as if they were rats

Stepping on their pride like they are floor mats

Play with our emotions, push us around

Bringing us one step closer to the burial ground

Enjoy our shame, Laughing at our pain

All our hard work was done in vain

Release us from our bonds, the rope has left a burn

Tired of being chained to a cause that makes our stomachs churn

You lured us in with false security, speaking nothing but lies

We once loved you, now we despise

You have turned into a Tyrant

Us, the people, our slowly turning defiant

Tired of our chains, We come together to destroy, to win

Say goodbye to your throne, time to pay for your sin
SJ Nov 2015
They lived up on a hill

In an old farm house along side the old wind mill

Out front was the old barn that leaned slightly to one side

It had been used for many years and filled the owners with pride

On the farm the family continued to stay

The mother and two sons living peacefully day after day

Then came a time when the mother grew sick

All gathered around the bed as the final clock began to tick

She passed away leaving the sons all alone

They continued to live but the farm no longer felt like home

Espically to the one son that was called Sam

He withdrew into himself and became just a shadow of a man

On the outside everything seemed fine

No one suspected that Sam was running out of time

Not even the other son, John, who worked the farm alongside him

So it came as a shock when Sam committed the ultimate sin

In that barn on the hill

A man entered and time stood still

Sam told John he was doing a chore and smiled as he went to the barn

A shot rang out that awoke the many sleeping animals on the farm

What to do when you enter the place that you knew so well

Only to find that your brother lays with a gun and an empty shotgun shell

What a sight to see that early in the morning

The heavens did weep as the rain started pouring

Mourning the loss of another so soon

As the wind whistled a sorrowful tune

So a few months after he had buried his mother

John had to keep it together so he could bury his brother

Staying strong as the world falls apart

Keeping their memories close to his heart

Yet he couldn't stand to stay

So he moved to get away

Now the barn on the hill stands empty along with the rest of the farm

An abandoned home ruined by death and self harm
SJ Nov 2015
There was a boy who had to learn very young how to fend for himself

Fore his family never cared enough to remember to put food on the shelf

The streets can be harsh for one so little

But this boy learned quickly and so he gathered enough coin to purchase a fiddle

Sitting on the street corner everyday

The boy would place his coin plate and then he'd begin to play

At first the crowd was small

But soon the boys song began to lure all

The plate grew heavy with many of coin and his belly was always full

But good fortune can only last so long when you live under the Devils rule

His parents grew envious of the boys coin and fiddle so one day the boy left to go play

He returned to find his fiddle broken and pieces thrown every which way

His plate of coin was in his father's hand

He said 'boy you do not need this much coin, these riches are meant for a man'

The boy could do nothing fore he was too small

So the next day came and the people waited for the fiddles call

They began to protest when the boy did not show

Marching to the boys house refusing to go

The father came out and said there was no more fiddle

Then the boy stepped out with his chin held high trying to not look so little

The crowd began to cheer when they heard the familiar song

The boy held his mended fiddle proudly as the crowd began to sway along

Out from the crowd stepped a old woman who had sold the fiddle to the boy when she saw he was in need

Then he brought her the broken fiddle and she gave him a new one with the promise that he'd be freed

The woman stepped up and took the boys hand

She looked at the father and told him to get off her land

The old woman, not known to the boys parents, owned the town and would not tolerate this type of sin

So she had the boys admirers run them off and then she banished the boys torturers from ever returning again
SJ Nov 2015
A vision stills my breath

My body aches

Everything dims out of focus

My only sight is of you

Feeling close to the edge

Take a leap of faith


You refuse to catch me

Smirking as I break

My weakness is him

He's the only one

Who can lend me strength

Stubborn becomes you love

Ignore your heart

I'll sit here broken

Watch as I fall apart

But when I gain the strength to stand on my feet

I'm heading your way

I will not bow down to you

If you don't return my love

I become your enemy

So take my heart

It's all yours

But I won't let you forget my Love

That's for **** sure
SJ Nov 2015
Me and my desperate lies
All because I choose to hide the truth with a lie

(You hide what you feel with your lies
But If I look deep enough I can hear your cries
Trapped within your thoughts refusing help from all who sees
I will stay by your side until the darkness flees
I won't abandon you even when you tell me to leave
For the truth is I need you just as much as I hope you need me)

Our need what a dangerous thing
Because without a whim or wish we do refrain
I need to be helped, I need to breathe
Because if I don't in these emotions I do seethe
I wish I may I wish I might
Take away your pain tonight
With my desperate pleading cries
That I do hide inside
My wishes and hopes that I wish to achieve
Are simply that but I hope to be
I feel as if I'm tearing apart at the seams
But sadly no one notices but me

(No one notices you?
But I notice everything you do
What you hold back, don't say
I hear your cries clear as day
I know how you feel at night
Wanting answers, wanting to make everything right
I won't let you be alone
My grip on you is tight, and I don't believe in letting you go)

But how do you save someone who's done
Who feels they're already as good as gone

(You love them more than ever before
Love them till even the thought of leaving makes their heart sore)
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