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I don't know if I love her.
She is absent and unaware.
I have partially opened my heart.
Do I love something not even there?

I know that I love her.
She is present but unaware.
A keyhole divides where my heart is concerned.
I am in love and the world looks fair.

I know that I love her.
She is present and is somewhat aware.
Chances are my luck will turn better.
Does she know that I am someone who cares?

I know that I love her.
She is aware but makes no move.
Is my love creaking softly that she is unmindful?
Are there truths that I still have yet to prove?

I question myself if I still love her.
She remains heedless of what she knows.
I am knocking at the other side of a bolted door.
I will walk the path where only time flows.

My heart now knows what my brain knew first.
She is now gone and free from a passing rumor.
I still stand upon where I was to give my heart.
If only she had turned that second **** better.
Ever heard the song 'Love is an open door'? If you watched 'Frozen' then you probably would. This poem was pretty much similar to that. Though I wrote this way before 'Frozen' even aired, I still feel amazed of the resemblance.
Love can sometimes be like a door. Even when a door is closed, beyond that we can still hear whats going on behind it, meaning, we can still have a connection to what's behind a closed door. Love can be invisible, but still present all together. It can come slowly in the form of a crush. A small attraction can then lead to a greater emotion until we realize that were already in love. But a door can shut back the same way they can be opened up. And wind-winds of fate-can as easily close them again once they are opened. But there isn't only one door that exists in our world. Many others could appear in the most unexpected corners within the residence of our lives. We just have to be patient and take the time to look for them.
Opening and closing doors is normal. Doors with locks though, can take a little more effort.
How can you be truly tough
In this painful world?
How can you stand firm
When the spears of agony are hurled?

Most people in the proud US of A
Don't have a clue of the
price they have to pay.

Western people do not know
What hardship really is.
So gratitude is lacking...
It is this...

Gratitude is having a ***
That doesn't leak,
To walk miles for diseased
Water from a creek.

Gratitude in thanking God
For the dry wood
To cook the rice or millet
For your food.

Gratitude is finding
A pair of shoes
In a garbage heap
That you can use.

Gratitude is finding
Pesos in your hand
When you beg the streets
In a poor land.

Gratitude is escaping
Vicious thugs
Who deal in human
Trafficking and drugs.

Gratitude is Hellen Keller
With no hope
Finding Annie Sullivan
To cope.

Gratitude is having NOTHING
And in pain
On one's deathbed, but yet
The fact remains

They are redeemed
And they have Lord Jesus' grace
So they know that they
Will look in his sweet face.

Being tough is seeing life
As is and still not breaking
Being brave and looking
Not forsaking

Being tough is a
Mental attitude.
Loving God and thanking Him


Catherine Jarvis
(C) September 28, 2014
I think the above says it all.
I want to thank quinnfinn for
The inspiration.

— The End —