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Sandra Lee Sep 2019
Just the other day I met a friendly man
His career is air conditioning
He spoke of growing up on a farm
And seemed pleased with life.
Then I noticed one of his arms-the right one
Was undevolped
I thought this man has gone through life
With this disability
I'm sure at times he must have suffered rejection
By seemingly normal people
Yet he seems content now.
Later that day as I walked into a convenience store
I passed and smiled at a man barely five feet tall
He smiled back at me
And I thought
It must be a tough life
Being a man and being so small
What discrimination has he had to deal with?
Many that we meet in our daily lives
Have problems that don't show up as easily as these did
So let us remember wherever we are
To smile, be kind and try to make everyone's life
A little easier.
By doing this, we also bring happiness to ourselves.
Our smiles and small kindnesses are amplified.
Sandra Lee May 2019
Words can have meaning or they can be confusing.
Thoughts are sometimes words and other times only pictures or feelings.
What should we do if we feel that our words are confusing to others?
Sandra Lee May 2019
Dear Ebay, Amazon, WalMart:
Looking to buy
A New Mother Earth
Trying to find one
Not ravaged by dearth
Of beauty, of health, of kindness, of mirth.
Please contact me soon
Before it's too late
I already have
Too much on my plate.
I have roadways and beaches and oceans to clean;     Insurmountable obstacles
If you know what I mean.
Politicians to woo
And humanity too
Wars to end
And more round the bend.
Babies to hold
And children to scold.
Then there's
Skinheads, Radical Right
They all put up a fight
So much to do
Feel like the old woman who lived in a shoe.
Had so many children
She didn't know what to do.
Tyrants to fight
As well as forest blight;
Including bad news
Almost every night.
Please contact me soon
By email or phone
Just whatever you do,
Don't leave me alone.
Our precious Earth and humans. What are we to do to protect all.
Sandra Lee Apr 2019
My sister's birthday
How could I forget?
Well maybe it is because I am older now
Dementia, maybe hit.
She can't be 71
It's impossible
Are we old
No, we will never be old
We will always be
Two little girls
Playing with our friends
Til the end.
Sandra Lee Apr 2019
Things are not always as they seem;

Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear.

So easy for us to get a glimpse of another's life

And come to a hasty judgment.

Walk a mile in that person's shoes

And we may want to go home and change shoes.
Sandra Lee Apr 2019
Oh, we love mines and clean water;
We plant plastic flowers and **** them
For hours and hours.
Our yard is a monument
To the things we hold in our hearts.
Signs of the past, signs that will last.
Mining is King
Can you imagine such a thing
As real flowers, perfuming the air
For hours and hours;
Trees for the bees,
Honey or money?
Foxes or Toxics?
Sandra Lee Apr 2019
Acid ain't so placid
Mines ain't so fine
Toxins aren't rockin
Sulfuric fumes or flower blooms?
Mine emissions
Are you listenen?
Cool, cool water
Couldn't be hotter.
Mining pollution vs. clean water
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