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Jun 2019 · 266
Fallen kingdom
samuel hdz Jun 2019
I survived for this.
A deteriorating body
An empire in rubble
An injured steed
A damaged queen.
To War I say!
"But how sire"?
"You're battle with death left you a broken king".
May 2015 · 1.4k
samuel hdz May 2015
To believe we were volatile is insanity
To Think that all of this was  a waste of time is ridiculous

To believe we were perfect is naive

We could have used some work.

We were pizza!

When we were bad, it wasn't that bad.

But when we were good....

Peter piper to the tenth power!
Mar 2015 · 525
a promise to my book.
samuel hdz Mar 2015
It's been a while.
The usual didn't attract me like it once did.
Numb to feeling.

Waiting on emotions to poor.
The muse was a no show.
Nothing happened.  

So I left.

Only to return.
To leave you, the ink, the pages, my heart....
I can't.

So here we go again..
Dec 2014 · 463
samuel hdz Dec 2014
Long gone from the times,  but better times have passed.  Kick in the ***. I'm old thus this is my classic. days like this don't exist. Enjoy the  trip and  the feeling. Soul  just at ease and healing. Chill a while,
 reality drags
Nov 2014 · 472
keep it simple
samuel hdz Nov 2014
We're not family,
tell them different.
you're the family I chose, a permanence of my morality.
Rationality   need not apply.
Real friends aren't friends.
Sep 2014 · 498
samuel hdz Sep 2014
I have this itch.
Scratch it to bone and the marrow still itches.
May 2014 · 584
good guys never win
samuel hdz May 2014
For all the hate!!!!
For all the love.....
Pettiness aside.
I accept.
That's just the kind of person I am.
samuel hdz May 2014
In all honesty...
sometimes it gets hard to deal.
I get tired of walking around thinking I'm the man of steel.
Every now and then I can't seem to carry all these emotions that I feel.

The armor starts cracking, and I see it.
My smile fades.
The hope in my eyes turns into despair. The degrees of warmth in my heart start to drop.
Then the armor shatters!
I'm left sad, disillusioned, heartless.

Consumed with insanity.
My soul struggles to keep my body intact, as it desperately tries to pick up the shattered pieces of my armor.
Like a child trying to pick up the pieces of a broken toy.

Yet, I don't die or go completely mental.
I've just fallen.
I need to pick myself back up.
Apr 2014 · 609
samuel hdz Apr 2014
Paradise can be a bad thing sometimes, to much serenity and you start to loose focus.
I need to revisit those feelings of heartache, anger, and despair.
To much time has passed and I am getting lost in the surreal.
I came to find peace and in that search I realized that it hinders me.
So I go back to the times I prayed to forget.
At peace building the rage!
Mar 2014 · 344
Abel's Theme
samuel hdz Mar 2014
You are a melody that I will never forget.
  I stare at the moon and gaze at the stars as it plays in my head.
It makes me miss you when it starts playing randomly.  
I smile cause it plays when we talk.
It makes me wonder if I will ever get to show it to you, So you can feel all the emotions in which the song brings.
Since I was young I wanted to attach that melody to someone. I just never told you that you were the one that claimed it.
Mar 2014 · 515
samuel hdz Mar 2014
Through this soul searching
I have no inspiration
need a muse to help.
Jan 2014 · 601
el paso
samuel hdz Jan 2014
My home town. You have brought me great memories of friends, family, and girls I've chased around.
I  also have memories of too many drunken nights, fist fights, heart ache and total self destruction.
the bad memories outweigh the good.
So it is with a heavy heart that I must leave you behind.
not to worry.
you wont miss me or even notice my departure.
Here's to a second shot at something.
Dec 2013 · 909
worthless read. .
samuel hdz Dec 2013
life... I.s...........
unreal. .....
Nov 2013 · 1.9k
samuel hdz Nov 2013
Sport has turned words like animal, beast, freak, and super human into words of endearment.

History has regarded these words as fearful, nightmarish, strange,  and blasphemous.

Yet mecidal advancements have made these words. clone able, detectable, observed, and revered.

Kinda made me think.
Nov 2013 · 678
resentment lies in denver
samuel hdz Nov 2013
Im glad I didn't see you. Im this plastered by the thought that you had seen me. I saw your man and all I could do was smile. It must be because I  know KC will whoop Denver.  I need that respect.  My team is a reflection of me. Horrible at timeS with A burst  of greatness. NOW that my team is up, im up. Knowing that we were great all along. So I cant wait till six thirty. Only to say **** denver cause you're included.
Nov 2013 · 735
samuel hdz Nov 2013
Abc is not me
I'm more xy amd z
Not the guy to b
But the guy to proclaim
For fame got game but leave me  in shame.
Catch if you could cause
I can't and I can't stand to be
Oct 2013 · 463
samuel hdz Oct 2013
I love to miss you.
My heart doesn't recognise.
You left long ago.
Oct 2013 · 495
kato was our pet.
samuel hdz Oct 2013
Its that feeling of impending doom.
All the while thinking, if I try I know I can stop it.
But what if I can't?
Then all of my trying was for nothing. I will have failed knowing that for the life of me I couldn't  stop the enivitable.
I should just go home and wait for the news, so this misfortune doesn't fall on me.
Yet here I am...
******* it!
I tried!
you can't be dead.
I'm sorry.
Sep 2013 · 561
Heart Breaker
samuel hdz Sep 2013
So I saw, felt, and heard a heart break.
It wasn't mine, to much time has past to recolect such a feeling.
So I went on without an injury worth kneeling.  Stealing time from the inevitable.
My heart has stayed broken, and tokens I have spread holding the worth of my pain.
I have driven the opposite angry, spiteful, and disdained.  
Now I wish it was my heart that broke time and time again.
Its not that they're not wortthy.
  its just that I can only spread pain.
Sep 2013 · 838
Star destined for Supernova
samuel hdz Sep 2013
So. .. I missed a couple of days.
I was in this strange realm where I  thought things went my way.

I'm done...
You got fire, but there's nothing for you Sun.

Cold emotions hold these feellings.
Fading stars that aren't worth these dealings..

keep your nose clean, and cruise.    
When one starts to bruise.
Sep 2013 · 927
samuel hdz Sep 2013
So.... I fell in love with wonder woman, but she was a cowboys fan.
Not american, but Asian.  Anime like.
Yet she was a dancer and I have no rhythm.
Basically if I wanted her bad enough I would have to get past my family issues and my fears.
She was amazing...
Aug 2013 · 389
samuel hdz Aug 2013
Infested with thoughts...

This lingering memory..

Hopefully fading.
There's no hell worse than a memory. ( eyedea )
Aug 2013 · 1.0k
samuel hdz Aug 2013
Write till now. Not forever.
Not clever or never. Feel for the best.
Not one to rest.pest till it hits.
May 2013 · 460
samuel hdz May 2013

Unmistakable, undeniable, the twist and turns
The light that Emits when this fire Burns.  
The flame still there.
With thoughts of your beautiful brown eyes, long lashes,and black hair.
Too aware that we are none.
Then again I am a persistent one.
From my soul I'll see this trough.
This last stand if for me not you.
Sorry But its the delusion, possibly my madness that keeps these thoughts alive.

As much as you want!  this memory can't fade, it won't die.
May 2013 · 441
on to the next?
samuel hdz May 2013
I might win the war, but this battle resides in the pit of soul. Something I should have won I Lost. no life lesson, just emptiness. good thing  war is forever, and  for that I fight ...
samuel hdz May 2013
It's never enough!

I still think and dream.
Thoughts manifest.

Let me drown in reality.
Let me drown in Ambers, blondes, and pales.

why am I destined to wash up on these shores?

Why do I float?

Why  can't I drown?
Haha. I love swimming!
May 2013 · 409
samuel hdz May 2013
I stared into her eyes and all I could think of was you

Her head didn't lay correctly on my chest.
She didn't move or hog up all the pillows and blankets
she slept all trough the night

somehow it didn't feel right
She didn't feel right.

Her comfort made me uneasy.
Apr 2013 · 633
this time its for me
samuel hdz Apr 2013
I left because you wanted me gone.

I love you!

I came back for you.


I left my thoughts in Immokale.

I left my drive in Lehigh.

My inspiration is scattered over the waters of Ft. Myers beach.

My plans wait in South beach.

Orlando, Tampa bay, and Fort Lauderdale still whisper my name.

It's time to go back to the sunshine state.
Apr 2013 · 769
samuel hdz Apr 2013
Different breed
Our lineage was not planted from these worldly seeds
Help! For which we have no need

A different class of warrior
enveloped with pride
All fight
Till the last breath and yet we won't die

From the floor we rise
might unmatched
like us there is no second batch

Till the end of life
We ride
Being this breed
That is or pride
To my cousins. Who always Seem to awaken the warrior spirit in me.
Mar 2013 · 714
destruction vs greatness
samuel hdz Mar 2013
It's fading, this sense of hope.
Your voice in the background.
All these voices. they want what I do.

**** what you gave me
No! I can't give in.
I must keep trying.

Why? All hope is lost!
You're destined to fail!

”be better”....
The only words I still hear over all this commotion.

No I love you's, no smiles.
Just thoughts of progress.
Mar 2013 · 593
chances are it won't Happen
samuel hdz Mar 2013
Remeber when I gave you the ring.
I wore it that night around my neck.
Thinking I would never have a chance to give it to you

So parking lot pimping turned into a night in jail.
You were my first call somehow knowing you would answer.
I came out shirt torn, bruised and mouth ******.
I had a smile on my face, not because I was proud of what had transpired but because you actually gave a **** to show up.

I pulled the ring out of my pocket rope and all. Handed it to you saying ”I forgot to give you this”.
I rufused to go to the doctor a decision im still second guessing.

Took you out to eat. Subconsciously knowing you had been wanting to go to hayashi .
Held your hand in love and appreciation knowing that I would never want to do that to you ever again.

You wore the ring it was pretty much a perfect fit.
I tried my best to keep that promise engraved on it.

I did things I would never do for another who I did not love.

I may have my demons, but for you in your time of need they could never get in the way.

Now it probably sits in that little jewelry tin case in your new aparment  with you not even giving it a second glance.

But if you ever decided to pick us both back up. It reads.....

” given in love for proctection”.
Mar 2013 · 532
samuel hdz Mar 2013
Stop invading my thoughts!
You dont want me and I know.
Why do these memories of you and me kissing so slow play in my head?
Others have crossed this path.
Yet memories of that fade and dont last.
Not for doing this to my body.
But for infesting my brain.
You came with Babbage which....
only a selfless soul could claim.
game that  flowed because it came so naturally.
Definitely got the better of me.
Why didn't you just let me keep my stride.
I was better off alone.
Than with you and the kid on my mind.
Now its not even about you.
I just dont want people to treat him like hes a must cause he comes with a beauty like you.
You're hurting him without knowing.
And you're killing me consciously.
for making me want it to be just the kid you and me.
It's not always about the person you fall in love with!
Mar 2013 · 527
my truth is your lie
samuel hdz Mar 2013
Those nights without sleep.
Endless gazes trying to find one in another.
Plans that faded, promises that were never kept.
Embraces that came with a sense of security.
Reassurance awaiting any doubt.
unconditional favors.
Non of it which is now acknowledged
It had to be a lie.
The memories that remain are to good to have been true.
Only to be locked in your brain, without a word to be spoken.
I die a little inside when you dont reply.
This bruises the pride.
I cant believe i still think we were real.
How did i ever create such a lie?
Love, the double edge sword of inspiration.
Feb 2013 · 995
has it been two years
samuel hdz Feb 2013
What i would give to have you back in my life.
For a smoke and a nagging lecture.
The advice still rings in my head.
Go to school,
Go to work,
Take care of your brothers,
Life isnt all about partying.
God ****** chemo! Youre way to old to be doing this ****!
All of clear as day.
I understand now.
Im sorry, at the time it just sounded like another rant.
But it stuck a little too late but it stuck.
Thank you for being there. Thank you for telling me anything.
Thank you for showing me what a real man is sappoused to be.
Hard working, humble, respectful, and a family man.
Your time came too soon. And we didt learn enough.
Looking down the hallway, knowing youll never walk out of the room.
That ill never be woken up when its time to go to work.
That im left to bleed my own raidiator, change my own oil, and change my brakes.
I got this! Thanks to you.
Dont worry wherever you are. Rest easy and let us handle what we have to now.
We didnt deserve you. But we got lucky.
Till we see eachother in the other realm .
Happy birthday grandpa!
I love you! I miss you!
Feb 2013 · 418
drukenly thinking
samuel hdz Feb 2013
Still up
A little drunk and...
Words on the mind
I want more time
Less stress
More strenght and...
Anything i can call mine

So ponder
Plot and...

Ill find it...
One day
One night
Till now, just a dream...
Jan 2013 · 481
only her
samuel hdz Jan 2013
I want to spill my hear,but I won't.
Tell you that you have been felt, I don't.
I want you completely.
Yet your sould belongs another.
Unworthy in my eyes is he.
So these emotions remain locked up in my heart.

There is no need to understand.
To break into your atmosphere would tear me apart.
It is the fear to die once again that I can't stand.
I'd rather walk alone complete, than to walk this earth a broken man.

Just ask of me and you shall reicieve, but if not I'll stay firmly planted as your aquaintance.
Believe that I am comsumed by your essence.
My star brightens, the time you're present.
Lost in your eyes I have become.

There are those crippling emotions that make this flesh weak.

A future with you should be left at the bottom of this ocean,
Never to be seeked.
Jan 2013 · 512
samuel hdz Jan 2013
Destruction runs through these veins.
This heart beats with rage.
These joints bend with frustration.
The marrow in my bones is infused with anger.
Super hero syndrome....

Jan 2013 · 392
saint seiya mode
samuel hdz Jan 2013
The battle is fearse!
My armor is depleating...
Bend but never break!
Dec 2012 · 518
looking forward
samuel hdz Dec 2012
Another chance to make things right. 12 more months to grow and show some progress. Maybe this year ill apply myself, maybe this year ill catch my stride. I have laid down my foundation for far too long. Greatness doesnt seem to be as far as it once was but yet againg it never has. I have a startegy, now its time to put the pieces in motion. I want so many things by this time next year. So tonight i will indulge in food, *******, drinks and beer. Cause tomorrow they will all be held as a distraction in my quest for greatness. No more ******* its time to start shifting gears.
Dec 2012 · 396
samuel hdz Dec 2012
Take them, because they do me more harm than good. They're yours because another drunken night thinking of you I canot bare. Remebering what we had only makes the pain grow. Please come when I am sleeping a reclaim everything you ever engraved in this mind. Wype your face, your smile, your eyes. All the promises that were made and that you couldn't keep.
Dec 2012 · 307
samuel hdz Dec 2012
This is what I do.
Why think that I am better?
Born to **** **** up!
Dec 2012 · 601
samuel hdz Dec 2012
I cant put these words together. Running on empty when it comes to motivation. Lacking insparation. Can no longer escape with this pen, so the page remains blank. Drowning in thoughts with this busted drainage system.
Dec 2012 · 657
idealist drunk
samuel hdz Dec 2012
Drunk not yet plastered. so from this world I am my master. Realsms colide and I reside in the middle. Fiddle with illusions and reality, but my abnormalities keep me sane. Pain keeps me going as these weak emotions leave me in a realm of the unknowing. searching never seems to get old, but have once been told to be better. Not from this deases in which I bleed, but from the seed in which I plant.  My drestruction holds a sweet flower, the aroma it is unmistakablelike, like fresh durt being tuned or Like hair being burned. Detectable as it may be. I seem to to hope, wish, and pray to be free. To bad that's just the drunkeness in me. I love my garden because it is mine. Yet I have better flowers and fresh growth in mind. A pity that influenced thoughts will never flurish.
Dec 2012 · 559
every fucking time
samuel hdz Dec 2012
It is work to rebuild this ego everyday. Coversations with strangers, glances and smiles towards nameless dames. Fame growing as the hours go by. Putting in over time with inibtriated conversations at these bars. My scars make me mysterious and intriguing. Head shots lined up but cautios when pulling the trigger. Sights obviously set on something better and bigger. alas to no avail. Back at home and drunken thoughts of you start to creep. Like drops of acid deteriorating all the progress i put forth that day. The ego ends up shattered to pieces scattered all around the floor. Once more i fall asleep a broken man.  Looking forward to tomorrow and trying to rebuild from scratch.
samuel hdz Nov 2012
Hey little man! Havent text you in a while, my bad.  I have a really big day tomorrow and texting you might not come as easily as i would like it to in the future. I haven't forgotten that i owe you fifty bucks you might get those and something else for christmas. I miss kicking it with you sammy.  You turned out to be one of the coolest kids ive ever met.  I kinda got attached to you, And the fact that you had my name made you that much cooler. So if i dont text you back in the future know that it's not because you're not totally awesome but because i couldnt  Match your awesomeness. This might sound totally gay kid, but i kinda love you... hahaha.. that sounded totally gay. Play some sports, hit on some girls and behave at school. I'll see when you're grown up.
This was for my ex's kid. I became a total sucker for the him. So now its more about missing seeing him grow up.
Nov 2012 · 1.0k
she who will not be named
samuel hdz Nov 2012
can't belive that after all these years. your star still glimmers still shines.. our relationship was over a while back, but your drama is mine. these wicked memories will haunt me throughout this life time. you dropped the x curse, with a heartless vengeance and no remorse. you might as well join the sith cause your selfish ways are all powered by the dark force. yet you string me along. like a lingering blaze after a hit of a gravity ****. your potency is strong. as you send me on a bad trip. i realize that this was just a manifestation and in your world i dont belong. so i say gods speed. i wish i could rip you from my memories no matter how much my mind bleeds. just thinking of the waste of time we were stresses me out. much so that it makes the hair line reseed. tried to make ammense and repair this bridge that i burned. apparently you still urne for my demise. it stings but it comes as no suprise. we were a fable with a wrong mixture of chemicals that made us unstable. i wanna say ******* but i really mean thank you. thanks because you showed me how how full of hate one can be. now that i look back on it i'm glad cause you gave me wings. the strength and the courage to never be bound but free.. we were never in the stars so let it be.
Nov 2012 · 430
been here before
samuel hdz Nov 2012
The same venom that once held me doomed, came to consume the rest of the flesh but not much was left since my hollow body is gaudy and well immune. The feet were firmly planted as I gazed off into the moon! So lingering thoughts of emotions once lost seeped through the cortex. only to be undermined by the defense walls that were put in place for just a certain circumstance. It was worth everything, even a chance! But cautious I was as I seemed to sink in your very being. Yet you were never my addiction just the very contradiction to what I want.
Nov 2012 · 1.6k
samuel hdz Nov 2012
Need inspiration, need to shake this feeling. Day by day just waking and dealing. the mind never stops as I stand still. mornings are bearable and nights go without saying. Where's that spark I came here with? Where's the ego that kept the engine turning? all smiles for now to save some kind of face. one step at a time, foundation before the house. Beaten but not out!
samuel hdz Nov 2012
I can't loose focus. I've managed to move forward in some endeavors. Yet you make me less stable less clever. If I could just let you go for the remainder of my stay. So I fight the urge to contact you and speak to you. Your voice makes me weak. You're everything that I should just leave alone and never seek. the promises made seemed so genuine. It's hard to believe that this was all just another step towards my destiny. You were my rage, but at most points you were the better of me. So as I stay here and try to make sense of this all. You were never for me. you were never mine not even a little bit actually not at all. The love that was spilled was in vain. This was all just an over whelming attraction. stumbled upon to test and **** with my brain.
Nov 2012 · 446
for the better
samuel hdz Nov 2012
Need a distraction.
A body gets the *******
**** it! One more rep...
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