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  Jul 2018 Sam Hinds
I ache so much right now. Curious longing to unload the weight from your heavy heart. Take my hand. Lead me through the workings of your naked core. Let guilty flowers blossom and grow between the cracks in our reality. I hunger of words missing, lost over timed silence. Cautiously I wish to know the carousel of thoughts that spin in your curious mind. Wanting so much right now to feel the distant beat of your heart. To briefly steal what is not mine.
Sam Hinds Jul 2018
You know that feeling
That feeling only a first love can give you
The kind of feeling that can only be described as magical

You became consumed by the thought of them
All you could think about were those **** dimples
Or how the sound of their laugh was better than any song

It's true that the first love is memorable
but that first heartbreak
becomes unforgettable

No one warned you
about this kind of feeling
The feeling of your heart shattering
Sam Hinds Jul 2018
Her innocence's was stolen
Not by a broken heart
Or a dangerous boy tearing at her clothes

But instead by a single gunshot
One pull of a trigger
And the suffering of the world was let into her mind

Before the echoing sound of a gunshot going off
All she knew was the blissful peace of childhood
The only pain she knew was that of a broken arm

One gunshot was all it took
To take away everything she once knew
And leave her with no choice but to grow up

With one pull of a trigger
On a Wednesday night
Her innocence's was stolen

— The End —