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The rumors continue
they're not even true

Why must you continue to lie
life is not a piece of pie

It's hard enough
just trying to be tough

I thought we were on the same page
I thought we were best friends

I thought we were over the lies
but every day is a disguise

I put on a smile
and I walk that mile

Just to see you still my heart away
I'm lost and wondering around

My heart is breaking
with each days taking

I hope you're happy
my days are sappy

Yep like the sap on the trees
my struggles are real and
very hard to handle

But I get through them
and I become stronger
but as you know

Revenge is not my job
Karma does that for me
cause I'm a lover not a fighter
I hope you guys are happy because as I get my life together you'll be looking back saying man I wish I left her alone cause now I feel like **** and I'm just another low life ******* on the street
I now see that this is the way.
I'm gone,
and everyone is happy
Is it really my absence that let's people live their lives the way
they want?
Yes they are allowed to have a good life.
I never thought that I could be such a burden
that letting me go
was such a breath given.
I want you to breathe, but I want you back.
I don't know what to do with myself.
Fine, I'll let it go.
I never wanted to make things miserable for you.
Will it be ok
when you find your comfortable group
and I'm the one who ends up
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