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Nov 2014 · 534
stupid heart
samantha Nov 2014
I feel offended
you stabbed me in the back especially after we talked about it
you were supposed to lay low till further notice
but he came,
you flinched
and disgraced me
he had me at my last name
at that, it came rushing back
i don't want to write it down
nor say it out loud
but i felt it
so strong and vivid
stupid heart
Sep 2014 · 543
what did you decide?
samantha Sep 2014
life partner, i wish you would be
tall , built ,perhaps
extra muscle to carry my boodonk
big hands and feet
physique like okonko
profound  features of a strong man
not to let things fall apart
but no particular complexion bear that in mind

You came unexpectedly
i was thinking we would meet under a romantic scenery
or relive Jill scott 's love rain
i had plans on how we would have that love at first sight kind meeting
i am thoroughly disappointed
i like you in case i haven't told you
stop burying you heart in that sand
i might not to be here when you decide to live it out
coz it aint no fun watching the beautiful sunset and waves alone from here

i will give you three days to get your **** together
a day to call your mum and let her see your face after that stormy weather
another day to take out the trash
a drinking night to figure out whether you still want "us"
six days it is
you cant take seven days to get out of that rut,
God took 7 days to create the universe
you can figure out your **** in 6
and thats me doing you a favour
Sep 2014 · 6.2k
samantha Sep 2014
i will be drunk texting you  a lil later
wait for me
when i have that "cup courage"
no contemplating
a short lived decisive moment
ready to wake up feeling pathetic to my act
small and desperate to no response
fasten your seat belt or change your number
as i will be drunk texting you every Friday
Sep 2014 · 443
alter me
samantha Sep 2014
who are you?
are you here to steal something what doesn't belong to me either
i don't have any thoughts of entertaining you
so excuse yourself
my mind is exhausted from your ill mannered nature
you reckon i am cold
wait till winter makes a turn
and freeze those tears by your chin
who are you really?
find out
then we can talk
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
hip hop
samantha Sep 2014
Spare me my pride hip hop
Let me get lost in you
Swallow the conflicted emotions I carry
Your artistic touch humbles me
I think……. "Dear you....with love ...from Poetry
***** over the mere sounds of a pounding heart
To the drums and cellos that caress your eardrum

Brothers and sisters confide in you
Fell in love from the roots to souls of mischief
Nomadic as he busta a rhyme
Evidence of a bigger common dream
What he did to get there

****** bleed, notorious hit boy
That’s how some find death in the hands of art
Medusa, the beauty that shattered the lustful greed
Sep 2014 · 382
samantha Sep 2014
I have my reasons for avoiding people
They have a way of sneaking up
And having that much control on how you deal with how they relate to you
I keep my distance
Some say I am a coward
Others say I am weak
But I am also fragile
And wear my winter fur to keep them off
I sincerely don’t like building relations
So  please pardon my distance
Sep 2014 · 606
Evil Rebecca
samantha Sep 2014
Rebecca i saw you yesterday
with my mom 's blood stains on the corridor walls
headlessly  stabbing her dignity
walking about with perfection up your sleeves

i should tell you this
your husband enjoys rubbing my ******* with the finger that was soaked in the deep walls of my ******
after a vigorous ******* of my ***** lips
i know
he would lick his lips in anticipation of this scene too

Rebecca my mum is just a tax payer who might be lacking
but needs you guidance as her supervisor to do well
i strongly urge you to redeem yourself

i tell you what
if you dont
i will be a name stained on your tongue
i am going to plug those electric cables on your ****
immerse your body in that lake of water
you know what next
i will let your kids Mark 8 Jane 6 watch this Hitchcock Direction

Rebecca i want to respect you
have mercy on you
maybe in the next lifetime treat you like a sister
but you offend me
Kindly start living a righteous life
Sep 2014 · 2.2k
foul taste
samantha Sep 2014
Sky blue, purple shade
The finest silhouette
Summarized in two words
Black thought

Dark mahogany rocking chair by the porch
Reminiscing the folk days
Projected in all shades of grey
Gloomy settings but a carved smile on his face
As he lost grandma Grace to the hands of less melanin masks
Trampling over the rosy ambiance that still lingered till this day
Going back and forth in that rock motion
Wisdom poaching, selena Johnson
Still taking on the black thought

I will simply have to clean my basement, all the crap and negativity idly poking me
Do feel my wrath worth the nation 's pathetic despair
Don’t think I will not clean this attic that has false hopes smothering your arrogant smile
Wait for the Hannibal in me to shut you down
As I closely walk beside that butterfly
Resting calmly in my palm
Waiting for the murderer in me to crash its living shine
But you,wait for the Hannibal in me to shut you down
Sep 2014 · 595
samantha Sep 2014
orange suited bodies
mummified in woolen scarves
flasked rage at lava Fahrenheit
knuckles too cold to pop
cahoones swallowed
coiled animosity

i miss that amorous summer kiss
stellar guffaw
rigid stiletto
exuding confidence in that radiant walk
proudly wearing her scars
a definite rosemary
her twigs as a symbol of love and constancy
her incense in respect to the goner
Sep 2014 · 431
Yesterday`s nuisance
samantha Sep 2014
no room for Monday blues
its a wicked Sunday after
no sweaty palms
its an unsteady motion of emotions
nervelessly rocking to the man in the dove coat
with a brown envelope, an assuring smile
or is this a folded 'back slap"
we don't know

meanwhile the autumn cold breeze
threatens to erode his fondness on my forehead
where he poured and planted his devotion
without the parting of his lips
and uttering of promised bliss
she kept hissing
"keep it together

On some lean **** Tuesday morning
Everything practically back to normal
the sighs have lessened
dreams on pause, numb is the word
no rush
Wednesday 's breakthrough is about the corner
as i wait
Sep 2014 · 4.9k
Ubuntu Girl
samantha Sep 2014
I wanna ****
i flip the beans way too much to angry the farmers
as they want to harvest in volume
its simple i don't get laid
known by my crouch work
suspicious nocturnal habits

she walked in
blue jeans
faded t, algae cap, luscious lips
an energy of the easy life,
had me palpitating
that look as if she was made to look at me just from between my thighs

'Irregular heartbeat, you, the pass byer"
i almost posted
SNS about to ****** me
with questions i wasn't ready to answer
then she crossed my mind again
had me palpitating
that look as if she was made to look at me just from between my thighs
Sep 2014 · 408
As it was
samantha Sep 2014
Hands in my pockets
Walking past familiar faces
Simply because my cold face, blood shot eyes and
"i wanna roll back into bed yawns"
could **** anybody 's Tuesday happy face

The winter rangers are out
filled in vendors bakkies
calmly awaiting to be devoured
A few cents to keep the cold at bay

Women in open stilettos and sandles repeating
"The afternoon will be warmer " mantra
stick man under a tree, 'clickedy clack"
his bones giving him away as he shivers from the seasonal guest
holding a cigar, chimney monsieur

A prayer for a troubled man
i got down on my knees on days you couldn't
yesterday i prayed for your safety, health and forgiveness
Today i will pray for your peace and career all to take a new height
Be sure to pray and give thanks tomorrow

— The End —