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 Feb 2014 sam
Our beginnings,
energetic and passionate times.
Discovering one another's Love.
There are assorted reasons to Love you.

Our individual interests,
molded into common adventures.
Negotiations were easy and happily accepted.

Almost without knowing,
discovery and adventure diminished.

Daily tasks & responsibilities,
wedged apart our passion.

Our time together becoming less and less.
Our Love diminishing.

Negotiations became arguments.
In separate rooms, Passions diminished.

It's slipping away.
I feel regret when remembering what we lost.

I'm hanging on.
My whispers of concerns & appeals make no difference.

Diminishing returns gradually prevailing.
 Feb 2013 sam
Let me be the one to lift your spirits,
to tend to your injured ego.

Allow me to mend your bleeding heart.
to dry your salty tears.

I wish to be the one you find comfort from.
I want to cause you to forget the cruel past
and to forget old fears.

when your faith & confidence are strong,
when your smile and laughter are abundant,
when your eyes & spirit sparkle again,
when your happy and strong.

Will you fly away on your merry way?
Will you let me be the one?
 Feb 2013 sam
Not a place, in anyone's heart.
I'm an introverted man.
So no friendships to start.

My smile is heavy.
I'm a lonely man,
My mood is steady.

I'm a melancholy man.

It's how I was raised.
Less than a man.
My spirit, locked in a daze.

I'm not trying to be a snood,
So don't be offended.
I'm not intentionally rude.

I'm a melancholy man.

My trust isn't easily extended.
Your kindness will be my friend.
There's love & kindness within these mended fences.

A melancholy man, I am.
 Jan 2013 sam
Chelsea McMahon
1.    I realized I could love him again.

2. It was after the accident. After the windshield turned to dust on the pavement in a pool of oil and gasoline, glimmering in the oncoming headlights. After the hoarse screams and the crunch of metal folding over itself like a paper fan. After the seatbelt tore the skin off my chest leaving bloodstains on my shirt and a ringing in my ears. It was even after the cops came and arrested the drunk driver who hit us head-on at five o'clock on a Wednesday evening, after the tow truck came and flipped her car right side up again, watching empty bottles fall from the open windows as it turned. After all of this, in the silence of the aftermath, I sat on his couch with his head in my lap. I traced my finger across the skin that stretched over his hipbone and listened to his rhythmic breathing as his lips curled slightly upwards. I imagined he was dreaming of days that didn’t end in shattered glass and tears. The calm, steady rise and fall of his ribcage as his cheek left an impression in meat of my thigh, safe. In the silence of the aftermath, I realized.

3. The next morning, I woke up with my head in the crook of his arm, my left hand asleep from the weight of my body on top of it. The impression of my earring was stamped into the soft skin inside his elbow. I turned to face him and lazily draped an arm across his chest, remembering that last night I had decided to love him again. I smiled. I lifted my head to speak, but he turned away and without saying a word, walked half –naked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. In the silence, as I stared at the impression of his cheek in his pillow, I realized. His love lay there, in the glimmering pool of glass and gasoline, still spreading in the middle of the pavement.
 Jan 2013 sam
Pulling Threads
 Jan 2013 sam
Dreadful it was today, and beautiful, when
the echoing barks of my shame, shrouded in mistaken hindsight, were
pulled forward in such a way; a fluid line took shape in my mind,
and seemed to twist onto itself, like pinching the centerfold of a long thread.
So there they were, all intertwined, aligned,
an inevitable strand of God's DNA,
or however you call him,
vulnerable and hanging at the peak of my forehead in sweet mercy,
seen so clearly, I cried.
 Jan 2013 sam
Well, I Do
 Jan 2013 sam
"I don't tend to use the phrase 'in love'" he said.

I sighed.

"Well, I do." I said sadly. "I'm not anymore, but I was. I really, really was."

He was silent.

"It's so weird to see all this." I gestured to the slideshow of pictures on the screen in front of me.
"This was all only a year ago, and my life is so different now. I thought that this-" I pointed to a picture of myself sitting very close to a chesnut haired boy "- would last forever."

More silence.

"I wonder if he thinks about this. I do. A lot. I don't think I have feelings for him anymore but I still always think about this. We were together from what. . . September 23rd-"

"That's oddly specific."

"To New Year's exactly. And I was still in love with him for four months after that."

"I don't tend to use the phrase 'in love'" he said.

I sighed.

"Well, I do." I said sadly.
 Jan 2013 sam
 Jan 2013 sam
There is a big difference between
Kissing somebody goodnight and
Kissing somebody goodbye.
 Jan 2013 sam
 Jan 2013 sam
I twist apple stems
And stay up for stars
Pick dandelions
And guess colors of cars

I watch the clock
It's eleven pm
But I can't find out your feelings
From a snapped apple stem
 Jan 2013 sam
Lips like Sugar
 Jan 2013 sam
I want to hear you lie to me.
I want to see the sweet syrup of deceit
fall slow and seductive from your quivering lips.
I want to pile these little white lies up on pancakes;
like powdered sugar for a freshly flipped soul.
I want to see your eyes hold firm in deception
chiseling the cold ice of your gaze into cubes
for chilling the sweet drink of my victory.
I love the instant look of
guilt and anticipation;
the bitten bottom lip;
the chest puffed out,
with a breathe of indignation,
for my knowing;
the tear filmed eyes;
the legs rubbing together nervously;
hands run back golden ribbons of hair over perfect ears,
and scratch at angel shoulders
where those wings we lost should still be.
Your adorable when you lie.
**Lie me a river.
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