In the darkness of night,
Starless moonless has no twilight,
Darker than a usual night,
Noiseless, soundless and so quiet,
Never look at your window,
Never pick a sight,
In that deep darkness out,
You see everything you have ever feared,
And everything you have ever dreaded,
The impossible is possible in the dark void,
Nothing can be seen, nothing can be heard,
Nothing only the evil of your soul to be reflected,
Nothing but the Fear of the unknown ,
Nothing... yet anything to be imagined,
Demon surreal faces that know your fears,
And your deepest darkest secrets,
All what you have ever feared is there,
All what you could never dare,
But dont worry,
It is nothing but a fictional fear,
You are safe in here,
But not out there,
It is simply a window,
They can not get through,
They can not hold your soul,
The demons out there...
Just dont blink.
What do I mean you would ask?
Your reflection In darkness is your dimension...
As a demon as one of them.
Dont blink.