Pakistan Time brings change and we all change with time. I write simple poems whatever comes to mind without putting a lot of thought into it. I got interested in poetry when i got into religion (all of them) and then spirituality and mysticism so i usually like t 42 followers / 1.8k words
i was made of clay and given the breath of life i was i AM divine i walk infinite mile from heaven to earth i have finally found love I am light I am darkness I am the Universal Consciousness I am the serpent i am the tree I am Eden I am Eve
The poet died before he was born lived in a place that was free of scorn had the love he dreamed about all his life made Knowledge his girlfriend and Wisdom His wife tripped out on wine all day experienced the heights of ecstasy within his own mind live in paradise and complained at night talked to god and got sick of the conversation talk is cheap , fun is in action ,,,,
i walked alone all my life no companion by my side my sad fate was sealed even before my birth like Cane i must travel the world alone though i did not slay my brother first man born last to die Home is in Her Eyes