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esi Jul 2014
she didn't want to be the grenade
within someone elses parade.
esi Jul 2014
we said our farewells
off i went to dwell
how fast i fell
into your spell.
esi Jul 2013
how it ends
is when the
bends are too
short to extend
esi Jun 2013
her name was Chelsea
she was pretty healthy
until she disliked her belly
she stopped eating at the deli

one day she was found palely
because she starved herself daily
she was insanely faintly
until she passed out gently
everyone became friendly

she fell deathly sick
she was never fixed
as she held on to her crucifix
and whispered song lyrics
she died during the eclipse.
esi Aug 2013
he's a disaster
as she tries to
go after him
but something
tells him he'll
have more
scars on
his skin
if he lets
her in
esi Jul 2014
he thought she was an angel,
she was so gentle, the
scars on his wrist were
accidental as she
disassembled his
heart and resembled
a fallen angel.
esi Jul 2013
when we were five
I always got a vibe
that we would never
divide and go our
different sides

as we got older
I always told her
that it was me and you
who were meant to be

but now I see how
I never meant anything
to you and I don't know
what to do
esi Jul 2013
you say you have
so many flaws
like they're a bad
thing but i think
they're a beautiful thing
esi Mar 2018
shes takes a nervous glance at him
he seems to sing a hymn of her heart
but what she doesn't know is he'll just tear it apart
esi Jul 2013
his words left her so fragile
in this horrible world
she got curled up
into her mind
and it caused
her to go blind
esi Jul 2014
all he wants is ***
to see his ex get
jealous then
i'll just be a
esi Jul 2013
she's wrapped herself up in books
so she wouldn't have to worry about looks
he took one look and he was hooked on her
then she predict that he'd break her heart
so she took one last look and off she went.
esi Aug 2013
happiness seems to fade away
as she's becoming a teen
and all she wants to do
is fit into her jeans.
esi Jul 2014
she fell although
she didn't know
that he'd grow
on someone else
he didn't know
she'd have a gun
to her temple.
esi Aug 2013
she's wakes up in the morning
with a thousand thoughts swarming
as she's yawning and overcoming
the bad thoughts becoming dreams.
esi Jun 2013
as the water drains to the sewer
I think about your humour
how I was a loner
how you should've saved me sooner
before the lunar

before I was all bones
you ****** up my emotions
you took away my innocence
you left me thinking nonsense

I took a substance
to ruin my existence
after so much distance
I had no resistance
so I didn't feel like existing
esi Jul 2013
there's been a tornado
in her mind it reminds
her about everything
behind them finding
her standing on a
chair with a rope
around her neck
esi Aug 2013
she's tries to hard
to get your attention
but you don't even mention
her when people ask what you've
been doing she just wishes you had
a connection and you gave her affection.
esi Aug 2013
shes keeps crying herself to sleep
while your lying about you keeping
her but you don't realize shes already
bleeding and pleading you not too
esi Aug 2013
your sleeping on the couch
as I wonder what would happen
if we were to get engaged maybe
I'd get too attached as you left so many
scratches on my heart and you un latched
me from you and went to find another catch.
esi Mar 2018
yellow skies and blue cries
as she looks down at her thighs
she tries to think why shes still alive
she sees everyone else thrive
but struggles as tears roll
out of her eyes

— The End —