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ryn Feb 2018
Dressed in titillating shades
and the allure of today...
Bent back...
the tattered tassels
of yesterday’s folly.

Sporting a mask
adorned with
the most lavish
of paints albeit a husk
that once sang proud,
the colours
of his anthem.

His smile incites
the reciprocation
from those around...
Yet it’s all but

An ascot of the finest silk.
Soft and extravagant yet...
Tied too close to skin -
a noose around the neck
that wears him instead.

He is a ghost.
A hapless man
dressed in the present,
looks to the future
but wades through
the murks
of the past.

Have you seen him lately?

ryn Jan 2018
Capture me the sun
and I’ll worship you by day

Lasso me the moon
and I’ll turn the tide

Irrigate me an ocean
and I’ll drink to a stupor

Promise me time
and the seconds I’ll bide
ryn Jan 2018
When all else
has been
flogged by time,
beaten by uncertainty
and consumed
by the earth...

All that’s left...

Is the salt
disowned by
indulgent cascades.
ryn Jan 2018
With yesterday
slung over one shoulder

And tomorrow
slung over the other

Today saw
the comfort of emotion

Today showed me
that I am only human

ryn Jan 2018
Come as the silence of night,
to soothe waylaid hearts.

Let them hear...
The rhythm of
their own pounding.

Cradle them...
And carry them
through every deep breath...
And every heavy sigh.

Assure them that the lull
between such forlorn beats
will never be prolonged
as long as there is a want,
and need
to hear and feel the next.
ryn Jan 2018
I feel like river water.
And I don’t belong to stagnancy,
yet I’m caught in a lake.


I’m destined
to move silt and sediment.
And overturn
submerged pebbles
so they won’t see
the green of moss.

I’m meant to surge
and eat into banks
so I could be split -
to make more of me...

My reach would extend
far and wide -
like scraggly fingers
grabbing at the
face of the earth.

My energy channelling
through careless forks
and into slimmer branches.


My soul is river water....
And my heart renounces
the throne to idleness.

Yet I am,
but a lake.
ryn Jan 2018
Captured and shackled
to a wick of flesh and bone.

Thoughts as kindle,
takes spark -
setting alight what fuel
that runs within.

Anticipated blaze -
you know but never

Time is here and now...

So pardon me
while I burst
into flames...

Last verse and title is from Incubus’ “Pardon Me”.
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