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You're gone.
I stumble through the dark.
Thoughts explode, lighting the dark with mocking tones. I would gladly die to call your name, to reach the unreachable but it's too late to draw breath.

A scream escapes my throat, tiny against the lack of you it dies without echo.

I am alone, afraid of my need for your comfort, afraid of my quickening heartbeat, afraid of  myself.

I am the coming storm.
Shadows dance in my wake, wrapped in lace from the gowns of the jilted, they drink my tears as their music turns tainted flesh to stone.

I am nowhere.
Here reality becomes transparent. The illusion of happiness and love  revealed to me in rapid flickers, a tickertape parade of twisted lies lurking in the folds of lovers limbs.

You're gone.
I stumble through the dark.
Tonight I will give myself freely to the depths, in the hope of no return.
Six small words, that's all.

Six. Small. Words. 

Yet they sit mute on my tongue, held tightly by fear of the destruction they will cause. 

Seven syllables.
Swirling around my brain, screaming through my consciousness everytime we talk, begging to be spoken, consuming my every panicked thought.

Twenty two letters.
A small amount, though enough to tear two worlds into shreds and cast friendship into darkness everlasting.

They're only words, right?

If that were true, I would scream them across the sea, my truth drowning out the roar of the tide..... but these words would take you from me, so I bite down on them, imprison them within, where they churn and spit with fury at my cowardice.

Six small words I'll always mean but never say, seven syllables that would send you reeling, running, betrayed.  Twenty two letters that I could only ever follow with "I'm sorry" as I watch you walk away.
Just needed to get it out.
Did you travel here through darkness
Touch my cheek, whisper my name
your eager hand my swift undoing
your kisses bringing skin aflame.
Did you love me oh so deeply
as you entered velvet dark
did you hear my breathless yearning
did you race my bitter heart.
Now I wake in lonely bedroom
hushed and longing in your wake
I **** the earth, her cruel circumference
and beg her now my soul to take.
Tonight I'll sleep the sleep of angels
and dream as only sinners do
of distant shores and carnal pleasure
in hope it brings me back to you.
Take these words and hold them dear
as proof that once I lingered here
within these hallowed written walls
that speak the fate of one and all.

Do not mourn me when I'm gone
heal your heart and carry on.
In sorrow ne'er my heart did dwell
for I was blessed to know you well.

Place no flowers, lay no stone
for barren earth is not my home
no marker there to bare my name
no mourners heads bowed deep in shame.

Shed a solitary tear,
then walk in light and never fear
as darkness creeps across the land
I will be there to hold your hand.
 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes
Joe Cole
I started scribbling to help pass the night shifts
Soon the scribbles turned into poetry
Not particularly good poetry either
But I persevered, joined the poetry section on
A social networking site
That in turn led me to HP
Anyway I started posting here
Initially without a great deal of success
But I stuck at it and started to gain a following
My message to anyone who loses heart
Because nothing seems to be going anywhere
Is just stick at it
It happened for me, it will happen for you
 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes
Take me
 Aug 2014 Ryan Jakes

Once upon a midnight dreary, as I ponder weak and weary
Falling as a distant star comes reaching of my heart
Knees connect with fertile soil, darkness on this hour loyal
Twilight bid its fond farewell as evening spends its start
Chilled this open field a’ rest, facing east my own confess
Silence comes in wintered thoughts a’ calling to my mind
Lone is found this majesty, a’ born mine lonely eyes to see
There upon the heavens form this beauty I do find
Reaching for your open hand, actions of an empty man
Seeking but the wisdom that shall lead me to your side
Grasping at the frosted air, evermore I long to share
In amongst these feelings glowing bright this velvet sky
Take me, oh this soul does plead, thee shall be my every need
Endless I shall cherish every vision sent above
As a light does glisten free, when your smile my heart does see
*To fend this winter evening with the warmth of your sweet love
I was challenged to write a poem using the opening lines of
Poe's The Raven.  This is it...
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