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Rue Dec 2023
My parents is the villain of my story
Misguided me into love that is not healthy
They say “we do this because we love you” then yet continue to ignore me.
Is this enough for me to call them the villain of my story?
Who is the villain of my story?

The people who betrayed me are the villain of my story.
Including my siblings who never reached out and played me *****.
Including the system who put me through constant fear to gain control over me.
Including all the people that manipulates me into thinking that hardwork is the key, not the mentality.
But is it enough tho to be called the villain of my story?

Who is the real villain of my story?

I am.. I am the villain of my story
I am who has the self doubt,
Ignores all the blessed glory.
I am who brought the disaster in my story
I am who blame the others for my worry
I am who has control over me and yet let other people walked all over me.
I am who didn’t stand up for myself because I fear everyone will left me.
I am,
It’s me.
It’s not them.
I let them.
I am the villain of my story.
Rue Oct 2023
How about less of “didn’t you see the red flags” and more of “ I see how hard you were tying to be loved”
Rue Feb 2022
I wish I knew.
That you’re leaving us
I didn’t even had a chance to say goodbye.

I wish I knew.
How hard this is for us
I’m not okay, every night I cry and cry.

I wish I knew.
My heart is in pain from the void you left
All I can do is lie.

I wish I knew.
I can feel it in my guts
You’re up there at the sky waving Hi,
wishing that I could see you smile.

I wish I knew.
The pain and sorrow that you supplied.
I don’t know what you’re trying to imply.

I wish I knew
The despair and grieving that I been through; and
The regret and guilt, hoping they’re an ally.

I wish I knew
The day when you die,
So then I can try, to properly say Goodbye.
Rue Apr 2019
People thinks she is mean,
Some say shes hard to get,
But they just don’t know what it means
To be treated bad, by the guy she trusted hard.

People say she has the heart of stone.
But they just don’t understand
She has to put her heart on guard because
He doesn’t use his heart but uses his Hand

She let go of her past and start something new
Became strong and fearless
But something blew
The fate been ruthless

The guy return to win her
But little did he know she is all brand New.
He buys her ring and
Introduce her to all his crew

But he still the same, full of promises less of action
Full of adjectives but less of verbs
He thinks he is some kind of Prince Charming in some kind of animation
That either make her day or leave her aching for days.

The queen is the new King
Let her reign her castle
And see how she nailed that thing
Without any hustle ;)

The so called “prince” left her
But she remain strong,
The manipulation does not affect her.
She took a hit through a ****
And realize where she truly Belongs

The girl that used to be beaten up by manipulations
Is now a woman with no Fears,
She asked for recognition for going through war with no gears.

She recognized herself, realized she doesn’t need validation…
So Slayyyy my Queeing
This poem is for this girl, who’ve been into a rough time with her past. Wishing that she can find someone that will love her more than anything, because she deserves it
Rue Sep 2018
You are so beauteous
your smile is enchanting
your eyes is so precious
you are very admirable and loving

you amuse me, delight me and laugh with me
i felt i dont deserve you,
or you dont deserve me
with you i felt free...

we had a fight, the person i thought that will save me.
is the person that wrecked me.
i lost my self esteem, the light become darkness
happiness become sadness
love become madness.. to anger.. to hatred

you didnt hurt me physically,
but the selfless, narcissistic action of yours
****** me up emotionally
You gave me roses but handed me the thorn first.

i am love and i cant denied it,
Love made me barely eat,
Love message you even its late. that eventhough your taking so long to respond, its okay love will wait.

but you hurt me over and over again,
and im still here for you eventhough you are so vain.
because i have faith that you will change
cause i thought we are in the same ******* page...
We once used to be in the same page.

the wound you gave me did not appear in my body
but hurts more than anything that bleeds
I become blind, because of wanting for you to love me so badly
i cant even tell if this still what love means.

if the wounds on my heart and the bruises on my soul translated into my skin, you would probably recognize it.
Rue Sep 2018
You know the feeling of pain,
Without hurting you physically,
Doing anything you can, but its just shame
This emotion still ******* you up slowly.

There is no formula or equation,
To forget the woman you used to love.
Theres no cure into broken relation
But let go and give it all to the Above.

I begged to God, to heal the broken heart
You chooses to break my heart into pieces.
You choosed to be apart.
My respect for you decreases.
My love for you change into Pity and empathy.

Yet I still think you deserved kindness.
You still deserved love even though you chooses to make me feel the word loneliness.

It’s not your fault that nobody’s taught you how to love.
Nobody taught you how to be gentle.
Rue Aug 2018
Let's see.
I'm not sure when and how it started, why it is strong
i seems happy, no one think anything's wrong.
Screaming for someone to see
that the happy smile and carefree is not the real me.
The feeling of everything is messed up, and all you wanna do is to break free.
Poetry, Poetry, Help us to let everyone everyone see, whats actually bothering me.  ✍
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