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Mikey Mar 2022
i stared into your eyes and declared my love for you
i felt my soul leap out of my throat
and my heart pound against my rib cage
i said i love you with all the air in my lungs
with all the marrow in my bones
i said it with all of me
and you said it back, with none of you

so now i stare at this navy blue prom dress,
hung up in my closet
and curse to myself
how could you be so stupid.
Mikey Aug 2
Something smelled like you today.
The breeze carried your smile and your laugh straight to my sinuses and clogged them in unrequited love and whispered promises spoken in dimly lit rooms.
I had to strain against the weight of your soft kisses and tight hugs that made my knees start to give way.
The warm summer air seemed to taunt me in that moment, knowing the very scent of you could make me weak.
That it could wreck the cartilage that stood fortified in my knees and held me up so highly.
Something smelled like you today,
Or maybe it was just my senses playing a trick on me.
Either way, youre whispered in the breeze. A slowly forgotten memory.
this is kinda ****. sorry
Mikey Aug 2021
i wish to be yours
the way you are mine
Mikey Sep 2020
sometimes i stare at the sun,
swallow the mouthwash,
take an extra advil,
cross the street without looking,
take off my seatbeat,
walk alone at night.
but then came you,
and that all stopped.
i finally have something to live for.
Mikey Sep 2020
so lets smoke some more, and wash away the night.
cause no matter what i do,
ill never be alright.
Mikey Dec 2020
why must the world be a battle field?

why are the loving hands of black men and women considered weapons?

why are members of the lgbt community considered evil?

why are non religious people seen as a spawn of the devil?

why must we live in a world where life is a battlefield?

why must we fight to believe in our own dreams?

why must we fight for the rights gifted to us as humans beings?

everyday we put up a fight,

and frankly i’m tired of this battlefield.
Mikey Oct 2020
your memories leave me with a beautiful sadness.
a lonely comfort,
a broken promise.
yes you left, but you also left a piece of you.
thank you.
Mikey Aug 2020
these days have reminded me of young lovers
of whispered secrets in candle light
of slow dances in the rain
a feeling of endless liveliness.
a feeling i hope to never shake.
all because of you.
Mikey Jan 2021
i cant keep hanging by your noose.
im tired of not being able to breath.
so go on and give your best to someone else.
they can get the best of you.
give them your all and slowly strangle them too.
im getting tired of starting again, so im done.
i refuse.
yes this is directly inspired from best of you by the foo fighters
Mikey Nov 2020
your hair is winter fire,
January embers.
my heart burns there too.
this is not mine, i just find it peaceful
Mikey Jan 3
i think a part of me will always linger by your side
waiting to hold onto your hand when we cross the street
i’m scared i’ll miss you forever
Mikey Nov 2020
her heart was like blown glass, sensitive and nimble.
she was hard to let pass.
she sat in your dreams swinging her feet, you always thought she was so sweet.
the heart of this girl so beautiful and true, would sing soft melodies to me and you.
it bumped and it thumped to the rhythm within, matching with yours. you were at a win.
the girl made of blown glass was vigilant of her heart, but only with you.
she was afraid of the new and you were too, so you protected her greatly.
her glass heart too.
but the harder you held the more she began to crack.


you sat with your love in bleeding hands, wondering why the girl of glass loved you.
but you loved her too, with every piece of newly hardened glass that she left with you.
Mikey Dec 2020
i can feel my heart slowly sinking in my chest,
and the only thing i can say is
its okay
Mikey Jan 2021
if only i could hold you while the sky slowly bleeds unto sunrise.
if only i could kiss your forehead as you softly breath into my chest.
if only i could pull you close to me in the early hours of the morning.
if only i could love you the way i want to, the way i need to.
i just wanna love you, because thats all im living for.
Mikey Mar 2021
throw me in your burning pile.
ill smile as you dump me.
Mikey Jan 2021
i have monsters in my head.
i have spiders in my lungs.
i have blood clots running through my veins.
but darling your voice.
your voice fills my head with singing angels.
you plant flowers in my lungs.
you make my veins run pure gold.
you make me okay.
Mikey May 2021
butterflies in my head
my stomach
my arms
all around me.
you leave me with the fluttering feeling of their wings
their overwhelming colors
their need to be around you.
you leave me with butterflies in my tummy
flipping whenever they see you
and for some reason i cant get them to stop.
those **** butterflies
Mikey Oct 2023
i love like a cannibal,
allowing myself to swallow people whole
encompassing them in my being.
i let them sit in the curves of my ribs and and rest their head against my lungs.
maybe i love to hard
Mikey Feb 2021
we could be the couple of centuries.
Mikey Oct 2020

Mikey May 2021
i have peices of you stained on me.
like rings on a wooden table
like coffee spills on white t-shirts.
youre stained on my skin, never to be washed away
never to leave.
maybe thats why im hung up on you
Mikey Dec 2020
please dont put me into the position where i have to show you how cold
my heart really is.
Mikey Sep 2020
the person youre in love with is supposed to make the world more colorful,
but what are you supposed to do when youre colorblind
Mikey Feb 2021
the way you touched me begged me to stay.
but your mouth said otherwise.
Mikey Sep 4
i don’t miss you, and please never contact me again
but if you did i’d answer because i miss the warmth in your voice and spending my nights with you.
but please don’t contact me, i never wanna see your face again.
seeing you again is the last thing i would ever want, but it was so warm outside and the stars were so visible in the darkness of the sky and i couldn’t sleep so i should’ve been on the way to your house.
i wish i could get over you, but i already am.
i wish you’d come back but please stay so far away from me.
i don’t love you anymore but i still think about you all the time.
Mikey Nov 2020
i can hear you,
sense you,
touch you.
youre locked away in the back of my mind, itching.
looking for a way out.
youre a creature.
and by association,
you make me a creature.
a creature of habit.
Mikey Mar 2021
why must the rain be so beautifully poetic?
why must the cuts across my wrist be so metaphoric?
why must the clouds be so sadly broken?
why must the world be so cruel to us beautiful people?
Mikey May 2022
the world isnt out to get you.  
it will not swallow you into everlasting darkness if you take a break.
rest my love
remember to breathe
Mikey Dec 2020
you cant water dead flowers,
itll only drown them.
relationships are hard. just remember this.
Mikey Sep 2020
like a flower that wilts in the sun,
youve become a case of a person.
a hollow shell,
an empty place.
youve become nothing.
youre a pit of despair,
you feel like nothing could ever compare to the pain you feel.
but like all things, you grow.
you bloom in the dancing beams of moonlight,
you radiate in the endless field of dreams.
you may be empty but youre not empty yet.
so let me fill you, with the sparks you send me.
so i can see the love of mine, even if its only in the moonlight.
let yourself glow my love.
Mikey Oct 2020
never in a million years did i think i would meet an angel like you.
with silky hair, and devilish blue eyes.
i couldn't get enough of you.

but as time went on i realized you were a fallen angel. something deprived of the devil.
your kisses were lukewarm, your heart was frozen,
and the only thing you ever did with me was tear my heart out and rip into thousands of threads.
you were once an angel, fallen from grace.

so now, i hope you rot in the depths of hell for all of eternity.

like the devil you've become.
Mikey Sep 2020
you tend to slip through my fingers, leaving remnants of memories on my fingertips. while your hands spin so does my head. sending me into a spinning haze of cracking tears, and hyperventilated memories. why must you steal from me? why must you take away the precious moments. you've left me wasted and empty. while you reminisce on my day dreams and leave me with nightmares.
Mikey Aug 2021
one day ill die
and the world will continue to turn
it will not halt
it will not stop
it will turn
so when i do
i hope you look to the sky
and know its alright
Mikey Nov 2020
what do i do if im the only person on my deathnote?
yes this is based off an anime shh
Mikey Dec 2020
J'ai envie d'être aussi belle que les autres autour de moi.

I want to be as beautiful as the others around me.
Mikey Dec 2020
devil town is colder in the summer time,
id lose my mind at least couple thousand times,
hold my hand tight,
we'll make it another night.

i still get a little scared of something new but i feel a little safer when i'm with you.

falling doesn't seem so bad when i know you're falling this way too.
cavetown has my heart tbh
Mikey Dec 2020
youre a sunset lover, while i linger till the sunrise.
you listen to the rhythm i listen to the beat.
you love warmth while i enjoy the cold.
we are perfectly imperfect for eachother...
Mikey Dec 2020
i find myself questioning the intentions of my thoughts and actions.
i question the way my feet hit the ground,
the way i raise my voice,
the way my shoulders move when i stretch,
the way my fingers move when i type,
the way my voice sounds.
i question it all.
am i real?
can people see me?
am i this body?
i am me, but who am i?
help ***
Mikey Sep 2020
please dont fall apart.
dont allow the rage inside you break your own bones.
dont let the sadness carve ravines in your moonlit skin.
dont allow the jealousy run through your veins.
please dont fall apart
Mikey May 2021
sometimes i wonder if you ever loved me, because if you did you wouldnt have left me so easily
Mikey Jan 2021
did you love them?
or did you fall in love with the version of them you created in your head?
Mikey Jan 2021
i sailed across the seven seas looking for you.
i captured sirens and monsters, hoping to find a part of your heart.
i watched the waves turn my stomach into swirling pits of nothingness, painting the seas green and blue.
i thought you said you loved the ocean..?
i thought you loved me, yet you keep me as a castaway
Mikey Sep 2020
you were a dream my mind had created out of little fragments of memories.
a dream made out of light from every gleaming star in the sky.
god, what a dream you were.
it felt as if i could reach into my mind and swim in the oceans in your eyes.
i could have count every freckle that sprinkled across your nose,
i could have gently pressed my lips against yours,
you couldve called me by your name, and i couldve called you by mine.
and i realize now you were nothing but a dream then.
but now youre my only reality
Mikey Apr 2021
youre drifiting
through a timeline in space, dotting the lines with your love for me, for him, for them, for her.
youre drifiting
leaving remnants of your lovers fingerprints within you
youre drifting,
just promise me you wont leave me stranded in the stars
Mikey Nov 2020
youre intoxicating so i go to school drunk and come home hungover craving your lips even more than before.
so hand me the bottle and lets gunshot another round,
because its misery to me when youre not around
Mikey Nov 2020
i feel like im drowning.
in unsaid words, unwritten poetry, unvoiced thoughts.
i can feel myself sinking into the bottom of this pit.
with my hands in shackles and my ankles tied.
im sinking.
everything echos down here.
im almost gone.
every thing is so cold.
Mikey Nov 2020
you can smoke me away in empty boxes of marlboros,
or drown out my words in jameson.
but no matter how much **** you shove down your throat to forget me,
my shadow will always be imprinted in the back of your mind.
and my name will never leave your drunken tongue.
this isnt the best but i like it
Mikey Nov 2020
have you ever been put up on the shelf, and only dusted off when people are confused or need something from you?

yeah me too.
i guess we can get dusty together.

come, stay awhile
Mikey Mar 2021
my head is pounding sorrowful rythems in the back of my head.
my heart is knocking against my ribs.
my blood is clotting in my veins.
i can feel myself dying.
but ill keep it inside
Mikey Dec 2020
i love you he said,
handing me a dying rose.
and as he turned around to leave, the petals started floating away.
and as each fell, he said
he loved you
he loved you not.
and by the end, all i had was the stem of the once beautiful rose,
and the petals.
showing how broken our love really was.
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