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66 · Nov 2020
i love you
Mikey Nov 2020
i uttered those three words.
gently, softly spoken.
it was 3 am and the only sound that drifted through the room was the rasp in my i's.
i remember you looking at me and smiling,
only to softly whisper them back to me.
thank you..
thank you for loving me.
65 · Sep 2020
am i needed?
Mikey Sep 2020
"Do you love me or do you need me" i asked with a tear rolling down my cheek
and with a wicked gleam in your eyes, you said
"figure it out yourself"
64 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
i dont want you to knock on my door.
cause i know if i saw you standing in my doorway,
id run to you like you didnt break my heart.
Mikey Aug 28
step 1. cry into the abyss. scream until your lungs ache and your ribs bruise. beg, plead, pray, and whimper to a god that hasnt listened to your prayers since you were a child.
step 2. stare at the ceiling while you sit in agony, wonder if this feeling will ever go away. replay every happy memory in the back of your mind until you can almost feel their touch burning your skin
step 3. fall asleep in a heap on the bathroom floor, with tears staining your skin and chills covering your entire body. its to cold to sleep there, but you wont move.
step 4. repeat the last three steps every night until you are only a shell of your former self. a hollowed out piece of flesh and bone. shine a flashlight against your chest and watch as the hole in your heart glows
step 5. finally become human after months of rotting into your own prison. do your laundry, the smell reminds you of them. hold back the tears that sting against your eyelids.
step 6. hangout with your friends, force yourself to smile. laugh out a dry heaving laugh, look at your feet when your friends look at you funny
step 7. sit on your bathroom floor and relive the past, hold your knees to your chest as you do. it feels like a hug, but its not. its only your cold arms.
step 8. go outside, watch the sunrays dance around the trees. smile, a genuine smile. god its been forever, hasnt it. soak up those rays. tell your mom about your good day
step 9. put all their clothes into a box, purge your room of any memories you had of them. dye your hair, pierce your nose, reclaim the person you lost.
step 10. laugh again and move on.
64 · Dec 2020
phone calls
Mikey Dec 2020
its been awhile since you've heard from me
                                                  ive missed you.

its like we're stranger now, just walking around with each others secrets.
                                                i wish we werent.

maybe ill see you around sometime. we can get coffee if you want.

                                               i wont. but i can hope so

i miss you. come back to me.

                                              i love you.

*the number you have dialed is no longer in service.
Mikey Apr 1
forever chasing after something uncatchable.
forever tripping over my own two feet.
64 · Oct 2020
the way he dances
Mikey Oct 2020
for the way he dances is as graceful as the angels voices.
the way his head moves, his hair following every direction his feet go.
his arms spin, his head nods, his fingers tap out the beat.
hes living in the moment, for the way he dances is so graceful,
how could i not fall for him.
63 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
i love you more than you know,
and i hope you realize that before i lose you too.
Mikey Sep 4
i tend to get upset when people misunderstand me,
and when they cant truly read me as a human being.
but then i remember i made myself this way.
i built these walls up around my soul brick by brick.
i pulled the veil over my heart to make everyone turn away.
i am my own worst enemy
62 · Feb 23
ghosts in my room
Mikey Feb 23
some days i let it curl into my side while i pet its head softly
other days i scream at it until my mouth tastes of blood
most days i watch it lurk around my room, picking up certain things and dropping them back down again
grief isn’t a friend, but it’s no stranger either.
it’s made it’s home in the pit of my stomach
the ghost of you will forever haunt me
62 · Dec 2020
1:15 am
Mikey Dec 2020
i colored inside the lines my whole life.
than came you, and now my colors are reckless about their lines
61 · Dec 2020
make you love me
Mikey Dec 2020
ill make you fall in love with the way i say your name.
like the gentle flame of a candle light.
ill make you fall in love with the way i wipe your tears.
softly and lovingly.
ill make you fall in love with me.
and leave you wondering why you ever did.
im sorry
61 · Oct 2021
shooting stars
Mikey Oct 2021
i have wished upon many shooting stars in my lifetime
waiting for the proper one to come.
i wished and wished until i fell upon you,
the most brilliant star in my little galaxy.
but like all shooting stars, many people wished upon you as well
and fell captive to your wondering gaze.
if only i was a shooting star,
then maybe youll wish upon me.
60 · Apr 2021
my eyes
Mikey Apr 2021
you watched me cry one day,
without realizing the pain in my eyes.
although you looked into them
you saw right through me.
60 · Oct 2020
s h i t
Mikey Oct 2020
ill forever have a piece of you, and you'll forever have a piece of me.

60 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
i feel like im drowning.
in unsaid words, unwritten poetry, unvoiced thoughts.
i can feel myself sinking into the bottom of this pit.
with my hands in shackles and my ankles tied.
im sinking.
everything echos down here.
im almost gone.
every thing is so cold.
60 · Dec 2020
seeing things
Mikey Dec 2020
i thought i saw you standing there, in my room.
but when i turned on my light it was just a chair with a jacket thrown over.
60 · Dec 2020
fix me
Mikey Dec 2020
crimson rivers escape me as my lung exhale the pain.
alluring ravines cross my skin as your lips try to heal my hurt.
im trying to fight the good fight but it keeps on getting worse.
i hope my bruised and bloodied arms will never make you leave me.
im trying my best to heal the pain, but only your words can fix me.
59 · Oct 2020
#3 forgetfulness
Mikey Oct 2020
i can hardly remember the days i spent with you.
i forgot your voice,
the ways your hands felt against mine,
the way your giggle sounded.
i forget the moments i once lived for.
im forgetting you.
or maybe this bottle ******* away the memories too.
the feelings/emotions series
59 · Aug 2020
always and forever.
Mikey Aug 2020
our song is composed within broken hearts and late nights comforting eachother on calls until early morning.
our song is played through old record players, and car radios
our bandaged hearts mending a little more with each time it plays, holding our hands as it lead the way to the end.
the end of time, where we are always and forever.
59 · Sep 2020
full of a sort of love
Mikey Sep 2020
i speak.
the clouds that once fill my lungs seeping out with every breath, as you refill them with daisies.
the pain i once felt in the bottom of my stomach, washed away with words that roll of your tongue.
its a never ending cycle of healing,
through softy spoken words soaked in sweat,
through the ever so gentle touch of your lips,
through the way your love fills me to the very brim.
although i am broken, i can slowly feel my pieces come together when im with you.
59 · Dec 2020
devil town.
Mikey Dec 2020
devil town is colder in the summer time,
id lose my mind at least couple thousand times,
hold my hand tight,
we'll make it another night.

i still get a little scared of something new but i feel a little safer when i'm with you.

falling doesn't seem so bad when i know you're falling this way too.
cavetown has my heart tbh
59 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
im rotting away in this hell of mine
58 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
heart torn in two,
and all i can do is mourn the thought of losing you.
58 · Feb 29
run home to me
Mikey Feb 29
i can’t forgive what you did
but i miss you so much it hurts
58 · Dec 2020
im me, but who am i.
Mikey Dec 2020
after a while all the thoughts will resurface.
you can shove every sort of pill down my throat,
force me to learn 'skills',
make my parents into new people.
you can fix the world around me but you cant fix me.
and we all know what the real problem is.
its not you, or him, my mom, my dad.
its me.
im the issue and you cant fix a person thats lived 7 years of their life feeling hopless.
yet ill let you try.
cause god knows i wanna be okay.
just like you want me to be.
kinda a vent not really a poem
57 · Aug 2020
Mikey Aug 2020
after months of intoxicated thoughts.
thousands of daydreams on a high.
weeks of sober tears.
i’ve decided that it’s better to be safe then sober.
cause when i’m sober i think of you,
but when i’m under the influence i remember you.
57 · Aug 2020
the art of healing.
Mikey Aug 2020
trust in me.
trust in the way the leaves fall
the way the clouds move
the way the stars shine.

trust in us.
the way the world turns
the way the sun burns
the way the seasons change.

trust in the change.
the way the heart heals
the way the mind mends
the way the lungs refill.

trust in yourself.
its all you truly have
its the only things there for you always
its your canvas.

trust in you, trust in me, trust in us.
together we heal.
together we grow.
we can do it.
57 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
i can stare at you for hours and still wonder the same things.
how such gentle hands have held up the worlds fires.
how such loving eyes have seen the worse aray of things.
how such sensitive ears have heard the worst words around.
i wonder and wonder about you.
yet you still leave me breathless
i love you teehee
56 · Sep 2020
to me youre perfect
Mikey Sep 2020
when i stare at the sky searching for the dim moonlight i see your face in the stars.
when i look for seashells on the beach i see your face in the waves.
when i walk through the forest i see your face in the trees.
when im asked for my definition of perfect the first thing i see is you. your smile, your eyes, your hair, your shoulders.
i see you. youre my definition of perfect.
and no matter what you say, or do. you always will be
56 · Dec 2020
natures way
Mikey Dec 2020
lay me down in the middle of a field, covered in primroses and lavender poppies.
let the sun wash me over and the clouds cover me gently.
allow the bugs and birds to sing me their simple songs.
cover me in the simplicity of nature till the sun falls.
i want to be one with the earth and live ever more.
56 · Sep 2020
Mikey Sep 2020
i would be honored to have my heart broken by you
56 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
i came alive when i first kissed you,
the best me has his arms around you.
you make me better then i was before,

thank god im yours.
our song :)
55 · Mar 2021
read it again
Mikey Mar 2021
55 · Oct 2020
wicked games.
Mikey Oct 2020
you always loved card games.
slaps, war, jacks.  you name it, we played it.
but your favorite card game was called hearts.

we dealt our love, feelings, friends. we threw them all on the table.
you had me deal my heart.

and we played.

like always, since it was your favorite, you won.
taking what was dealt on the table and walking out.

i still think about this wicked game you played. and i still think about my heart. i wonder if it beats for you, i doubt it would. but sometimes in the earlier hours if the morning ill see you.

and i can feel my old heartbeat in my fingertips, slowly drifting me off to sleep. and making me think, if part of me still longs to play the game.
kinda old but i like it
55 · Oct 2020
Mikey Oct 2020
sometimes my heart speaks louder than my mind.
and thats when i make the worst mistakes.
55 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
why am i so sorry for myself?
why am i filled with pity?
i guess i finally realized the trauma has eaten its way at me.
but now all i am is filled with sorry feelings and pain.
why cant i think, why is this empathy weighting at me.
i cant continue to be sorry for myself.
but all i am is pity.
55 · Feb 2021
thank you
Mikey Feb 2021
thank you for looking past the fake light in my eyes.
thank you for looking past the man made scars that graze my skin.
thank you for feeling the tension in my shoulders.
thank you for being with me.
thank you for being there.
thank you bub.
thank you.
54 · Oct 2020
2:21 pm.
Mikey Oct 2020
i find myself longing for your hands tangled with mine again.
why is it always the same time.
54 · Oct 2020
#2: nostalgia
Mikey Oct 2020
that song plays.
i see you, your face as your hair blows around sticking to your lips.
i see him, his fingers tapping along to the drums on his steering wheel.  
i see her, her fingers intertwined with his, screaming the lyrics out his window.
i see them, nodding their head looking at you with the sweetest eyes. not knowing the song but enjoying the energy.
then you see me, our eyes met.
and for the first time in forever, i felt at place.
the song ends.
and so do the worn out memories of you. my beachboy.
da emotions series :)
53 · Dec 2020
dying roses
Mikey Dec 2020
i love you he said,
handing me a dying rose.
and as he turned around to leave, the petals started floating away.
and as each fell, he said
he loved you
he loved you not.
and by the end, all i had was the stem of the once beautiful rose,
and the petals.
showing how broken our love really was.
53 · Dec 2020
dead flowers
Mikey Dec 2020
you cant water dead flowers,
itll only drown them.
relationships are hard. just remember this.
53 · Dec 2020
i miss your hands.
Mikey Dec 2020
i miss your hands.
i miss the way your fingertips trace their love into my hips.
i miss the way your hands wander all over me.
i miss the way your fingers feel on my tongue.
i miss your hands.
i miss how you hold me close.
i miss the way your fingers run through my hair.
i miss your hands in more way than one, but i long for every way just the same
this was a draft and oh boy
51 · Oct 2020
dear angel,
Mikey Oct 2020
never in a million years did i think i would meet an angel like you.
with silky hair, and devilish blue eyes.
i couldn't get enough of you.

but as time went on i realized you were a fallen angel. something deprived of the devil.
your kisses were lukewarm, your heart was frozen,
and the only thing you ever did with me was tear my heart out and rip into thousands of threads.
you were once an angel, fallen from grace.

so now, i hope you rot in the depths of hell for all of eternity.

like the devil you've become.
51 · Sep 2020
terms and conditions
Mikey Sep 2020
sign your name under the terms and conditions of my heart,
so that when you break it youll have to pick up every piece,
and heal me once again.
51 · Nov 2020
Mikey Nov 2020
the feeling of hopelessness has riddled my bones.
theyre shaking.
i cant stop.
im hopeless.
im in u t t e r

and sadly i am
n o t h i n g.
this is a vent.
51 · Sep 2020
a work in progress
Mikey Sep 2020
sometimes i stare at the sun,
swallow the mouthwash,
take an extra advil,
cross the street without looking,
take off my seatbeat,
walk alone at night.
but then came you,
and that all stopped.
i finally have something to live for.
50 · Oct 2020
never thought
Mikey Oct 2020
i never thought someones breathing patterns would become music to my ears.
i never thought not hearing someones voice would put me in physical pain.
i never thought i would admire someone like i once admired the moon.
but ya know,
there came you.
50 · Dec 2020
Mikey Dec 2020
id put a gun in my mouth if it meant i could **** the things living in my head.
without me actually being dead.
49 · Oct 2020
your side
Mikey Oct 2020
i had a dream,
you were in my arms.
our songs playing in the background.
simply melodies mixed in with giggles and deep breaths.

when i woke up i sighed,
i'm tired if your side being so cold
come home
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