You thought he wanted your money You hated him Then you hated yourself You lost yourself to the world Now you know He just wanted his son You are his son now You are unstoppable now You know exactly who you are And most important The path forward is clear
When you were young They asked "who are you?" You said "I am not my father" And then you were lost In self destruction, in self hate Then you got old and they asked again This time it's clear "I am my father" You know who you are You know what you have to do You love your father and forgave him Never again will you be lost
You want justice You want to destroy those who wronged you So much anger So much power The rage has no end After the kills you face your daughter But now you are the destroyer And as you prepare to cut her An avalanche of pain and sorrow drown you At last you ended yourself and saved her
You live in fear You are a coward Afraid of action Become the terror you fear Become fear itself Know your true power Be unafraid to unleash the beast But once done Accept it Remember it You are terror
Deep within you carry so much sorrow So much regret and pain Only by becoming fully brave Only by following the Path of God You can become whole again And save not just yourself But the ones you love and cry for
There is no going back You broke everything You blamed others But the truth comes at night When all is silent you can hear it There is only forward There is only fixing And prayer to the Lord
There is still time Still hope You are still alive Don't drown in your regret Live forward forcefully With conviction, courage, purpose And most of all Obey Commands of God
You have gone too far Spent all the money Passed up all the offers You are in it now You're living the dream You are true at last Walking the Path God meant for you There is no return There is no end You will only transcend Your dream will lead you to God's Door
Never forget God answered you All He wants in return Is to obey His commands To walk on the path He has laid for you You are the son of God now Alive only because He commands it
You were a chaser A loser for love Then you fell No one came You reached out to God He said "I was waiting for you to call for me" Then you cried forever
The anger calls you The feelings of that day The regret and guilt You feel the fire rising "Why did you let it happen?" You want to destroy again Then you remember Your promise to yourself Your oath to God To never go back to the hate You will never hate again
Cowards turn to other men for help The Hero of the world only needs God He feels no joy, no pain, no fear, no guilt, no regret Only the Love of God Shines through him to save the world
She just wanted your love To live her happy dream with you But you rejected her love You abandoned your father and mother Until you were alone In total darkness God spoke to you He commanded you The path forward is clear now God commands you to love
You wanted to become nothing To disappear and leave for good To live and die quietly Yet here you are Because God wants you to live Because you are the light the world needs
In your sleepless night It seems hopeless Fear and vice come crawling You want to **** yourself Then you remember God is with you He got you this far He is listening and watching He decides your death But you decide if you die a coward Or as the Hand of God
It's true God exists He was with you all this time While you lived your vices While you rejected all the love And you lied to yourself As you abandoned the ones that needed you God was watching His messengers, his words His infinite power His will All of it is true
When the pain is too much And you can't move or think anymore When your love broke you and never looked back And you hear the end calling There is one thing to do now The only thing you can do The one thing that makes sense --------------> Dance <-------------
For years I numbed myself With drugs again and again While watching you with another man Not accepting the truth Not trying to win you Just numbing In my numbness my fight for you came out toxic You hated me even more And I became more numb
You're gonna **** You were once kind and loving But now you see what they did You see their truth They hurt your true love You're gonna **** Without fail You're gonna **** Quietly when no one is watching
Build a machine to destroy the world Because it hurts You don’t know how to fix the pain The one in you and the one you made Better to make the terminator Because that’s how you roll
You were afraid of the night Now it’s just another part of the day Where you miss her Wonder about what you did Toss and turn You can’t forget her smile Until the sun comes out And you’re mad again
You were always a killer But lived in fear of yourself Doubted yourself for years Now that you have seen the truth of the world You can be yourself **** in silence With a smile With kind words With slow movement No one will ever know That you are the killer
You thought about her You would see her photos and wonder Then one day she melted in your arms Time was little But you got what you wanted The taste of her
You wanted her Now you are hurting Her words, each a razor sharp cut Killed your dream within minutes With nothing to say You stood and watched the slaughter Just pain, all ****** up Vomiting sliced up parts of your dream on the street As you saw her walk away
You were waiting for this day Now just a few steps away You stop to look around This is the place between death and life Between the end and new You're gonna wait here a bit Wondering if this is really happening In fear that your next step will end the dream That maybe this is all false That you died a long time ago And this is just the after dream of your soul
Someone you loved They broke you In turn you broke me But I still love you Forever One has to pay the price Of hurting Destroying The pure and innocent For my gem I promise To end the one who broke you