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he ravished her bare back
with the most eager kisses
her comely flesh invited
him to continue
 Apr 2013 Roisin
Nick Durbin
Images captioned by darkness,

My eyes closed...
Invasive thoughts -
Somber mind,
Silhouette of those lips...

Your taste on my toungue -
Our love entangled,
Us; Together...
My not so hidden message. I sleep to dream of you, and wake wishing it were true.
 Apr 2013 Roisin
Susan O'Reilly
I’m present
but absent
but gone away
body visible
spirit invisible
people talking
not listening
private battle
to heal
 Apr 2013 Roisin
 Apr 2013 Roisin
Kiss me hard and kiss me deep
In the morning I shall not weep
Ease me into heavy slumber
Restless thoughts shall not wonder
Your smile I have never told
Melts my heart to liquid gold
Whisper softly in my ear
The melodies I want to hear
Tug and bend delicate strings
Conduct the song that my heart sings
Release me from your grasp, my dear
Unless you long to hold me near
Disguise, a tactic you learned best
Unsynced rhythm in my chest
The never-ending symphony
Morphed into a catastrophe
Bitterness and a vague answer
Diagnose me with a deadly cancer
Chants of demons in my head
My quaking body fills with dread
Falling debris from the ledge
Standing at a quarry's edge
Flying through the stolen night
For the first time I can see the light
Drown yourself in the guilt
Demolish walls you carefully built
Intent destruction I never will forgive
Because I had to die to live

Any ideas for a title?
 Apr 2013 Roisin
Anna Jordan
Scars cut their jagged path
like avenues across the soul
telling stories grown to cities
reduced to gaping holes.
I tell my reflection
that she was once beautiful
because of any of us
she needs to hear it most.
I draw life-lines on my palms
an echoing lie, whispering
"Of course, you'll live forever!"
without having to pay a price for youth.
I scribble words of wisdom
that no one will ever read
they're written in a language
that the schools refuse to teach.
Each syllable, each song
unlike reflections of Narcissus
leave a new ****** trail
a **** in the heart
a frail little *****
beating with valiant strides
shouting with each agonized step
I shall not go quietly
I shall not surrender
I shall not quit or fall to self-pity
for I am the *****
that powers this beast
a creature grotesque and lovely
a monster too gentle to be at peace
an oracle, a love-sick fool,
with a soul-carved map
drawn over the surface of the world.
 Apr 2013 Roisin
Patrick Kavanagh
I have lived in important places, times

When great events were decided, who owned

That half a rood of rock, a no-man's land

Surrounded by our pitchfork-armed claims.

I heard the Duffys shouting "**** your soul"

And old McCabe stripped to the waist, seen

Step the plot defying blue cast-steel --

"Here is the march along these iron stones".

That was the year of the Munich bother. Which

Was more important? I inclined

To lose my faith in Ballyrush and Gortin

Till Homer's ghost came whispering to my mind.

He said: I made the Iliad from such

A local row. Gods make their own importance.
 Apr 2013 Roisin
Ophelia Jane
 Apr 2013 Roisin
Ophelia Jane
Help me understand. Help me come to a conclusion. Why I am the way I am.
Help me decipher my inner thoughts. Help me find a way to survive in this place.
Help me figure out what I mean. Help me realize what I need. Help me get through this.
Help me get out of here. Help me.

I cannot fight the war from the inside.
I cannot get my point across from behind enemy lines.
I cannot get around my mind.
Cannot decide a ******* thing for myself.
There are always a million other people
weighing in, screaming their opinions...
Whispering in serpent tongue
paranoias and red flags.
pointing out every little thing
that means nothing, really.
but in that moment
with a million voices
my world falls down.
my heart caves in.

I am not one person.
I understand if this is hard for you to grasp.
I understand if I am too much for you.
I am too much for a lot of people.
Nothing with me is easy,
Everything is a battle.
Inside and out.
between me and me
me and you
me and her
me and him
me and us
me and them.
a battle.


at the end of a typical day
I've gone through a dozen wars
a hundred second thoughts
a thousand put downs
a million arguments
just with my self.

I'm having just a little trouble
figuring myself out
hearing my voice above the others
thinking clearly.

I'm tired of listening.

— The End —