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 Jun 2014 Robyn
I touched the stone
On the statue
And it melted into
Drops of milk and vanilla
A year gone by
And a new river flows
With bone and sugar and ash
The dewlets accumulated
From what once was
 May 2014 Robyn
 May 2014 Robyn
I kissed the moon
In purple glow

Her fingers, white beams
Licked my face

Not even Garuda
Could shroud Twi in

I was a tide
She pulled to her chest

We encompass
Then we wane

As the church bells
Ring out

She sings her songs
To slip herself down below the horizon

Behind the Gothics and willows
That point to her window

Where I find her
 May 2014 Robyn
Doors will creak, and floorboards crack,
Your feet soft kisses on the wood
In this house, a terminal lies with
No one,
Going anywhere.
I see a flutter, of your ghost
Subtle memories of you,
Are what I dream of when I sleep
Not simply
A life without you.
Ruined if so
Today, though, is mine.

 May 2014 Robyn
Nature ; Her
 May 2014 Robyn
Let out to the day,
after years in the dark;
After seconds apart.
Soft rays of sunshine
gentle and warm; Face
pressed against mine by
the cheeks. Entangling
wind blowing in and
around my body;
Arms wrapped around
squeezing tight. Tumbling
brown winter branches
curled and brown; Hair
smooth, flowing down
over shoulders. Fruit
dripping with sugary
sweetness; Lips pressed
to mine that taste
like the sun.
Beautiful; Beautiful.
 Apr 2014 Robyn
 Apr 2014 Robyn
A moment of silence,
For my pride
Six feet under, he
Now abides
A moment of hesitance,
Can't go on
To see the show
Wait till it's gone
A moment of sorrow,
Not tears of joy
Acid rain
Melts my ploy
A moment to early,
Not there often
A moment too late
Made my heart soften

A moment of silence,
For us now
It's getting better
But when and how
A moment of violence,
With my ghosts
I raised a glass
With nothing to toast.
 Apr 2014 Robyn
If You Listen
 Apr 2014 Robyn
I love it, the magic.
How the words, the ******* words --
have a rhythm of their own.
It's like the syllables, have dots and stems;
the punctuation, a rest marker. Beats
and sounds and music but not
quite music. 'Cause if it was music
it wouldn't be called a poem.

It's why I write. Her, yes. But the Words?
Oh the words. Just pause, for every comma.
Stop, for every period. Read it. Hear it
and let it breathe in your ear like
I let Her do. It doesn't always have to
be raw emotion.
Sometimes. Just -- sometimes.
It's enough to let the words,
be all the subject,
we ever need.
 Apr 2014 Robyn
Red yellow blue green
Things aren't always as they seem
You have to look a bit beyond
The things your ears get dumped upon

Blue green red yellow
All their words taste like morello
They're filled with black, just chests of stone
It's hard but you're not on your own

Yellow blue green red
I wasn't lying when I said
Your orange is my favourite drug
Away with all my love you lug

Green red yellow blue
I'm all for one, I'm all for you
It's your rainbow that's got me
In euphoria, loving endlessly
 Apr 2014 Robyn

Whispers in the distance

Whispers in the distance
A wavering sort of sound
Sifting through the twilight
When no one is around

Simple in distinction
Comforting and free
Touching every treetop branch
Sent to you from me

Neath a starlight shining
Sunset on the mist
True in its affection
Upon your ears now kissed

Finding of its journey
Hope to call my own
Standing here this evening
My heart is not alone

Careful words are chosen
Thoughts provide the way
My imagination
Never more to stray

Phrases in the moonlight
Spoken steady pace
Heaven hears my promises
Made tonight, this place

Hear, for I have spoken
A sentence bold and true
The whispers in the distance
Say that I love you
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