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 Apr 2014 Robyn
Night Road
 Apr 2014 Robyn
It's 8 somewhere
And here is there
Where the sun goes down to sleep;
The night is blue
It's a darkened hue
That lights across the sky.
The road is cold
Or so I'm told
By my bare and nervous feet,
And the streetlights shine
Into eyes of mine
That see more than can describe.
The store windows
With neons glows
Like ****** across the street
For attention they beckon
They want my attention
But the night is what I desire.
And as my feet walk
Over grass and rock
The night sky shines bluer and wider
Cause it's a beautiful sight
Even when there's no light
It's a world that's worth it to live it.
 Apr 2014 Robyn
Bold As Love
 Apr 2014 Robyn
Orange juice rays that spray down from the sky
through the tight drawn curtains
lands as one smooth strip bisecting the room
softly illuminating the morning.
He grabs tufts of blankets with his toes and tucks
them down beneath his feet
to keep them from cold, or whatever else lurks
in a fresh morning room.
His ears so blue only the Axis could tell,
hear Funkadelic through the soft navy dark
of a room not quite so woken up as to
be a part of the day.
The clock radiates euphoria in soft whispers
of hours more to sleep.
He hears Hazel like on a walnut and lets it
relax every muscle.
Soon he'll decide to colour his own sound,
which stirs under the pulled-up covers
that hide him from a reality spilling in through the curtains
that don't agree with his fields of Blue.
 Apr 2014 Robyn
Here and There
 Apr 2014 Robyn
Brown from African dust
My feet are weary with
Home so far behind --
Burning with wrath
Parching my lips till cracked
The sun beats down

Through clouds it now shows
With shimmers of raindrops
Littering the overcast sky --
Puddles in the parking lot
I have to skip over, a familiar
Hand in mine

Which was once smooth and lonely
Before subject to string
By the darkness lingering
Between the spaces in the stars --
The wood table centered so sweetly
By the lanterns

Which here never die
Long into the night
Burning by filament so strong --
They flow, but don't flicker
You can see, but never truly
What it really is.

Here and there,
So different but so melded.
Home is with you.
It will never else be.
 Apr 2014 Robyn
 Apr 2014 Robyn
Dark and thick,
It pours out over my tongue
On to the paper, through my
Chipped teeth.
The hand prints,
They aren't even mine that
Spread all over the
Canvas for words. It
Crawls out from inside
Like a sickness.
Hot and bubbly, the
Ink drips out. It tastes so
God awfully bad.
Arms buckled and nails
Scratching on the old wood
The retching fails to cease
Bringing nothing but
More Ink.
But nothing
Comes out.
 Mar 2014 Robyn
Anon C
 Mar 2014 Robyn
Anon C
The piece of me that isn't dead cares
that piece is what will always make you aware
as my ghost becomes numb in the shadowy corner chair

in the dark, sweet darkness
you left me there to wane
in the dark, sweet darkness
so darkness I became

I hear a passionate song
but I'm a ghost my passions long been gone
an apparition, I haunted you, you'd had it in for me all along

in the dark, sweet darkness
you left me there to wane
in the dark, sweet darkness
so darkness I became

you can't make amends with a ghost
all I had to offer was all you hated most
if you ever want a tall flask of cold, black coffee I'll be your host

In the dark, sweet darkness
you left me there to wane
in the dark, sweet darkness
so darkness I became

as it swallowed me whole
and lay out my shame
 Dec 2013 Robyn
Ris Howie
 Dec 2013 Robyn
Ris Howie
September 25th 2012
I was in your bathtub and we were laughing about the fact that we were so close awkward moments didn't exist. I put bubbles on your thigh and you made that squeaky noise I wasn't supposed to tell anyone you could make, it wasn't manly.
October 1st 2012
I was driving on highway 80 and I couldn't really see because the windshield wipers didn't work on water inside of the car. You couldn't tell me what you wanted and I knew that meant it wasn't me you just didn't fully know it yet.
October 2nd 2012
You tried to do it with 180 characters but I wasn't having that and when you called your voice broke before you could say my name. The number of times you said I love you in those twenty minutes outnumbered how many times you had in the past two weeks, by tens.
November 10th 2012
I cried in your sisters arms because yours weren't there and she smelled like your fabric softener.
November 25th 2012
I packaged all your letters in a box with a few of my own and mailed them back. You called me to ask why I would do that to you. I asked you why it mattered and you told me you slept with the blanket we made love on every night. I didn't know why that mattered either.
December 27th 2012
I laid in someone else's arms and they held me while I cried about whether anyone else's arms felt like home. He didn't deserve it, neither did I. This is my apology for trying to move on and bringing him into it.
January 11th 2013
You saw me for the first time and even though you hate tattoos you told me mine was ****. You were drunk and you thought my shirt needed a few more buttons, you didn't like anyone else to see  me when you couldn't. You told me not to tell you I wasn't in love with you anymore. I told you that was what you had wanted.
February 13th 2013
He had cancer and you were the only person I knew how to tell. But you were busy and you said if I was going to pull that **** to take it somewhere else. I learned who you were that night even though you'd always told me.
March 2nd 2013
It wasn't a special day, nothing happened. But I realized I had stopped letting it be about you. I stopped thanking you for letting me go and just let go.
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