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 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
Sunlight, moonlight
Shine bright

Unravel me here
Exhibit my shattered heart

Let the world look into
My aching soul

And reveal my hidden art
Underneath my sleeves

Use your luminosity to mirror
The darkness of my psyche
Onto the ground

Where it belongs
 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
Constantly hot
Like a cigarette
Always lit

Burning up
Like the sun
Trying to stay cool
Like the midnight moon

Fierce and feisty
Sweet yet spicy
A little sarcastic
A little electric

When you touch
When you kiss
It's like magic
Felt like posting a poem. Love you, poets. :)
 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
One simple question
That can never be answered
All I want
All I've *ever
Was an explanation
Why don't you love me?
Why do you treat me this way?
Am I even capable of love?
I must not be
This is the only explanation I can come up with as to why
You scream at me
When you see my tears
You laugh
Why can't I be loved?
Should I just give up?
 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
Nobody knows how different I am
The outside of me is not afraid
Not full of pain, or even ashamed
I smile and all of those ignorant fools believe
Of course nothing could be wrong with me
My eyes are dry, I do not shed tears
For that gift was taken away from me dear
I laugh and talk and play along
Keep on existing as if nothings wrong

Nobody knows how different I am
The inside of me is hollow and empty
Do not fret my dear, for I do not want your pity
I'm tattered and broken beyond repair
My heart is crumbling and full of despair
I'm bloodied and beaten and not really living
I just go through the motions and continue existing
I'm scared and lost, clueless as can be
Is there no one out there to help me

Nobody knows how different I am
And that will never change
 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
It could have been lack of sleep or maybe just lack of something exciting in my life I am never really sure these days but I hate the sunset today.

And it could have just been boredom but I took pictures of the blue sky hoping to see shades of blue that reminded me of you.

As always I seem to write the same theme to all these poetically challenged poems... More like journal entries these days.

I have been drinking again and my words come out slurred like a car crash they pile up on one another with no mercy.

Your lack of grace, or charm for a better word, makes my stomach hurt... How can I love someone I hate so much and hate someone I can't love? Such young and naive thinking is all I do these days.

I wrote you a letter but it sounded so childish... It was as if I was begging you to want me. I don't beg.

And I'm not sure If I get enough sleep because I tried to call you using my toothbrush and I realized I hated the sunrise this morning on the way to work.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
 Feb 2014 Rick Snow
And their feet move
rhythmically, as tender
feet of Cretan girls
danced once around an

altar of love, crushing
a circle in the soft
smooth flowering grass
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