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Dec 2020 · 75
R L Dec 2020
my heart drains,
leaves no water behind,
my arid heart,
my love so dry,
someone please water it,
my body remains,
just a dry soul,
that my heart drains
Dec 2020 · 68
R L Dec 2020
each raindrop,
holding a memory,
as it rolls down my window,
and i seem to adore it
pluviophile; lover of rain
Dec 2020 · 43
R L Dec 2020
a godly figure,
you're oh-so-strong,
to others you're the biggest,
but i hated you all along,
you thought you meant something to me,
you were just a game i played,
so go to your peasants,
and make them think you saved the day.
Dec 2020 · 46
R L Dec 2020
like a large stone,
holding me down,
like im in a sea,
ready to drown,
like i'm stuck,
and i have nowhere to go,
death awaits me,
like i already know.
Dec 2020 · 41
R L Dec 2020
is it too late for change,
or are we just afraid of the consequences?
Dec 2020 · 40
show and tell
R L Dec 2020
am i dead to you,
or just another story you could tell?
was i worth loving,
or was i just for show and tell?
was it all real,
or were you faking it all along?
was our love made of stone,
or just a thread to hold our bond?
Dec 2020 · 31
R L Dec 2020
the untouched hills,
beauty seeks from behind,
the snow tipped mountains,
and the trees are left so dry,
how captivating the view is today,
something i won't ever miss,
the snow like paint,
and the hills like a canvas.
Dec 2020 · 35
hide my heart
R L Dec 2020
i didn't get to hide my heart,
before everyone saw it and took advantage of it
Dec 2020 · 75
R L Dec 2020
i'm just a girl,
lost in the sea of others' opinions,
and i think i might drown.
Dec 2020 · 50
R L Dec 2020
you thought we had a story,
but you were just a chapter of my life,
the pages are all torn out,
and I have so much left to write.
Dec 2020 · 42
lights out
R L Dec 2020
the lights out,
nowhere to go,
we all hide,
in shadows below,
a thousand screams
hidden by the dark,
we have nothing to lose
just the core of our hearts
Dec 2020 · 35
R L Dec 2020
i can hear your words,
but no longer decipher them,
i can see you alive,
but to me you're dead,
i can feel your presence,
but no longer here,
you're like a ghost to me now,
you once meant something to me
but now I just see right through your lies
Dec 2020 · 26
R L Dec 2020
my smiles mean pain,
my smiles mean "save me",
my smiles mean that i need to be loved
my smiles are anything but smiles;
they're screams for help
Dec 2020 · 37
please you
R L Dec 2020
i don't have to please you to keep myself happy.
Dec 2020 · 54
R L Dec 2020
if our words are meaningless,
then why speak?
Dec 2020 · 27
who am i?
R L Dec 2020
who am i?
am i skin and bones?
am i what i write?
am i what i speak?
who am i?
Dec 2020 · 29
R L Dec 2020
you want to rule the world?
then join all the chaos and go crazy for the money
Dec 2020 · 49
Greek god
R L Dec 2020
i'm no Greek god,
i haven't come from the stars,
you can't expect me to do everything,
or connect anything afar,
i say those are just stories,
unless you prove me so,
because i really can't doubt you,
cuz you're high and i'm below
Dec 2020 · 117
gorge of sadness
R L Dec 2020
we all fall in a dark abyss
of depression,
leaving out the people who love us,
only to protect them from this gorge of sadness.
Dec 2020 · 36
R L Dec 2020
we all want power,
but we don't realize that power comes
from our words
Dec 2020 · 28
R L Dec 2020
what do we get out of war
other than bloodshed,
gray years,
lost families,
and destroyed cities?
Dec 2020 · 31
R L Dec 2020
Let the wind take my breath,
And the sea wash me away,
Let the trees pave the way for me,
And the sun make a beautiful day.
Dec 2020 · 57
R L Dec 2020
They want to **** out all my happiness,
little do they know they’re going to starve.
Dec 2020 · 48
R L Dec 2020
undulating waves,
blue beauty,
in one wash they take your mind away
Dec 2020 · 35
R L Dec 2020
the leaves change color,
they're tired of living,
once so green,
so full of color,
now on the ground,
crispy and duller.
Dec 2020 · 42
R L Dec 2020
bring me to your daydreams,
and the nightmares that you have,
i'll rewrite all the stories,
and replay the memories we had,
I’ll reminisce on the fun,
and collect them all in one,
then put them in your dreams,
so you’ll remember how we won.
Dec 2020 · 50
R L Dec 2020
they live for greed,
the innocent never freed,
their lives decreed,
they beg and plead,
so they leave them be,
until they heed,
they live for me,
evil indeed.
Dec 2020 · 39
R L Dec 2020
the moon is back,
and the clock resets,
the sun comes up,
and back down again,
time rewinds,
but we make use of it differently,
i'm still in yesterday,
and i'm living tomorrow happily.
Dec 2020 · 38
mystery ocean
R L Dec 2020
plain aqua,
yet so full of life,
once the sun sets,
the ocean comes to life,
the chaos and beauty,
that the sea holds,
the ocean is a mystery,
with a story untold.
Dec 2020 · 49
R L Dec 2020
my heart it beats,
but not for you,
my words i speak,
they're never true,
the way i lie,
and you say it back,
i never loved you,
your words are cracked
Dec 2020 · 43
out of patience
R L Dec 2020
my patience tops your anger,
waiting weeks to help you out,
but you never let me,
so im out of patience
Dec 2020 · 40
R L Dec 2020
don't save me now,
you looked out for me,
but were never around,
go save their lives,
i don't need saving,
i'm done with mine
Dec 2020 · 51
blooming secrets
R L Dec 2020
dig under the soil,
secrets hidden beneath,
the flowers take energy,
from the secrets we keep,
some blooming, some stand tall,
others dry up, wither and fall.
Dec 2020 · 36
sunset view
R L Dec 2020
over the horizon,
the apricot colored semi-circle,
setting in,
the waves pulling me in,
into a daydream of the rosy pink line,
killing the sunset.
Dec 2020 · 33
get to you
R L Dec 2020
you're like the ground my feet can't reach,
the never ending sea,
you're an inch away,
just an inch away,
but i can't seem to get to you.
Dec 2020 · 24
R L Dec 2020
am i what i perceive me as?
or am i just a reflection?
Dec 2020 · 31
R L Dec 2020
let's be lonely together,
we can make the most of it,
let's be sad together,
we can make the best of it,
we'll cry with each other,
and scream out in anger,
but in the end,
we'll both end up together.
Dec 2020 · 41
the devil
R L Dec 2020
my magical lies,
and the fascinating cries,
i love seeing the pain,
in the bad people's eyes,
yes i'll hurt them bad,
and i'll hurt them real good,
i'll **** the ones who deserve it,
and the ones who know they should.
Dec 2020 · 29
R L Dec 2020
don't teach me how to spell betrayal,
it's been in front of my eyes my whole life
Dec 2020 · 31
move on
R L Dec 2020
can i shut our book closed?
can i end the story told?
can i start over with something new,
can i get over you?
Dec 2020 · 37
R L Dec 2020
pearly white,
beauty flight,
contrast to night,
the bird of peace,
and love and all,
the dove it flies,
wings rise and fall.
Dec 2020 · 26
R L Dec 2020
"i'd die to love you."
"no, you'd love me to die"
Dec 2020 · 26
R L Dec 2020
the way i am with words,
the dancers are with music.
the flow they make,
the rhythm they create,
and it only gets better and better.
Dec 2020 · 21
R L Dec 2020
when we try to defend ourselves,
we look like the bad guys,
but when we give in and say sorry,
we automatically become the good ones.
Dec 2020 · 22
that night
R L Dec 2020
we danced around the fire that night,
and climbed the trees and watched the stars,
we rolled on the fields,
and played card games,
then slept on the grass,
and screamed our names,
we held each other's hands,
we held them tight,
and set up a fire,
and danced that night.
Dec 2020 · 34
R L Dec 2020
I stand in the field,
Devoid of worries,
Just me and my soul,
Forgetting life.
Dec 2020 · 26
R L Dec 2020
limited words,
and a message so powerful.
Dec 2020 · 34
R L Dec 2020
Is it worth
Being friends with someone you can’t trust?
Dec 2020 · 32
R L Dec 2020
I’m a poet,
But my words don’t make sense,
An artist,
But my paintings are all over the place,
A musician,
But I can’t get the notes correct,
And I’m a human,
And sometimes I make mistakes.
Dec 2020 · 34
R L Dec 2020
the papers torn out,
secrets i can't reveal,
there's so much i can write,
and i write what i feel.
And fear.
What these papers hold are dear,
Close to me,
And more than just words,
The things I write is my world between lines.
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