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 Oct 2013 River Raras
Stef Ty
I wonder why it is that you have not left my mind
Too far behind to even say goodbye
Little by little you were slipping out of my grasp
Until out of nowhere there was absolutely nothing left

When will you come back - we both know you will
When will you look into my eyes again and hold me close at your will?
When will we stay up again - rolling in the sheets
Bodies interlocked.
Eyes stay meet.
With the moon glowing bright
Until the sun sinks in
"I can never get any sleep when I'm with you, what am I going to do with you?"
This is my excuse for why you ran away

So many questions I've been waiting for you to answer
Shall I wait much longer?
They say "distance makes the heart grow fonder."
So why haven't you called?
Or do you not care at all?

Just tell me you care and I will be there
Am I making this up all in my head?
It's easier to think you just wanted to **** me instead.
But if this is true - why would you say the things that you do?

"If it were any other time in my life Stefanie, I would have chased you until the sun burnt out."
If you felt this way then how not now?
The sun is still shining and you're not behind me.

Ah, I see it was all a game
You conquered me and left me to shame
And now we can never be friends again and it pains me inside
To lose the friendship we used to have because of a sweet talking lie

I will love you forever, this I know
And I know you will think about me and our time together
Holding me in your arms
Kisses on my back
It has been a year full of tears
And I want my energy back
It is no longer yours to keep
I am tired of feeling weak

This is me letting go, until the sun burns out.
 Oct 2013 River Raras
Yosa Buson
The old man
cutting barley--
bent like a sickle.
 Oct 2013 River Raras
Circa 1994
What if we had been strangers on a train
And I asked you what book you were reading.
You'd say:
“The Old Man and The Sea.”
Then I’d tell you I’d never read it before.
You’d say it was your favorite.
And ask for mine,
“Tuesdays with Morrie,”
I’d answer.
We’d bond over similar music taste
The **
Flight of the Conchords.
You’d compliment my sweater.
I’d admire your socks.
Maybe I’d be bold and ask to take your picture,
But probably not.
Instead I’d ask you name
And you’d ask mine.
I’d smile at your reaction.
”Nice to meet you Oshin.”
Then you’d go back to reading your book
And I’d try to find another excuse to talk to you.
What if we weren't strangers//
I read your poems faithfully, I think I have remembered to like most of them.
I try to comment if I have the time, I read your words line by line
Your words often bring a smile to my face and cheer me up on difficult days
Some of your poems bring inspiration others tears, some tickle my funny bone
Have I told you lately that you have tremendous talent, please write more
Have I told you lately that you are awesome and I wonder what else you have in store
Your words are beautiful to read or for you men, educational to glimpse the mind of men
I need to tell you today. how much I appreciate you, my fellow poets and friends
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