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 Oct 2013 River Raras
Can we get much higher than this?
When all I can hear over the old dial up phone you use is the sound of nicotine exhales
and big sighs caused by silences I am too scared to fill.
Can we love any more than this?
I can hear you humming the song that's spinning and it makes me love you more.
You laugh at my nervousness, how I twitch when you say my name.
I always ignore you because I'm scared you'd say goodbye.
Can we get more tired than this?
Four am, your favorite albums crooning me to sleep.
Could you be more mistaken?
You thought I was scared of your darkness, of the shadows beckoning to you from every corner of
homes you did not own, and people you did not really know... yet.
I have a permanent dent in my ear from piercings that were too heavy for my fragile skin,
and everytime I run my fingertips over it, it reminds me of you.
You are bent but never broken, never broken.
Can we get more distant than this?
It's been months since I could honestly say that I thought you loved me.
So many miles, so many miles, so many

You're 874 kilometres away from me.
You are universes away from me.
And now everything tastes like goodbye.
Those tiny green circles remind us that we're not alone
That we'er not the only ones staying in on a Saturday night
We sit in silent rebellion against their demands
We refuse to leave our homes
We refuse to fall in love
We refuse to have two perfect children like in the movies
We refuse to let the race continue
We refuse to be remembered
We refuse to forget
We refuse to let your street lights dim the beauty of the starlit night sky
We refuse to let Futurama die  
We refuse your lack of imagination
We refuse to accept without question
it doesn’t happen all at once
it happens slowly
like a flood with water rising cautiously
a quiet rebellion spilling over enemy lines with a vengeance
minute by minute, i feel it
the gravitational pull on his body moving him further away from me
my mother says 3,000 miles doesn’t mean anything,
that i will find my way back to him,
but i’m not so sure
it doesn’t happen all at once
it happens so slowly i couldn’t even see it, until it was too late
until the love waltzing in the ballroom of his chest went quiet
and everyone stopped dancing
i tell him i don’t understand
ask him how he could change his mind so suddenly
that things were fine the day before
but it doesn’t happen all at once
the earth is moving microscopic distances as we speak
and neither of him or i are in the same place as we were yesterday
 Sep 2013 River Raras
Emma B
for the days when I didn't know what sad meant
when serious was an idea used only to describe a teacher who didn't joke around.
when I was going to write the next great novel, the next hit musical
when friends were in high supply and it didn't matter that my hair was never brushed
when I played an instrument taller than I because I could
when I cried when I missed the second day of school
when the grass was my favorite place to sit
and moving our legs was more important than shaving them
when i didn't have to watch my words because everything was perfect and what could i say wrong
when the only pain i felt was a skinned knee
and the only loss was of a tooth.
simple is better.
i wish we could all understand.
This is a horrible poem please do not pay attention to it
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