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Look up, child, before it’s too late
The years fly by and life won’t wait.
It’s not there on your tablet screen,
or any smartphone that I’ve seen.
No lovely lass can catch your eye
if you’re perusing shutterfly.
Facebook may be fun, even great,
But you have an expiration date.
You may get “likes” and have “4 bars”
Does that matter if you’ve lost the Stars?
For the members of the current generation who seldom make eye contact
I sit down
Write my heart
My ******* heart
The stupid thing
Refuses to be published
The content?
Lost, lost, lost
Something in my heart
HURTS, hurts
So so bad
I want to chuck
My laptop at the walls
Smash its face in
Because I know
That I will
Never ever
Be able to say
These things
Face to face
I know that
I will
Never ever
Be able to
Write like
that Ever again
 Feb 2014 River Raras
We send out waves into the deepest reaches of space, and deeper
We send mechanical eyes to the edges of the solar system
We are not looking for answers, we never were
Like a lonely sail boat sinking at sea, launching a flare so bright in the cusp of the darkest hours
Or when a dictator looses all their power from the burden of rebellion
Torn of all the comforts of formalities
They cower in the dampest corner, in that unbearable discomfort, when your thighs have went numb and you need to, you proceed to move but you just can't
So you toss fragments of rock in to the hall outside your prison cell, hoping for an answer
Because everyone is against you
For you are a person, and are thus the dictator of every mistake you have made
And this haunts you while you hide in the shade
Humanity does not seek truth or conclusions,
we seek help
This is the 21st century.
you can have everything you want
if you work hard enough

you can have Christmas lights
in february
an indie girlfriend,
folk music,
and ***** clutter
in an urban apartment.

you can have cookies
whenever you want

but still,
you’ll want to blow up parking garages
 Feb 2014 River Raras
JJ Hutton
"Siri, I love you."

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"Would you like me to search the web for 'wine dot'?"
Flap Flap goes the Flappy Bird

Was this the right choice?
Seeing warnings on twitter
Thinking they're all quitters
Thinking you're better
But in reality, you're just as equal as them.

But as the day passes...
Flap Flap goes the Flappy Bird

Seeing your friends play, you start multiplying
Not even touching a pipe and dying
You're on the floor, you're crying
Pressing start over and over again and trying
Knowing your high score is low and start lying
because you know you ****.

But as the day passes...
Flap Flap goes the Flappy Bird

Questions going through your mind
"Why did I die?"
"Did I really touch a pipe?"
"Why do iPhone users only have day while Android have both day and night?"
"Why is it slower on other phones?"
"How do you get past 20?"
"Why do I keep dying?"
"Why do Android users have other colors?"
But the question you should be asking is...
"Am I going mad?"

But as the day passes...
Flap Flap goes the Flappy Bird

Now, the resolution.
Stop the addiction.
Press that "x"
You know its for the greater good.
I know YOU feel the ANGER whenever you die.
You don't wanna risk throwing your phone for that.
Take my advice. DO IT.
Before it ruins your life.

But as the day passes...
You can't.
You can't.
You can't.

Its too late.
Flappy Bird is now part of life.
Even though the anger
The anger that feels like your chest being stabbed by a knife
Hurts you so much
Deep inside you get a little happy...
Knowing somewhere in the world someone trying the same game
Got less than you.
Less than 3, 2, or 1.
And because of this you want to beat more people who **** more than you.

And this should be an achievement
You, state your name, got YOUR own high score.
YOU did it
YOU made it to one pipe or even more.
And if you didn't
Well ***** for you

But as the day passes...
Flap Flap goes the Flappy Bird
First poem!! I just had to express myself because I find it unfair for iPhone users. Im sorry, im just so emotional and my high score is only 20 :'(
so that one day

I'll be inadequate in fourteen different languages
She is looking to her lap
While he gets up with hesitation
She is pulling at a run in her floral skirt
His eyes wander to those daisies for a moment
Then he turns,     & takes each step   further        further        FURTHER

"Wait! Will you please just wait?" she screams

"What do you want from me?" his voice screams... shakes.    with confusion,    betrayal,       exhaustion?    

"Please, just wait" she pleads through tears that feel so foreign on her skin

His eyes meet hers, trace her face, continue down to that run in that floral skirt
He has a nature to love, but a right to hate, to hurt, to avenge

"No." he says

And he is gone
And there is no door that leads back into that room, it seems
That room was a moment, and it passed
And it is gone
And he is gone
It didn't work
That floral skirt
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