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Oct 2017 · 231
have patience with me darling
i am tattered rags
i am shredded linen
ive sticthed myself
piece by piece
but i am stilled ragged at the edges
Will you still love my brokenness
Will you still caress my soul
As if
It where brand new
Baby i am broken
I am
Hand me downs
Given to the less fortunate
One size too small
One size too big
i can still satisfy
I can still keep you warm
On the cold nights when all you have is your bear skin
Covering your shivering soul
When your bones rattle together
I will unfold myself upon you
I will become your home
When you are left out on the pouring rain
But baby
I am broken
I won't guarantee that rain drops won't drip through
From the holes left in me
But we will gather pots and pans and collect the water dripping from me
and turn it into holy water
pure enough for us to drink
Oct 2017 · 257
Close the gate behind me and open it in the morning when you wake up for breakfast, throw in a couple slabs of left over bread and watch me crawl to retrieve what you don't want, let me out and prop yourself on my back as i obey every command you spit at my feet. It's always been this way and I have little faith it will change. This dominion you have over me . Mother. You cage me up and put a nozzle on my lips . You attach strings to my limbs and maneuver me to your liking. But I'll take it I'll take it all and than some, for I am not weak. I'll take your belittling and your controlling and your anger and your pain. I'll lay it all in my shoulders and carry all the weight as if it where a part of me. I'll take it all mother and than some. I'll let you cage me up. But I won't let you break me. For these layers of bricks I've build around me is nothing compared to your cage your four walls and a roof my safe house is nothing compared to the blue sky's you paint around our little life. I've protected myself I've strengthened myself I've build this fortress around my self like calcium coating the bones that you made within me.
Im going to become my own person my own individual i am going to break free
Aug 2017 · 218
You Will Forever Be My Muse
You cradle my heart in the palms of your hands
the way that you make me love you is the type
of love that sets fire works off in my chest.
the type that screams in pain when you get even a tiny paper
cut, I've watched you. Grow and bend and mold and suffer.
I've watched you set your heart on fire for those that wont even set an ember ablaze for you. You're the purest form of life that there ever will be. what you touch revives from your embrace. When you shed just one tear entire worlds crumble inside me, when you weep my universe disintegrates completely. You are loved. You are cherished. You are Beautiful. You Will Forever Be My Muse.
To my dear sister. I love you more than you can even fathom
Aug 2017 · 268
Pull The Plug
I savored the way you said i love you
as if it was the last breath i would ever take
Every time
each syllable protruding out of your lips
would leave me craving for more
Every time
as if you where my life support
the IV attached to my veins giving me life
Every time
But when you left
the bad after taste stayed in my mouth
and all i wanted to do was spit it out
Aug 2017 · 165
You are not him
He sees me
not how you see me
to you
i am
a an empty vessel
a misconception
to him
i am
an endless sea
vast enough to drown
us both
the unending warmth of the sun
the sound of wind
the taste of the sea
i am magic

Jul 2017 · 182
I'm a ******* storm
a hurricane and a drizzle
I am the anticipation before it starts
I am the chaos when it begins
I am peace
when it all ends
I am heaven and hell
at war
I am I am I am
I am a ******* mess
broken and shattered
I take cover from myself
for I am my own enemy
The wind that lives inside
sweeps away what hope revives
and when the darkness comes
i am still
and than
i excite
Dark times
May 2017 · 251
Loves Pure Song
Write me a symphony with every beat of your heart.
Paint a picture on my skin with your eyes.
We are burning embers.
We've set the world on fire.

I'll sing you a lullaby with every sigh of my soul.
i caress your mind.
and watch.
as the, stars align.
May 2017 · 219
You used to kiss me until I was drunk with your breath .
You were my Gin straight from the bottle.
I was your tap water.
barely quenching your thirst.

Never Enough
May 2017 · 310
House Wife
You left me .
You left without a letter.
You left without a goodbye.
******* came into my life without even saying hello. You didn't  introduce yourself, you barged in through the doors of my heart, and expected me to immediately make room for you, and so i did.
I pushed things aside, and i swept under the rug. While you propped your feet on my back, i vacuumed myself up and cleaned myself up to please you. I became invisible, just for your liking. You would leave me vacant for days on end using my body as a time machine, and when you arrived back "Home" you expected a ******* sandwich and a beer. The day you left you turned me into an empty warehouse. You took everything. The fridge, the stove, the couch, the microwave;  And worst of all you didn't even sweep up the **** under the rug. I picked it up. I did. Putting myself back together one ***** piece at a time. And every day after that i visited the furniture store, finding pieces that complimented my soul better than the ones you took. I turned my warehouse into a castle. Perfect for the Queen who occupied it, all to herself.

"Sometimes We Give Ourself The Love We Think We Deserve" - Perks of Being a Wallflower .
May 2017 · 245
Fire heart
come to me
come and lay in my heart
feel the warmth of the fire
that was set ablaze by you,
my beloved
you are the flame
that never dies
you are the beat
that gives me life

i burn for you
May 2017 · 305
Break Free
You push and pull me
You maneuver me like a puppet
you're my master
I'm crawling out of my skin
Just to touch you

You tease
Fast than slow
One day i'll break free
And capture your soul

May 2017 · 930
Your eyes
sent electricity bolts
down my spine and
awakened me

My heart
beat to the rhythm
of your voice
tuning itself to your melody

Your  laugh
unwrapped me
from the barbed wires
i was enclosed in

My  skin
moved to the beat
of our harmony

You ******* alive

— The End —