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Jun 2015 · 7.6k
Thought for the Day XLIII
Richard Riddle Jun 2015
Reading the works by Sally, Vicki, Catherine(SoulSurvivor), Ryn, Deborah, Elizabeth, and Pamela Rae, is akin to drinking champagne from a crystal flute. Me, cheap beer from a Mason Jar.

copyright:(revised) June 03, 2015
Jun 2015 · 555
The Vampyre Poet
Richard Riddle Jun 2015
'Tis 3am this 'ebon' nite-
a curse befalls the creature's plight!-
He rises, for a prey to search-
to quench a hunger, and a thirst

His nostr'ls, a scent they find-
the prey is near-to sate his mind
The need grows stronger, his teeth to put-
to a cup of coffee, and a warm donut!

That's it,  I'm going to bed now!

copyright: richard riddle June 02, 2015
Jun 2015 · 264
Thought for the Day XLII
Richard Riddle Jun 2015
The "younger generation" should feel very fortunate, for not having to carry a buck's worth of quarters with them in the event they have to make a phone call.

copyright: richard riddle: June 02, 2015
Jun 2015 · 319
Thought for the Day XLI
Richard Riddle Jun 2015
One advantage to getting older is I can sit on my patio with a hot cup of coffee and watch someone else ***** something up.

copyright: Richard Riddle-June 1, 2015
May 2015 · 713
Amber Dexterous-Episode VII
Richard Riddle May 2015
(Amber is taking a Geometry class at community college)

Prof: Today, we'll discuss the Isoceles Triangle.
Amber: "Oooh, isn't that where all the planes and boats disappear in
              the ocean(brushing hair from her forehead). I love stories like
Prof(sarcastically: "Yep", that's it!"
copyright: richard riddle May 31, 2015
May 2015 · 577
Thought for the Day XL(40)
Richard Riddle May 2015
Call me "old school", if you wish, but I would much prefer to hear, "You're Welcome", than "No Problem!", when I give a simple "Thank You!" What has happened to "manners?"

Richard Riddle-May 27, 2015
May 2015 · 524
Thought for theDay XXXIX
Richard Riddle May 2015
Makes no difference if you live in a mansion or an igloo. One of these days you're going to need a mop.

(Coming from someone who just finished cleaning and waxing his kitchen floor.)

copyright: richard riddle-May 26, 2015
Richard Riddle May 2015
"Dressing up in Lubbock, Texas, means you're wearing clean underwear!

copyright:rriddle September 19, 2014 10:12am
May 2015 · 298
Thought for the Day XXXVIII
Richard Riddle May 2015
Does anything rhyme with "antidisestablishmentarianism"?

"I didn't think so. Oh well, on to the next idea!"
Richard Riddle May 2015
Amber Dexterous(The Writer)-Episode VI
(Amber is taking a creative writing class at the community college)

Prof: "Today I am going to explain, and show you what
          it means to conjugate verbs."

(Amber folds her notebook, stands, and walks toward the door)

Prof: "Where are you going Amber?"

Amber: "I'm sorry, sir(brushing hair off her forehead), but I don't like
Prof: "Uh, you're excused!"

copyright: richard riddle May 24, 2015
Richard Riddle May 2015
It is He -
who sent Emily and me
       To a shelter -
t'was an angel there, to be free'd -
       An angel,
Who laid alone -
     waiting for us -  
To bring her HOME!
My Guardian Angel "Brie"(as in cheese)!

copyright: richard riddle May 24, 2015
Richard Riddle May 2015
(Amber and boyfriend are having dinner at her home. She is in the kitchen.)

BF: "Amber, its starting to rain, do you have an umbrella?"
Amber:" Yes'ssss."(brushing hair off of forehead))
BF: "Where is it?"
Amber: "Outside"(brush-brush)
BF: Why is it outside?"
Amber: "It's not raining in the house!"
BF:(To himself) I'll give her that one.

(if anyone wants to copyright this one-have at it!)
May 2015 · 546
A Piece of My Life (Repost)
Richard Riddle May 2015
By Emily Riddle(age-9)

I just couldn't do without
my grandma's heart necklace -
It was a gift to me, although
she passed away when I was little.

It also holds all of my mad,
sad, and happy memories,
just like it is a part of me.
I wear it on very special occasions,
since it is so unique.

When I wear it close to my heart-
it makes me feel special.
That's why I would always
feel happy, or at least, a little joyful,
when I hold it to my chest-
to pretend my grandma is
still alive.

She was very important to me-
We did so much together,
and I miss her,
and the special times we shared.

I can feel her with me
when I wear it, or hold it,
close to me.

Without this prized possession,
all of my feelings
would be lost,
with my grandma, in the sky.

My heart necklace
means the world to me,
and I wouldn't change
anything about it.

People say
"jewelry is made
to look beautiful."

Well, I say,
It was made to be a
"Memory Holder!!"

copyright-Emily Riddle- October 15, 2013

My granddaughter Emily, wrote this essay as a class assignment for her 3rd Grade class. Originally in full page, essay form, I divided it into stanzas, and added some punctuation. Although there are some misspellings(two), I chose not to correct them, but to leave the content as it was written, in order to preserve the sincerity, and the innocence, with which it was written. Thank you, so much, Emily Riddle.
Richard Riddle May 2015
By Emily Riddle-Age 9  

Special: The dictionary describes an angel as a "thing or person, that means a lot to someone. Well, I describe an angel as my grandmother.

My grandmother is a wonderful person, and what she is best at
is caring about what I will become.
I am so glad to be in her life, and in her beautiful world.

She has a heart of gold, and is a "doctor to my soul."
She is the "nurse" that make my hurts disappear.
She is my "piggy bank of niceness."

When I would get a birthday, or Christmas gift, she would always say,
"If you don't like it, be sure to try it."
I would always listen to her, for everybody knows
"grandmothers are always right."

I think of her everyday, and feel that  I can do anything
when I'm around her. Just remember,
"Always be happy for what you have, and don't imagine a life without a grandmother."

They are worth a billion dollars.

copyright: emily riddle August 27,2014

Penned in 2013 by my granddaughter, Emily Riddle. Written for her Grandmother Linda, its worth more than a billion dollars.
Richard Riddle May 2015
A tiny ant, struggling to cross the deep, ****, carpet-
With each synchronized step-from six tiny legs-
echoing a clap of thunder-

And the lights, the beautiful mixture of bright
colors, like a newly opened box of crayons
dancing before me, would be more magnificent,
if they were somewhere else than in my living room-
God, I hate migraines!

                                                     ­                          r. riddle copyright 10-07-2013
May 2015 · 274
Thought for the Day XXXVI
Richard Riddle May 2015
I love you folks, I really do!

I don't see any reason to copyright this one.
Richard Riddle May 2015
In my travels, I happened to find this little box. It has no key, and has no locks. So, sit back, sip a cup of coffee, or favorite drink, relax for a little while,  and hopefully, enjoy the ride:

On the table, the box it sits-
All six sides of equal fit-
What is the mystery inside-?
What are the secrets that it hides?
This little box--
That has no key--and has no locks.

The Oracles of Delphi-the hermits on the peak-
Claimed to see the future-but in truth they did not seek-
The power of this little box-
That has no key ----- and has no locks.

It doesn't eat! It doesn't breath!!
But oft it can, and will, relieve
Your fears of the fiercest days ahead--
All within this little box-
That has no key---------and has no locks.

When clouds gather, dark and drea'r--
Eyes swell, and start to tear--
It's not a curse! nor a pox!
Just pick up the little box--
That has no key---------------and has no locks.

So, with great ferocity--
Quench your thirst of curiosity!
Discover the secrets held within!!
Feel the power again, and again!!!
Learn the mystery of the box--
That has no key--------------------and has no locks

Put together with guise and guile--
With hopes that it will make you smile-
So, now you know the mystery--
And the secret of the box-
There never was a need -- for keys and locks!!!      
Copyright r.riddle-August 17, 2010
Richard Riddle May 2015
From: Richard Riddle
using: "nicy stephanie" or "rita derrick"(this time its solicitation msgs)
You may already be aware of a message currently showing up in the HP message boxes from a female(supposedly) identifying herself only as "Miss Stephanie". She states that she saw/read your profile and is interested you, and has something important to tell you. She asks that you reply with YOUR email, then gives an email address supposedly belonging to her. No other information is given.
She will post two, or more poems, probably in an effort to gain trust and establish credibility. She may even mention the on-going situation with Boko Haram, or some other conflict. THIS IS A SCAM!! Once your email falls into the wrong hands, there are untold numbers of consequences.DELETE it immediately, then BLOCK IT.
Please pass this on!
Richard Riddle
Richard Riddle May 2015
This tree
Is not just any 'ol tree-

It's "The Grandmother Tree"

Having grown from a broken, eighteen inch high twig,
taken from its mother by the Texas wind.
Now, in just over six years, it rises nearly fifteen feet, for it was planted, and fed, with the love from two grandchildren, who planted it in memory of their grandmother, my wife, Karen, of 40 years, and their surviving grandmother, Linda.
Karen found it on our patio and placed it in a clay ***; watered it, and made a support for it to keep it upright. She wanted to plant it where it stands today. She had named it "The Evan and Emily Tree." When she left us, Emily and Evan planted it in the back yard of their home. They named it, "The Grandmother Tree."
The tree is home to the "Guardians", the "Keepers", the "Watchers", sent to protect their memories, then, now, and future. Enlarge it, and you might see them, if you look closely. There are monkeys sitting in the tree, and the silhouettes. To the left, is cast the shadow of a "little man", with arm extended, pointing upward. To the right of the tree, perhaps an ape like creature, or two, and the face of a "mystery man." Set your imagination "free",

For there could be others-
Look, and see.
You could be surprised!
copyright: richard riddle September 17, 2014 12:32pm
(A detailed pic of the tree can be seen on Facebook)
May 2015 · 2.4k
To My Grandson-Evan Riddle
Richard Riddle May 2015
Written for a school project*

September 09, 2013

To: Evan Riddle
From: Granddad

Well, I understand that you would like to have a letter from me, recognizing certain traits, and accomplishments, and so forth. Begging your pardon, I will begin in this manner.
A couple of years ago, during a"pre-game warmup" prior to the start of one of your games, I was standing behind the glass watching the pucks bounce off your chest. A young boy, perhaps a year younger, came up, stood beside me, also watching you. He then turned, yelling to a friend, "here he is, #41!"  He was quickly joined by his friend and another, all three watching you at close range.You have no idea how that made me feel. How proud of you I was, that apparently your reputation was developing among your peers within the "ice crowd."
In my home, on a wall, is a photo of you, taken during the All-Star game in Ottawa, Canada. You, wearing the red and white All-Star jersey,  standing in front of the net watching and observing the action that soon would be coming at you.
This is my favorite photo. The expression on your face silently reflects your abilities to "focus" on what you are supposed to do, the "determination" to do it, and the "perseverance" to get it done. Three traits that have followed, and stayed with you, and guided you to be successful, in all you have accomplished in both sport and academic activities in which you have participated. You are respected by your team, your coaches, your teachers, and your classmates. You can't have better than that.

Love you,
Although this is not a poem, per se, for personal reasons I find it necessary to post. Circle photo taken during All-star game at a tournament in Ottawa, Canada, 2012. His team won 4-3 in a shoot-out.
Richard Riddle May 2015
Dear Karen

Dear Karen,
It is seven years this month when you left us.
I miss you everyday. In the car, seeing the passenger seat empty, but can still hear you telling me to slow down. When I see Russ and Mea, I smile, knowing that our grandchildren, Evan and Emily, would not be here if not for you.

Not long ago, at one of Evan's hockey games, I turned to Mea and said, "I hope Karen is watching this", for Evan(goalie) was playing exceptionally well. Mea put her hand on my shoulder, "she probably has a better seat than we do." I don't doubt that at all. The same goes for Emily and her activities, whether it be soccer, basketball, softball, or who knows what else, I know that you keep that protective blanket around both of them. Yes, there will be scrapes, scratches, bumps, and bruises. perhaps a broken bone. But when the game calls for a "clutch" player, is when the power of the angel, you, leaves the bench, strengthening the confidence of all the players, not just one, or two, but all. Like all things mortal, sometimes they win, sometimes they lose. But most of all, they learn. A most important result.

Love you, and miss you!


copyright: richardriddle 01-07-2015
May 2015 · 387
I Could Always Tell!
Richard Riddle May 2015
I always knew when she was irritated with me-
her ears would start to lower until they were parallel with the floor
like the wings of an airplane, attached to the fusilage
She would then start swishing her tail
like a lion-tamer's bullwhip-
and she won't blink!
I wish my wife would stop doing that. It embarrasses the cat!
copyright" richard riddle 05-04-15
May 2015 · 317
Thought for the Day XXXV
Richard Riddle May 2015
I'm going to a "sit-in" today. I'm going to "sit in" my easy chair and mind my own business!

copyright: richard riddle: May 02, 2015
May 2015 · 774
"1894"-The Sequel
Richard Riddle May 2015

Who is this man with name unknown
with silver hair, and beard long-grown-
Who walks among the birds and beasts
with nature catering to his feasts-

"An eremite", say the village folk,
"the hermit on the mound!"
A mystic, an oracle, philosopher, or seer?

"Perhaps, ye'll find the answer,
buried here!"


He was sitting on a sidewalk bench
a wrinkled hat laid at his feet
Passers-by would drop their change
as they meandered down the street

"God bless you sir", or madam,
he always replied-
In such a gracious and mannerly way ,
that made him impossible to deny
Some folks would make a comment,
most were polite, others, mild rebukes-
I went to speak on his behalf,
to these young and naive groups.

When I laid my hand on his shoulder
a glint in his eyes put me amiss!
It was then, that I realized
just who this old man is!

"I'll tell you a story, I said,
to the folks standing near,
a tale of caring and compassion-
That I think you'd like to hear"

" I've read legends about "lost gold mines"
and  indian folklore
And I tell you folks, without a doubt,
I've met this man before!"

"It's been 'nigh on to fifty years
since I've been back this way
T'was a time when I nearly lost my life,
I  recall it, as if it happened yesterday!"

Now, the crowd began to grow a bit-
to listen to my tale-
Of exploring an old, abandoned mine
when the walls began to fail.

I told them of the rumble,
when the ground began to quake
How the ceiling began to crumble
when the walls began to shake-

I told them of the stranger
with silver beard, streaked with tan-
Who came out of nowhere
to help a fellow man

The stranger, who gave me water-
who smiled as he gripped my hand,
while I quenched my thirst
from the curse, of this forsaken land

The folklore tells of a holyman
a name he doesn't bore
who strolls the mountain ridges
and across these cactus covered floors

But, I know who, and what he is-
and up my spine it sends the chills-
When I tell you, "you've  come
       face to face

"The Angel of the Hills!"

copyright: richard riddle May 01, 2015
50+ years following the incident related in my work titled "1894"
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
One thing I'm tired of reading in bios:  "Poetry is my Life!"
Apr 2015 · 475
Thought for the Day XXXIII
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
The only place to find a  paradise is in a casino!

copyright: richard riddle: April 27,2015
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
Arriving for medical appointment today:

Richard to Receptionist: "Richard Riddle for 3:30 appointment with Dr. Beersmell."
Receptionist: "He's not in today. He's ill."(Brushing hair off of forehead)
Richard: "I know this is probably a silly question, but why didn't someone call me earlier so I wouldn't have had to drive ten miles?"
Receptionist: Long pause......"I forgot."(Brush-Brush)

Richard: I'll reschedule when he comes back. Thank you, Amber!

copyright: richard riddle 04-22-2015
This actually happened today April 21, 2015. The names of Dr. Beersmell and Amber are fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, is purely coincidental.
Apr 2015 · 376
Thought for the Day XXXII
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
Genesis 26:
Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have "dominion" over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing, that creeps upon the earth."

Question: Does this apply to cats?
(cats let us think we do(have dominion), but we don't, really!)
Apr 2015 · 608
Thought for the Day XXXI
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
Why, when having dinner at a Chinese restaurant, and about to have your first bite of chow mein, the house magician arrives at your table to demonstrate how he can run a chopstick up his nose?

copyright: richard riddle-April 14, 2015
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
Cowboys and sidekicks,
were not the only heroes
We idolized, and ran to see
at those "Saturday picture shows."

There was "Superman, and "Batman",
and that magic word, "SHAZAM."
The "cliff-hanger" serials
we hoped would never end.

There were all types of villains-
even "space invaders"-
It was then, that I changed my mind-
to become, a "Caped Crusader."

As those Saturdays passed by-
how I wished that I could fly-
And all I needed was a cape
to soar throughout the sky.

I grabbed a towel, to make a cape,
the largest towel that I could find-
And I didn't tell anyone
what was really on my mind.

I went thru the kitchen
out the door, into the yard-
Mom thought I went out to play,
so I caught her off her guard.

A couple of the neighbor kids,
I now call my "entourage"
gathered with excitement
as I climbed, to the top of the garage.

I stood there with my legs apart-
I could feel the pulsing of my heart-
hands, braced against my hips-
then, the tightening of my lips-

I knew that somewhere in the city-
Crime was out there brewing-
and then I heard my mother's voice-

Well, I tell you folks, there's not a tone
that can evoke such heightened fear-
And the superpowers I thought I had,
suddenly disappeared(as did the other kids)

There was screaming, and yelling-
and amidst the clamor and the din-
Neighbors, looking out their windows-
saying, "it's just that kid again."

I didn't know what she was saying-
but I'll never forget that frown,
And her words  got a little worse
when she had to help me down

Banished to the bedroom-
on my bed, with the cape that I had wore-
Contemplating what dreadful fate
my future had in store.

I heard the doorknob turning-
then dad stepped thru the door
He knew I had been crying
as my head hung toward the floor.

What I thought would happen, didn't-
as he sat down on the bed-
then with his hand he gently brushed
the top of my head.

He explained to me the difference
of what was real, and fantasy-
That those movies are adventures,
not real, just fun to go and see.

Here I am, seventy-two and still alive-
and sometimes I wonder
how I've managed to survive

On my mantle are two pictures
that make me happy, and make me sad-
for those real superheroes-
They're my mother, and my dad.

copyright: richard riddle, August 05, 2014
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
Regress II (Heroes and other Things)

In those days of "yesteryear"-
those days my memory
holds so dear-
Days that filled my heart with joy-
all I wanted to be,was a ......

"Sing'n Cowboy."

Our hero was a special man,
to reach that level of acclaim
So, if you'll please allow me-
I'll explain.

Our hero, leading a wagon train,
three thousand miles from East to West-
Surviving the elements and indian raids-
his clothes were always freshly washed,
and his pants so neatly pressed.

Our hero always had a horse-
so smart it could pass a college course-
Our hero, *******, and in a terrible spot,
that horse, with his teeth,
Could untie the Gordian Knot.

All successful heros
had to have a friend-
A trusty, loyal, "sidekick"
that stayed with him to the end.

All the movie "sidekicks,"
as often as they could-
Had a very simple job,
to keep our hero "look'n good,"

They had to have a funny name-
"Fuzzy", "Gabby", and "Ukelele Ike",
names known from coast to coast,
and up and down the pike.

There was one that stood alone-
taller than the others
Often called "The Best of theWest",
none other, than "Lumpy Covers."

So, our hero, with his 'ol guitar-
just kept on a'ride'n, toward the horizon-
as far as the eye could see-
Sing'n, and strum'n,
all in the Key of G.

copyright: richard riddle 07-14-2014
Apr 2015 · 371
Regress (repost)
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
I 'm going back in time for a few moments, climb  into my "memory machine", and emerge back, into the mid to late forties. Yes, dear friends, I know its hard to believe, but I, too, was once a child.  Going to school Monday thru Friday, greatly anticipating the coming weekend, being able to play, all day, but most of all, going to the neighborhood theatre for......


The kids would gather early,
to form the ticket line-        
    the movie wouldn't start til ten,
and cost a penny, plus a dime.

Some lived close enough to walk,
some would ride their bikes-
They came from all directions,
so, say goodbye to peace, and quiet!

Mom and Dad would even bring 'em
pick'em up and take'em  home-
knowing that for about two hours,
They would have that time alone.(H'mm?)

It was where we saw our heroes,
knowing truth and justice would prevail-
As we watched those nasty villains,
being carted off to jail.

Those times now, have long been gone
But the memories will, forever stay-
I never will forget, the

Saturday Morning Matinee!

(a sequel, perhaps, maybe?)

copyright 06-04-2014 r. riddle
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
Neighbor: "Hey, what did you get Amber for her birthday?"

BF: I gave her a blank CD and told her it was a rare, pirated copy
      titled "Marcel Marceau's Greatest Hits."

Neighbor: "And?"

BF: "She liked it."

Neighbor: That's scary!

copyright: richard riddle 04-12-15
Amber Dexterous is written strictly for entertainment purposes.Amber Dexterous is fictitious. Any resemblance to persons living or dead, is purely coincidental. Marcel Marceau is a "mime."
Apr 2015 · 1.5k
Thought for the Day XXX
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
There is one advantage to being self-employed. You can show favoritism in selecting the "Employee of the Week."
Apr 2015 · 384
Thought for the day XXIX
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
There will always be some that won't like what you do. They're usually called "employees".

copyright: richard riddle-April 7, 2015
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
On December 16, 2013, in my work titled "Thank You",  was the first time I used the term "Poet's Train" for all of the contributors to the HP site. For that is exactly what it is. It also reminds me of times that have passed.
My grandparents lived in Joshua, Texas, a small town not far from the city of Fort Worth. Their house was only about 100 yards, or less, from the railroad tracks. Every evening around six o'clock we would hear the faint moan of the first whistle. My brother and me, both little tykes(6-10), would run to the back porch, anticipating the subsequent whistles from a huge piece of machinery. As the whistle grew louder, we could see the column of smoke billowing from the coal-burning engine as it neared. All of a sudden, there it was. We weren't the only ones that stood and watched, for there is something magical about trains, that attract both young, and old.
Our biggest delight however, did not lie with the train itself, but waving to the passengers and engineers as it passed, seeing them wave back, blowing that whistle in gentle acknowledgement, as if saying, "Good to see you, thanks for coming, have a great day!"
So it is with the "Poet's Train." When a piece is posted the whistle blows, each piece becomes a boxcar. Each writer, a passenger; their computer, the engine, and every reader waving as it passes. Its length, infinite, with no caboose. It will come the next day, the next night, with new passengers, with new cargo. I love it. I really do!

copyright: richard riddle, December 19, 2014
Apr 2015 · 648
Amber Dexterous-Episode III
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
Neighbor: "Hey, Amber! Did you watch the eclipse the other morning?"
Amber:(Brushing her hair from her forehead)"I tried but I couldn't see it very well."
Neighbor: "How come, it was a very clear night?"
Amber: "It was parked between two pickup trucks."

copyright: richard riddle-Revised April 08, 2015
Amber Dexterous is fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Eclipse is a vehicle manufactured by Mitsubishi.
Apr 2015 · 958
It's all about YOU!
Richard Riddle Apr 2015
There are many "you's" out there, on the highways, byways, freeways. Those that put others in harms way, excercising their egotistical need to be "first in line", "head of the class", so to speak; "**** the torpedoes, full speed ahead!" is their rallying cry.

It makes no difference what "YOU" are driving, old vehicle, new vehicle. Perhaps an overly powerful pickup truck, or an SUV, that makes YOU feel IMMORTAL. Ice, snow, rain, dark of night, makes no difference to YOU. Inconsiderate, rude, careless, makes YOU, dangerous. Today is no different, its "all about YOU." Speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, no need for signals, tail-gating,  trying to get that vehicle out of YOUR way, because YOU are being "INCONVENIENCED!" YOU, don't care! For this morning, like any other morning, "its all about YOU."

The lights are a bit glaring, as you begin to emerge from that state of unconsciousness, laying in that hospital bed, wondering where you are, who, and why, are those strangers standing around you.
They are the doctors, nurses, first responders, investigators, preparing for your reaction when you're told that the brains of your spouse and children had to be scraped off the pavement with a snow shovel.
You should be proud of yourself. For today is truly,
                                              "All about YOU!"

copyright: richard riddle April 03, 2015
37 years as an accident investigator, have seen many of these. This piece was inspired by Jamie Burkes, "BOOM". Thanks, Jamie!
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
Community College of Theology

Prof: "That concludes todays discussion of events during the B.C.E.(Before the Common Era) and Moses turning the Nile River into "blood." Any questions?"

Student: "I have a question! I have a question!"(brushing her hair off of her forehead)
Prof: "Okay, and your name is..."
Student: "Amber Dexterous" (brush-brush)
Prof: "Ah, yes, Amber", and your question is.....?
Amber: "What does BCE stand for again?"
Prof:(To himself, "Why me?). "Means Bachelor of Chemical Engineering."
Amber: "Moses had a college degree?!!!!

copyright: richard riddle-revised April 08, 2015
You may remember Amber from "The Interview." Amber, Episode II is written for entertainment purposes, and not directed toward any particular individual or group. Amber Dexterous and Community College of Theology are fictitious.At least, I hope so. Any resemblance to people living or dead, is purely coincidental. Stay Tuned for more episodes with Amber.
Mar 2015 · 298
Thought for the Day XXVIII
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
Pitiful! Just pitiful! When one has to go to work in order to get adequate sleep!
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
Re: Ancient Greece: How do you read a sundial, especially if you work on a nightshift at Acme Stonecutters, Inc.? Something for Socrates to ponder.(He was always late for work)
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
In my travels, I happened to find this little box. It has no key, and has no locks. So, sit back, sip a cup of coffee, or favorite drink, relax for a little while,  and hopefully, enjoy the ride:

On the table, the box it sits-
All six sides of equal fit-
What is the mystery inside-?
What are the secrets that it hides?
This little box--
That has no key--and has no locks.

The Oracles of Delphi-the hermits on the peak-
Claimed to see the future-but in truth they did not seek-
The power of this little box-
That has no key ----- and has no locks.

It doesn't eat! It doesn't breath!!
But oft it can, and will, relieve
Your fears of the fiercest days ahead--
All within this little box-
That has no key---------and has no locks.

When clouds gather, dark and drea'r--
Eyes swell, and start to tear--
It's not a curse! nor a pox!
Just pick up the little box--
That has no key---------------and has no locks.

So, with great ferocity--
Quench your thirst of curiosity!
Discover the secrets held within!!
Feel the power again, and again!!!
Learn the mystery of the box--
That has no key--------------------and has no locks

Put together with guise and guile--
With hopes that it will make you smile-
So, now you know the mystery--
And the secret of the box-
There never was a need -- for keys and locks!!!      
Copyright r.riddle-August 17, 2010
(A repost of my first writing.  Written to go with a "gag-gift" for my boss' birthday. The last stanza should be covered with a tab to be removed after the box is opened)
Mar 2015 · 269
Thought for the Day XXVI
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
I had to make a difficult decision this morning. "I'm not going to do a **** thing today!"

Richard Riddle 03-19-2015
Mar 2015 · 1.2k
Prelude + a Poem
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
I was visiting my older brother and sister-in-law, when he emerged from a storage room with a box filled with family"artifacts", photos, etc. In that box was a 78rpm record, created in 1947. I was not quite six years old. This caused the eruption of a memory long lost, for it was recorded by my kindergarten teacher; my recitation of a poem titled, "My Sore Thumb", written by Burges Johnson. It appeared in a 1921 publication of a book, "Youngsters:" Collected Poems of Childhood", published by E.P. Dutton Publishing Co., which is now part of the Penguin Group. I only had to memorize the first stanza.

"My Sore Thumb"

I jabbed a jack-knife in my thumb—
Th' blood just spurted when it come!
The cook got faint, an' nurse she yelled
An' showed me how it should be held,
An' Gran'ma went to get a rag,
An' couldn't find one in th' bag;
An' all the rest was just struck dumb
To see my thumb!

Since I went an' jabbed my thumb
I go around a-lookin' glum,
And Aunt, she pats me on the head
An' gives me extra ginger-bread;
But brother's mad, an' says he'll go
An' take an' axe, an' chop his toe:
An' then he guesses I'll keep mum
About my thumb!

At school they as't to see my thumb,
But I just showed it to my chum,
An' any else that wants to see
Must divvy up their cake with me!
It's gettin' well so fast, I think
I'll fix it up with crimson ink,
An' that'll keep up int'rest some
In my poor thumb!
Tape recorders, as we know them had not yet been fully developed for retail sale. But, there were disc recorders, 78rpms mostly, which the networks used to record their radio programs for archival purposes.
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
Reposted March 16, 2015

I feel the darkness-
the profundity of it's power
enwraps my soul-
Yet, I can see-
I touch the dark.......

Silhouetted against the aura of human faith-
it surrounds me-
A myriad of words floats within the cubicle
that holds my sorrow--
And the darkness grows darker......

The darkness, giving birth to the voices-
in the distance, afraid, sensing fright-
But only God knows for sure-


copyright r.riddle October 08, 2013

Sorry folks, just couldn't resist the urge!
Mar 2015 · 383
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
I feel the darkness-
the profundity of it's power
enwraps my soul-
Yet, I can see-
I touch the dark.......

Silhouetted against the aura of human faith-
it surrounds me-
A myriad of words floats within the cubicle
that holds my sorrow--
And the darkness grows darker......

Yet, I see-
my fears are no longer,
I am not afraid....

Penned this in 1961, age of 19. "Beat Generation" coming to a close, "Hippie " period beginning.
Mar 2015 · 1.4k
Perseverance (repost)
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
When I think of  places where I've been
and  things that I have done-
I recall many battles fought-
and those I've lost, and won.

I've met a lot of people-
on my stops along the way-
and remember a lot of faces-
But many names, have gone astray.

Friends have even asked me,
"why don't you retire?"
I answer very simply,
"I'm not ready to expire!"

                        richard riddle-copyright October 15, 2013
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
A tiny ant, struggling to cross the deep, ****, carpet-
With each synchronized step-from six tiny legs-
echoing a clap of thunder-

And the lights, the beautiful mixture of bright
colors, like a newly opened box of crayons,
dancing before me, would be more magnificent,
if they were somewhere else than in my living room-
God, I hate migraines!

                                                     ­                          r. riddle copyright 10-07-2013
Richard Riddle Mar 2015
Perhaps, the most profound poem I have ever read

There are too many saviors on my cross,
lending their blood to flood out my ballot box with needs of their own.
Who put you there?
Who told you that that was your place?

You carry me secretly naked in your heart
and clothe me publicly in armor
crying “God is on our side,” yet I openly cry
Who is on mine?
Tell me, who?
You who bury your sons and ******* your fathers
whilst you bury my father in crippling his son.

The antiquated Saxon sword,
rusty in its scabbard of time now rises—
you gave it cause in my name,
bringing shame to the thorned head
that once bled for your salvation.

I hear your daily cries
in the far-off byways in your mouth
pointing north and south
and my Calvary looms again,
desperate in rebirth.
Your earth is partitioned,
but in contrition
it is the partition
in your hearts that you must abolish.

You nightly watchers of Gethsemene
who sat through my nightly trial delivering me from evil—
now deserted, I watch you share your silver.
Your purse, rich in hate,
bleeds my veins of love,
shattering my bone in the dust of the bogside and the Shankhill road.

There is no issue stronger than the tissue of love,
no need as holy as the palm outstretched in the run of generosity,
no monstrosity greater than the acre you inflict.
Who gave you the right to increase your fold
and decrease the pastures of my flock?
Who gave you the right?
Who gave it to you?
And in whose name do you fight?

I am not in heaven,
I am here,
hear me.
I am in you,
feel me.
I am of you,
be me.
I am with you,
see me.
I am for you,
need me.
I am all mankind;
only through kindness will you reach me.

What masked and bannered men can rock the ark
and navigate a course to their annointed kingdom come?
Who sailed their captain to waters that they troubled in my font,
sinking in the ignorant seas of prejudice?

There is no ****** willing to conceive in the heat of any ****** Sunday.
You crippled children lying in cries on Derry’s streets,
pushing your innocence to the full flush face of Christian guns,
battling the blame on each other,
do not grow tongues in your dying dumb wounds speaking my name.
I am not your prize in your death.
You have exorcized me in your game of politics.

Go home to your knees and worship me in any cloth,
for I was never tailor-made.
Who told you I was?
Who gave you the right to think it?
Take your beads in your crippled hands,
can you count my decades?
Take my love in your crippled hearts,
can you count the loss?

I am not orange.
I am not green.
I am a half-ripe fruit needing both colors to grow into ripeness,
and shame on you to have withered my orchard.
I in my poverty,
alone without trust,
cry shame on you
and shame on you again and again
for converting me into a bullet and shooting me into men’s hearts.

The ageless legend of my trial grows old
in the youth of your pulse staggering shamelessly from barricade to grave,
filing in the book of history my needless death one April.
Let me, in my betrayal, lie low in my grave,
and you, in your bitterness, lie low in yours,
for our measurements grow strangely dissimilar.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
sullied be thy name.

Richard Harris, actor, Irishman, wrote this, pertaining to the protestant-catholic conflict in the sixties and early seventies,
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