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Renard Jackson Sep 2018
One of those days you notice most things through yesterday's eyes
In a moment you feel distraught in someone's decision said it applies to you
Feeling blah
a place of intense competition or ruthless struggle for survival,
a gathering place for the unemployed.
They sweat for the sun and hurt for dirt, cry for work and smile to struggle.
Money accumulate and it resolve in one big circle.
Your concerns and criticism is tossed like eaten herbivores, not your biggest fear
Individual self made issues stir as you consummate with one's in the same environment.
A battle of nice and not-nice to talk, smile, converse in a suite of respect.
But allowances is as far as you allow not wanting to be consumed.
It's like a jungle out here!
Doubt to be doubted. Love and win. Assume with belief. Protect your heart. #new
Renard Jackson Jul 2017
Here with a means to life
Which means live to certain standards have principles through goals that means obey the law
While they don't?
Honor thy mother and thy father
Where are they?
In holy matrimony failed to realized you really in this by yourself
Exhausted working hard to play hard
Writing words trying to to reach out
Cause words spoken differently not to be mean
But with no understanding of a life thats in shambles
You can't understand what I mean
Head high mean mugs and shoulder shrugs makes me smile
Cant stand nice and commodity
Whatever that means...
Here with a means to life
Which means live to certain standards have principles
Renard Jackson Nov 2015
Introduce with a smile and nice conversion as we shared notes of our next project
Friendship was there so we included the day with lunch and more conversation
With Progress came progression and more or less confession
Continuous interaction with each other being to be a daily routine
Mere gifts food for the belly and drinks for the lips
Curiosity was aroused by words with no sound, so questions was asked and things became at last
As I found
Inside was was bitter though it smelled so sweet big ego attached those with little feet
How happy the days when we meet but that lasted as long as I sleep
Feelings intertwined with lust over love and words were no more just a shrug
Sarcasm with laughter went to debates with fights and space to each other share the night
Distance is now to fill the need along with blocked calls to spare the greed
Don't mistake lust for love no matter what she says
Renard Jackson Apr 2016
Electric eyes domestic thighs I just got a feeling you are where I want to go
Narcissistic pride to high to die don't need no reason for me to put on a show
Can't let it slide nowhere to hide botch dont **** my vibe all I see is green my swag is set on go
Courrupt with lies full of it attracting flies I wondered why I made an effort to even try
Wish I would of just said no
Lust is off the chart off guard from the start unintentional you pulled out my heart
It's easy to say anything but I needed you to grow
Up side-by-side official do or die a patriot being victimized
Not likely but Floridana is a place we both should know
Support as strong as Styrofoam at agonizing won't leave me alone
Negative to wrong negativity right lose confidence discovering happiness inside a broken home
Ignorance in ignore to what make you miserable
Designed to change your mind confidant and comfortable in twined.
Renard Jackson Feb 2016
We smile, laugh, joke together in these times I believe in happiness though you mistaken a common opinion with a strike for intrusion confused I asks questions to you they seem surreal thoughts are now victimized and encouragement turns to congregation doubts pass I want you to understand a simply misuses of words my challenges are defeated with sharp interruptions in a roar but seldomly spoken so you prance in your wonders of solitude as I sit debating my rights
Another day shoots like a star among the scarred sky and kicked up dust is hidden the trails we have provided for those
We smile, laugh, joke together in these times I believe in happiness
Subject to know you better and the way your day is going to be.
Renard Jackson Jul 2016
Not existing before
MADE into a person of sensibilities , Introduced as a man of honor with respect, and was discovered recently now for the first time.
I feel encroached when conversations are developed
Is this something I've longed for or a past progression
Despite it all it feel good, refreshed, inspiring
Like a fresh breathe in the morning with coffee brewing in a log cabin
In the world of things that don't last long
Taking heed to these blessings
Learn, Live, and Love
Renard Jackson Jan 2019
Hide the emotion
Drink and drink some more
Ignore remedy sway with the music
Laughs with intentions insert of gestures
Deployed minds think alike
Cluster in one spot refuse to be touch by another
Noises, voices, crackling flash power
Unfamiliar bystander implying good greeting
Annoyance, distraught, fatigue
Promises, lies, and sinning
Unclaritiy to yourself respectfully you request the best.
Renard Jackson Dec 2021
Greets with smiles and talks for awhile
Introduced with a wave, exchange of names and the seven numbers I saved
Words interest curiosity, feelings velocity, introducing atrocity.
Competitive competition companions
Falling for each other, in squabbles of long standings
Converse emotionally satisfaction is carried through guarantee with subdue
Not to be mistaken if you over think it, can be confused
Amelioration of the voice DrinkSpace
And I feel like my needs or wants send me to a dark place
Attentions got my ears wide open
Intentions of fears of this ending is what I'm hoping
Decisions made bed laid what's to sway
Can't control most feelings
But to doubt is not living
And if I'm wrong I'll be livid
I stand on that pivot
Taunting, eating at me like a tapeworm
Approaching calm but aggression is called for these terms
I wanna be heard and not linger on ever word
OH WELL flicking the bird
Another day another dollar I had it up to my neck (collar) call her
Her to the why's and what's
Know.. Don't wonder... Be sure!
Renard Jackson Jan 2016
Adequate decision with dislodged thoughts
Cast in a subculture environment used to the urban area scuttled in the struggle
Wanting more commentary and needing more disclosure
Patronize with the wrong intentions to whom I care nothing for
Descriptions of deceptions inscribed by inner perceptions
Conclusion cause dissolution from exclusion through misusing parental advisories
Reserve  thoughts on the trophy with no solution is a contradiction
Impetuous actions causing lost interpretation on how you look at your surroundings
Adversary asking for a a fighting change.
Thoughts of a deprived life of righteousness and the choices we have and overlook our take advantage of. Be thankful
Renard Jackson Nov 2015
You live in and deprive me of happiness taking my good at what expense?
you pretend to rely on me to exploits others and give nothing in return.
Attached to me as if your purpose is meaningful
You are selfless so therefore be by your self, though you say you need me
Making every effort to detach myself, in the process losing my sense of righteousness,
I don't want to turn into what you are I'm created with a soul
Unlike some parasites transmitting a disease who depends on it's host to survive
But you are human who is wise with it on mind
Don't be obtain to a side
which means to get something that is not so easy to come by 
But I rather die on my feet than live on my knees asking please,
So just leave.
A relationship is not worth saving if one does not want to be there it takes two and you have to let then go out you will be ruining yourself.
Renard Jackson Jun 2016
I will wait for you because pressure is not what you need right now
I will wait for you because you asks me to
I will wait for you because it is something that I want
I will wait for you because love has no barrens
I will wait for you because there is no one else I rather be with
I will wait for you because through it all my leisure time will be gratefully rewarded
I will wait for you because you are special care package that need to be tended with care cause you are fragile
I will wait for you because you are waiting for me
I will wait for you cause God is our savior and grants is this privileged to be together
I will wait for you because you are worthy of that
I will wait for you because it's something I will not dare want to lose
I will wait for you because I want to spend my whole life with you not just some years and have memoirs of what could of been
I will wait for you cause patience is a virtue and you are my air, my heart beat, my soul.
Love is about patience its the most important next to communication those two have to meet, if not there is no future for your vision
Renard Jackson Oct 2015
In spirit to make amends to those who are not friends
Cold stares lil gestures indicates how trouble begins
I carry myself in a Just way but too proud to just look away arrogance taking over I got something to say
I feel inconsiderate not that I that I should
To care at this moment would be misunderstood
My introduction is a greeting which most often is
But aggression and perplex comes next like William Shakespeare in "king lear"
Calm as to humble though on guard to a snake defining his life
If it rains it pours, but if you pour do it right
Cause things tend to spill out and causes a fight
And good mends you overlook to look over and see for your own insight
Two kids talking among each other about what happen last night.
Feeling wrong about something I thought I heard maybe or maybe not
Renard Jackson Nov 2020
Appeased to be accepted
Anchorage by failure
Torn by choices
Apparently indecisive of my self worth
Aquired to have feelings
Envisage always with standards
Told to be obeyed
Hollered only to be infuriating
Wondrous for the curiosity
To be enslaved to your
In paucity of examples
Without the power of speech after listening
Scared of rejection
Reflect only to what is accepted
Confused soley to ones deterrent
Detoured following the inlet
Am I suppose to stay patience
Ravishing my lost goal
I yearn to achieve set to default
Acknowledging thus aspect
To deflect your whole objective.
Feeling that you are in tuned with
Be careful than closer
Renard Jackson Mar 2020
Hey I am unimpressed with, purposely just restless
Delusional making a death wish, likely for an investment
More than I expected, doubting, feeling resentment
Trust me, I'm relentless I wanna see it through
Heading in the wrong direction distracted from a thing or two
A burden is weighing ******* me, I can't stand it
Let's alone be a man and continue what I planned
With no support I can't sustain this, so confused no words I gather could explain this
Learning allot though, depression, starting within sanking like a pothole.
Don't forget your problem and own up to what you do. You are your own fault.
Renard Jackson Mar 2016
Night lingers with constant ravaging through the kitchen and impatiently flickering channels because of commercials
In spite of the fatigue feelings mixed with the funny noises coming from hunger pains
I am not In a bad mood cause I am broke, in distraught or because I can only afford rent due to my minimum wage job washing dishes stationed in a one room shack apartment
Stuck in the house need to get out more wanting issues without discussions fascinated by what I can't have enclosing my day with a infested bus ride back to my urban sectional neighborhood  what am accustomed to living a lifestyle fighting more than rats and roaches
Survival is the most important part of the breakfast next to acknowledgement that nothing can become something cherishing food and shelter because walking on the streets and pockets on empty force decision to do hand-to-hand work predicaments leaves you in a state of unravelling thinking of your next move or not thinking
Questioning the obvious Wishing though there is nothing wrong with wanting
A Christian, but broke, and a 5th of gin will make a Man sin
Becoming a product of my environment leaving it to be a statistic in this society as a black man in poverty
#realistic #thoughts #initiatives #citric
Renard Jackson Jan 2022
Knowing right from knowing what’s wrong
Doing out of spite to move on
Detrimental drinking patron
I’m living life in a zone
Misconstrued I’m feeling tested
Living life but fighting death
Recognizing demons within myself
Surrounded by feelings except love
Reaching for acceptance refrain from no glove
Bask in your memories of hope to be spared
Grasp to the decision of how much do I care
In fear of nothing as in no man or no woman
Although death could be around the corner so is it the future I wonder
Aside from my actions my words are a interlude
For I see myself as one hell of a dude
Faults might vary in truths no lie I’m as close to having clarity as to growing wings to fly
With only family no friends life ends where it begins
Renard Jackson Feb 2016
She loves me she loves me not....
Renard Jackson Dec 2021
Strip, remove, pull, or tear the covering or outer layer from something.
cant give too much from what is taken, I Am.
Renard Jackson Nov 2015
I'm no concern to her she has someone else to occupy her time
When they fighting or need someone to escape to
******* don't use my shoulder to lean on
I am not your fault
You put me in the friend zone but I know you like me more than that
Are you scared? It's frustrating, who cares?
But this isn't something I am up for it just doesn't make any sense to me
I treat you different from others questions are asks only to be unanswered
You are never ridiculed in my book you are that one "I will"
It seems real but it looks fake
First one to listen to you but second in your race
The things we put up with for females we want to consider and willing to pursue thinking of them when we should focus on ourselves.
Renard Jackson May 2016
To my heart you are fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become loose, or be lost.
Protected against attack  of any disloyal activity.
Feeling safe, stable, and free from fear or anxiety.
Feeling no doubts about attaining our certainty to achieve
Love makes it hard to open up to any one else you have the key therefore it's fasten and locked.
Like a suspect secured in the back of a patrol car
Forever detain in your solitude
The heart  is concerned to secure the feelings against too many foreign ownerships
Seeking to guarantee repayment of [of love] by having a right to take possession of an digression  in the event of non involvements.
Have no doubts of your other mate for she/he had no ideal how to be proven otherwise
Renard Jackson Feb 2022
The direction of blame often has implications for individuals’ emotions and behaviors
Before I blame anybody I'm going to blame myself
Because knowing the What's and the How's
The opposite of empathy, due to self afflicted injuries
You are only privileged what you've contributed
Renard Jackson Jul 2017
Tied face forward here rooted like this tree,
Expectant of an image held more to some degree,
Though most agree I just see my life at a stand still
Providing ambitious thoughts and giving prosperous to the navie
Cold wither in the dark places overlooked for the fear and lack of
Judge by an monarchy of Donald Trumps criticized and commemorated
A blame for what they give to us as a dependable waste
So those who deceieve for more  in a impeccable situations are a disgrace
Improvisation of our race im sure to win
Keeping cool in this shady place patiently waiting intuned with faith
Asks for no More than what's owed to me
Receiving knowledge and experience accepting doverity
Safe shelter and to offer life changing services promoting stability, dignity and self-reliance.
To give is better than receiving
Renard Jackson Apr 2016
With a background of indecent exposure in a relationship with no closure
Due to hard times and big decisions there will gaps in dreams unfinished
Tenaciously pushing on left with the little strength through your faith and bond
Adoptable ways got you set astray though in prayer there's a better way
Guilts not the only feeling that comes around sorrow and pain weighs the pressure of head downs
Immensity thoughts to keep it up lack all the envy and who to trust
A past is picture of the real too many chances taken for one to give
Image of trife on lonely nights a choice of wrong trying to do right
Lost in shame with a directional change is a fault to many things
Renard Jackson May 2020
Awhile sin truth be told you'll sin again.
But one sin shouldn't be the cause of you to lose a friend.
Although sin can be the option for you to think again
Amazement comes many hatred uplifted plenty
Trouble cause from different angles all sides from different cities.
Sins make it hard for you to trust any
Played to weigh not seeing straight
Staright-up I ain't going no way
If you condem the sin well who sent ya
Pledge to to please the mental to make it simple
We was all damaged before we enter
Renard Jackson Nov 2021
Different objectives,  a mixture, what have we
Life obstacles, choices,  preserving,  the questions with theologically "if you asks me"
What is the the price to pay for our mistakes?
Occupied time with our occupied minds
Childhood memories mingle
With those from the fantasy world a mindscape
You're down while standing up
Higher than a parachutist Proceeding to inhale exhale focusing in on cardio- in-need-of-rest
Fueled by the stress this gas has taken it's effect
Pay more for quantity of less
If it kills it's the best or slow your heart down from beating out your engulfed chest
You get what you pay for and you deserve what you get
So asks you shall receive to every cause there is and effect.
A life with no boundaries is life going sideways with no direction you will end up no where..
Renard Jackson Dec 2021
To be missed Is a word of empathy
Taken with just a simple gesture
The logic of it all is in need of some understand
Life is to be given not taken for those are the ones whos interpretation
Is mistaken for mistakes made
Thoughts perpendicular as one life is pass to another
Money is calibrated to those of this dilution.
What's understood needs no explanation
Even though cross contamination can cause illness amongst us all
Examination is the overseer of some misunderstanding
Still, as fortress built on a good foundation
We stand for what we beloved to knowing.
Renard Jackson Mar 2020
Her I am again in a spiral-down-face fall
Looking up to expectations although it's not a good look
To be grateful another day I wake to carry on my sorrows
Is a blessing to come to an conclusion and figure it all out
In a reverse mortgage payments are not due
Obligated to keep an upholstery on my life
Hard to pick up the pieces when you broken already
Speaking out only to be heard in the ears of the readers
Either my words to be written out instead expressed in a vocal manner
Changing to another pattern or changing the voice of the verb (from active to passive or vice versa) will break the parallelism.
I have to stay focus... It's about how you look at thing not.. You know....
Renard Jackson Nov 2015
I am your support a building or substituting stronger for weaker material structure from below by laying a solid foundation below ground level
Am I substituting stronger for weaker material
I make a certain situation or outcome likely or possible
And to leave me no longer occupied  I felt used, abandoned
As thus, I was just a particular account of some matter,
 from one person in your source,
contrasted with some other account
facing the challenges at hand in an adequate manner. 
I grasp the situation conjugate the problem and
Seize the moment
Change is want she wants and time is what I need
So space is what she got
With an absence of a leave.
When being there for someone means absolutely nothing after a while, but than again this something has to be recognized and dealt with.
Renard Jackson Jun 2017
Believing, tossed in this bail weather you win or you fail not often do we care too short to even tell, as hard as it is to inhale. I'm surprised my heart doesn't fail intentions of oneself
Among the casted- I'm not alone
Ripping and running -I'm strong
Capable to sustain the worst although I've been wrong built in times of navies with no casted stones
equally purposeful, doing the most important thing that matters is life. I stand to keep giving while Pieces of Me are being taken away.
Renard Jackson Feb 2016
This day is recognized and celebration in many regions around the world, although it is not a public holiday in any country.

Poems I withhold are the various Valentines that were connected to February 14,  which indicated us imprisoned for performing weddings for soldiers to be forbidden to marry and for ministering to Christians, who were persecuted under the Roman Empire. Life is According as our imprisonment, Valentine heals the daughter of his jailer,  and before my execution, I write to you this letter signed "Your Valentine" as a farewell.
#facts #love #emotional #thoughts
Renard Jackson Dec 2021
You say things but are you believing what you say or does it just sound good because it's more work to make it believable than to just put in words and have someone to assume it's real
Well should you know it's ******* by the way it smells
Looks are deceiving
Wondrous smiles and joyful gestures
Through the window panes judgements are likely procedures
Instincts are natural with a gutted feeling which you are inattentively in tuned
Exclusive days to dissolution nights
No warning signs poverty backgrounds got you ready for anything
Played, but this no game...
Appearance appeals what's their is only for the moment
Plan for the great not just to make
Make the best of your situations
Renard Jackson Oct 2015
And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it, The unreal is more powerful than the real. Because nothing is as perfect as you can imagine it. Because its only intangible ideas, concepts, beliefs, fantasies that last. Stone crumbles. Wood rots. People, well, they die. But things as fragile as a thought, a dream, a legend, they can go on and on. If you can change the way people think. The way they see themselves. The way they see the world. You can change the way people live their lives. That's the only lasting thing you can create, If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all
Renard Jackson Jun 2018
Immediately impact in one's direction
Infection spreading airborne it's a feeling
Bias of understanding in saying
Actions speak louder than words
With life there are challenges and achievements
Dispute none of the two what's done is due
Either it's old or new
No need for fued, miss cultivated
Change comes to those that wait
Introduced by patience
CREATED obligate people revise
Things are consistently explain for the moment momentarily
Immediately impact in one's direction.
#life #choices #tortured
Renard Jackson May 2016
Insecurities makes you act like a child
So gladly I stay away for awhile
Indirectly quotes with no meaning when I asks
Intentions are hard as brass but my words make you break like glass
Like words shed a little light you are shedding pounds just by the thought of it
Trying to understand your method is doing me no good life is hetic
I'm just thinking out loud as I scribble words
I'm just thinking is this where I want to be
#thinking #weird #confused #done
Renard Jackson Dec 2021
Make your intentions clear so we both don’t waste each other time stop dating people who only wants to see you at night if you want those who know nothing about a date night, vacations, or surprises.
After you pick someone over me, please don’t bring your lame *** back people will come back in your life after they get disappointed by people they thought were better than you. No hook up or *******, I’m patience enough to seek the right one, to find that special kind of love that’s what I want to feel but I would be patience for the right one if interested it would be a pleasure, I’m not here for games. It would be nice for someone real with someone that chooses you everyday not just when they are in the mood for you.
Eventually they are the same
Renard Jackson Oct 2015
You're the sun behind the cloud, the page behind the book covers. Every part of you is sensational in every way shape and form. I trust in you like soap trusts water. If I was to jump a bridge I know you would be my wings to fly me to safety. If the world was a straight line, we would follow its every move. If the sea were a blanket we would sleep under it. If the clouds were birds we would fly into the sky. At night we would paint our name in the stars, then travel the moon and look down on earth.
Renard Jackson Jun 2017
As if a witch  appeared in front of me in a puff of smoke, I was transfixed — Me standing there  mouth open, unable to look away, as if held by some magic power. Not use to this I strategize a exit. Lies, pessimistic conlicts, mused with disturbed behavior. Łike being infected there are side effects a breathe of fresh air is relief to asthma, a cup of tea is for nausea. You are my medicine when your close to me- my better half, monogamist, consort. In undisguised astonishment; a day is better, with a dose of you intuned with more focus on the now. Don't want to move stuck on you.
Can't remember "how" or "when" but you remember "what" cherish 5 moments embrace your fate.
Renard Jackson Oct 2015
Gather feeling through darkness
Failed to see what's in the murky water
Insults makes it better to shield my self from sadness
Indecent thoughts a though they falter
The burning of pleasant grass introduces my father
Like the wind blows and the oxygen we breathe
For he is to me as I am to him Unseen.
I wrote this as I waken thinking about somebody who doesn't care.
Renard Jackson Oct 2015
To believe is in the heart but proof is what you see the proof is you are so far but I believe your here with me I don't dwell on despair unjustified our love I yearn for you like a reach for the stars above time is with the moment though in the moment there is no time to waste close to you is a Figment of my imagination I rather be face to face words comes easy when expressing how I feel one day one life all this will be real doubt is not here I want or worlds to clash until I think of something else I'll just say I love your ***!
A woman can be an inspiration in many ways.
Renard Jackson Apr 2016
As simple as hello.
I can drown myself in new music and relive my memories
sometimes I wrote a lot and sometimes I got away

you thought you got away with ****** but everything was restored
it was like painting numbers on a white pale wall, something clean

humans don't go look for danger, danger will find them where needed
you never waited for me to get my **** together, "I  hate you" was your words
it were the bad things I only could remember about you, all the bad

and all the lonely girls fell for the guys who now has a thing called swag
and all the popular girls didn't fell for the same guys back in those days

Fridays always came with rain and Monday always left with a smile
the moments you lived for were minimum, it were only the weekends

I remember how lonely you felt, missing the people around you
the voices in your head became your new home, they were your friends
sometimes they come back, just to say a simple hello...

it was all about living for someone that never take a breath for you.
Always remember that the company is a good idea to get a chance to see if you are looking for a new job
Renard Jackson Jun 2016
The things you want in life are not always what you deserve or maybe what is instilled for you
Talking it into existence may shadow your most likely situations and halter you from what you really need
Thats why we expect the worst and hope for the best just take yourself worthiness in consideration
Doubts are the biggest downfall though we all struggle it is the way we consume this is the highlight of it all
Patience. ...God was good at that and to embrace this is the craziest thing I've I had to deal with
Knowing and believing is the same as wanting and lusting
I give more than I receive and I don't asks for much it is a sort of worrying that comes from wanting something in return
Guilt works at you like molasses covering a bug caught on a tree
At times in certain situation I don't know I'm really like perplexed tainted by unanswered questions in the mist of trying to figure it out yourselfwith no help from no one you pace with no direction a very distraught feeling.
I can't help but wonder, am I spouse to hurt or feel left out , I asks what did I do? #confused #helpless #unhappy
Renard Jackson Aug 2020
Place Walking

Trying too hard with effortless means
Short schemes no dreams
In tunne with reailty
Trapped, to find a way out But "no pity" in my deception.
Lost, cause you have no direction
In actuality S*@% I'm screaming this my call out
Actions speaks louder than words Encouragement can't be seen
Best said as you play shall you lay. A balance beam What's your place?

Introducing what youth have is yours. Make it,  Own it!
Renard Jackson Jun 2017
Heart pumping thousand miles a minutes
As i sit still attached to an non profit element
Intact and informed filter breeze keeping me steady
Adversity preform although not clear what from
Adequately prepared tired of cold stare of beware
A lit fuse, small thing with a big bang
Pose to be enticed strike first with respect to likes
Hot in cold situations means are on Go paper chasing
In a crowd with hand out though its better to give than receiving
Simultaneous thoughts merge now your stuck trying to make sense of it all...
Heart pumping thousand miles a minutes
Spacer epic lifestyle Poverty does things to you
Renard Jackson Nov 2015
As elegant and beautiful with the days days progress through vivid imagination
Though harsh times approach as the wind blows she is as thorough, for her petals remain full nothing less
Egotistical personal gives hope to one seeking matriarch
But with inspirational vivacious and true words spoken, there is no need to fabricate
Criticism is ubiquitous no matter how you embellish life
She is germane to me, so euphoric
To ignore these feelings of cherishing and adoration is to be incomplete, like a house with no windows and doors.
As docile as emotions are there is no courageous act, then to grow in the cast of shadows believing it to be in your best interest
With her thorns pricked in sensitive spots I still proceed with indirection
Thoughts pass as I want to asks and the moment fades so the question remains
How is there fear in my feelings?
Acknowledging that there is a chance of disappointment huh I know myself but do I know her.
You have feelings for someone,I guess be honest and let them know to be a fool is as to fooling yourself
Respect yourself and the rest will come
Renard Jackson Nov 2015
More and more with nothing to give is there anyone out there who doesn't want any thing for nothing instead of there pockets to be filled
I asks for conversation and a pleasant life to live but you got your hand out expecting money and assuming I will
understanding comes with means and that's something you don't get so understand your not getting s#&t; that means you have to pay your own rent
If you was more independent and less dependent depending on someone else would just be a waste of time spent
To be in a relationship in with two people not just one
To share is to to give and receive back not just from
Selfish is what are and selfish is what you will be so you will find yourself by yourself is what you will get from me.
There are signs in a relationship pay attention to them don't be that "fool"
Renard Jackson Mar 2020
Opposed inter courses with crashed images suffer
Bags brittleness stash secretly a million mumbles
Opinionated receiving-ly I'd proclamations
Laugh isf despise becclure unfamiliar faces
Gave my decency add to my atrocity
Gotta kick in my colonoscopy
Renard Jackson Dec 2018
Sitting dazed in assumption
Out in the open position for attraction
Marking time with notes of deaeration
Following the hands that past time
Paused only to stands still
Alone in a life on stand by
You only enhanced time seeking to expect
Short days and long nights
Staying where I am cause I delay action
until something else happens........
"Should I or should I not"
Renard Jackson Feb 2022
Desecrated in cold stares not beyond ones sight to be unheard
Involved with actions of screenplay
Fought so slightly with means to run away
Not scared, just irritated
Heaves implacability to be disrespected
Lounged from so far to be seen as an outcast
Renard Jackson Feb 2016
You are like Water on Earth moving continuously through the water cycle of evaporation and transpiration (evapotranspiration), condensation, precipitation, and then run off, usually reaching the sea to my heart. Evaporation from one and transpiration to another contribute to the precipitation over land(my life). Like Water you are used in the production of a good or service is known as the virtual you.

Safely drinking you is essential to me and other lifeforms even though it provides no calories or organic nutrients. Access to safe drinking you has improved over the last years in almost every part of my world, even though approximately one billion people still lack access to you and over 2.5 billion have access to adequate sanitation.
#visualization #perspective #thoughts
Renard Jackson Oct 2015
Is there a land
by a distant sea
where we shall be united?Is there a sky,
blue and bright
with wispy clouds
under whose shade
we shall make love
in the open,without fear or regret
Is there a beach
grains of whose sand
shall caress our naked bodies kiss your navel
and cling to my chest Will there be such a rain that in the worship of your full ******* drops shall trickle down
and hang forever at the pointed tips like elixir
that you, mother goddess, shall someday ooze for your many children will there be a day we shall dance in shameless celebration and by night watch the stars twinkle to the  
of our thankful hearts.
Not that she wasn't the one, but I love her and she just was being herself.
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