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Dec 2021
Greets with smiles and talks for awhile
Introduced with a wave, exchange of names and the seven numbers I saved
Words interest curiosity, feelings velocity, introducing atrocity.
Competitive competition companions
Falling for each other, in squabbles of long standings
Converse emotionally satisfaction is carried through guarantee with subdue
Not to be mistaken if you over think it, can be confused
Amelioration of the voice DrinkSpace
And I feel like my needs or wants send me to a dark place
Attentions got my ears wide open
Intentions of fears of this ending is what I'm hoping
Decisions made bed laid what's to sway
Can't control most feelings
But to doubt is not living
And if I'm wrong I'll be livid
I stand on that pivot
Taunting, eating at me like a tapeworm
Approaching calm but aggression is called for these terms
I wanna be heard and not linger on ever word
OH WELL flicking the bird
Another day another dollar I had it up to my neck (collar) call her
Her to the why's and what's
Know.. Don't wonder... Be sure!
Renard Jackson
Written by
Renard Jackson  Daytona Beach,fl
(Daytona Beach,fl)   
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