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A man walks into a hospital....
They watch him die
Because he can't pay the price
Dear future me

Hey we did it. We finally had the confidence to face a fear (well I mean hoping because this is written to a future me and I can’t predict the future). This is the fear of loving someone else,after the shitshow which was past loves. Now, I have some advice for you. DONT **** IT UP THIS TIME!!!

1. Don’t talk about past loves

2. Stop ******* apologising all the time for been cheesy or worrying you epically fail at being sweet

3. Try hold yourself together and don’t let nerves get the better of you when you want to ask if you can hold their hand

4. If you talk about politics, don’t go on a massive rant about how capitalism needs to be destroyed and end up looking like a massive left-wing revolutionary wannabe
5. If they feel like they need space, let them have it without constantly asking “have I done something wrong?” Or blaming myself for it and once again constantly apologising because not everything in their lives is to do with you

6. Comfort them when they need it and prove you will be there for them without butting into problems they don’t want you to get involved in.

7. If they make mistakes don’t cry and scream at them to stop as they will blame themselves for hurting you andwant to push the blade further into their scars

8. And if it doesn’t work, dont drink to hide the pain. Embrace it and accept they werent the one.

I don’t know when you are reading this as like I said earlier I can’t tell the future but honestly please listen. You may look back on your youth as the mostly-immature guy you were. But you were 21 when you wrote this letter and at that age you had already gone through so much loss and pain. You were full of life experiences when you had only just become an adult. Look back and learn from you mistakes.

This story starts 5 years ago,
Well no, 5 Years, 4 months and 8 days ago to be exact.
Yes, we tried twice in them first few months to make us happen but it wasn’t right
A year and a half later and both in the island of broken hearts, we found our lips touching each others but this time it felt right, not like before, this meant something like everything else was a crow’s call far in the distance.
For them 12 days short of a year I spent with you and the on and off sections shortly afterwards I felt like I could do anything and be anyone. But now
I have to battle with the conflicts in my mind everyday,
Of how much I don't want to let you go but knowing I have to for the sake of my sanity.
When you pop up out of the blue and message me saying ‘how are you’ I want to reply with ‘Not the same without you’ or
‘I miss you’ but I can’t.
You have moved on and that’s what I should do too.

You will always be the one that got away,
You were the one who/on that winters night when you walked out of my life.
I regret the choices I made, but you were never a mistake.
we made a trophy cabinet out of our mistakes,  but Wish we could have made a whole room full of rectifications

Goodbye, good life
that i've been reading your poetry
(on the new front page)

I ******* love
your words; your worlds;
it's like i'm,
    there. right there,
with you.

you see, i didn't do what you do--
         write my story aloud
--when i was fifteen, or even twenty-two

just an inch off the ground
                        i confided in clouds
stayed lost (was a puff too proud)

that was then, sure, but even today
   (it's 11:11, now)
putting any of it down
committing to this word, not that
this sentiment,
      not that
this meaning
       (and not simultaneously that)
              is walking through fire

and so, for leading the way
           let me just say,
                       i love you

and please,
don't ever stop.
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