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 Dec 2013 Reagan
 Dec 2013 Reagan
I pulled that dusty shoebox
From underneath the bed ,
Letters we had written
On the day that we had wed.

We talked about forever
And promised to be true,
Youd be good to me
And id be good to you.

I read and re read those letters
Trembling , clamy hands
I was not this women,
And you are not this man.

Why does time make change ok,
Stop simple things we used to do.
The way youd show your love for me or
How id show my love for you.

You should always hold
My hand, and make me feel my best,
I  should always be your rock,
We both just want respect.

Mabye we just need reminding
Of how it all began, to pick our battles better, and offer steady hands.

I tucked those letters safely
Into a book beside the bed ,
In that dusty shoebox
theyre not getting read .
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Shane Knubley
Her look is holding
Her dreary and depressed eyes digging into me, perplexing
The scarlet red rose petals that ring around her pupils entrance me
She stands tall, strong and contained
Strong like the world trade before it was struck down against it's will
She's only awaiting her time
She puts on a good act

Nobody can tell that
Behind her strength and pseudo-bliss hides a lifetime of sadness and self-hatred
The perpetual clock dictating her existence ticks endlessly until she too falls to the ground
Masks her bottomless pool of insecurities with a smile
Compensating for them with a false ego the size of the sun
Acts like she is better than everyone
But she knows that she's not
Her mind set on keeping all the feelings hidden

She rejects help
Neglects the ones who care
Thinks she can do it all by herself
But we know that she can't

Her wrists full of scars and regret
Her eyes like an endlessly flowing water fountain
Caught in a recurring state of despair
Despite all the people who love and who care

"Everyday is a battle", I tell her, hoping that she will open to me
"And it's mine to fight", she replies aggresively
I try to share with her my days
I subtlely urge her to do the same
I want to help her heart to mend
So all her hate and pain can end.
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Kylie Wallen
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Kylie Wallen
Please don't make me regret opening up to you
Please don't tell all of the secrets
That only you knew
Just please
Let me
The way that I do.
 Dec 2013 Reagan
I wasn't taking advantage of her vulnerability.
It certainly was not a pity ****.
She was crying, and clinging.
It was the only way I knew of
To make her feel good.
To give her a release.
Does that make me a good man?
What makes a man?
I don't know.

It is never an issue,
Until it is uttered out loud.
Now we both know
That she will open her legs before she opens her heart.
I'll told her that is stupid,
And that she is not stupid,
But still beautiful.
Does that make me a good man?
What makes a man?
I don't know.

I'd make her mine if I could.
As far as she's concerned,
She belongs to the weeds on her front lawn.
When she was five and three fourths she picked a dandelion,
And her father told her no matter how pretty it looks,
It will always be bad,
It will always be toxic inside
She never got over that.
So now she looks very pretty,
But she fills herself with ***** and ******* and all things
 Dec 2013 Reagan
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Don't you dare
give me that stare
act like you care

You don't have the right to pretend
that in the end
You like me for my hands
As much as you just wanted to **** me.

So don't hold my hand and talk to me like this
don't try to make me believe in the magic that doesn't exist
that when we were together you felt genuine bliss

like in the vast moments when our hands intertwined
you ever wanted to be mine
or that you'd ever let me define
our time
as anything more than a static rhythm and rhyme

as anything more than a business exchange
or a game
i give you my feelings and you don't feel the same

it's not too late you haven't placed your bet
on how many months it'll take for you to get to my bed
get inside my head

all of the time i wasted for you is over
all of the feelings i hid away
all of the breath you took away
as i waited for you to text me hey
it's over

you've made me numb
stand in the line of other guys who've given me some
taken me under angel wings and deceived me
but this time I see

I don't trust your magic arms anymore
your fantastical eyes don't take me hostage anymore

and the emptiness i felt after i was filled with you inside me
reminds me

never to trust

someone who tries to hold your hands
when they can't hold your words

you're a mastermind magician
you've helped me stop belieivng in the magic
i know magic behind love
and i don't believe in magic anymore
you shouldnt have to force a man to think about his life
but the times are gone when thinking men were thought about as right
the fear of the thoughtful man is rife
in a world where ignorance keeps dominations grip tight
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Amber Rose
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Amber Rose
Ripped ribbons scattered aimlessly,
with fractured cups, dirt and dust
pink pearly acetone just won't be enough
to erase the evidence of you.

With forced confessions,
spilled out all past indiscretions,
and cursed vindications and blood
splattered like a musty revenge.

Blank canvases,
Hand print caresses that show
Polaroid prints all faded and jaded
like the illusion of us.

It was desperate fingers
that clung to the railings
but the force of gravity meant I had to let go.
Hope had revived me
Like water to my parched throat
my oasis is the desert
All my horrid words were revoked.

Yet nothing will ever be enough
to surgically remove
our open bleeding wounds.
I must tend to the injured,
Leave alone the wielder
Knife still in hand
How did it come to this?
I missed your voice
so much it made me cry
yet after I heard
it made everything worse
Mourning a loss that was not mine
but yours.
Grieving hurts.

I still love you
but it burns
until I have to take my hand off
the all consuming flame.

My teardrops cannot pay the price,
or eradicate the past in peoples minds
Will I forever be beholden to this guilt that now defines me?
Too many skin graphs to hide the scarred tissue underneath.

All paths lead me back to here.
I'm helpless to watch your ghost
Linger,you still linger.
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