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 Dec 2013 Reagan
I need the night time like a entertainment ****** reaches for the remote.
The airwaves become quickly clogged with HD Grade A(ss) Crack.

Whereas i...relish in the freed up air time ,
empty roads , routes , biological networks...
For miles around............................................... only a few souls dj their late night slots..
emanate their energetic pulsations with the precision that night time calls for,

don’t worry the drunks fall under the radar..
Delta wave walking...

i need the night time.. for the forgiving nature of loose shades of shadows
and the seams between imaginary and vivd hallucinations blur for a while...
some may say that neither of them exist in the plane of relative ‘normal’ thinking ...

but i’d say imagination is the hardest one to fathom.

Vivid hallucinations make up our senses.
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Sarah Ann Boussy
Lay me down,
Among the roses,
And the fresh grass,
And the wet morning dew.
Kiss my neck,
Tell me I'm a beautiful mess,
A natural disaster.
Rip my clothes from my body,
Reveal my chest,
Tear into my skin,
Stab my heart,
And lay it down next to me,
Among the roses,
And the fresh grass,
And the wet morning dew.
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Red Bergan
The Fool
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Red Bergan
You see the world as a joke,
You're perfect by nature,
not a science project.

Difference becomes one with defiance,
you are the fool they know.
Take kind to who you are,
for the jokes are the show.

The fool see's events before they happen,
their brazen and are called on by many.
They take on all contracts to ****,
to ****** or to die,
they will be fulfilled.

Their lives are within us,
they are our mask.
Be wise to choose your fool,
for it will guide you through the task.

The silent moon rises on the falls of light,
For we will rise,
within this darkest night.
We are,
The fools.
Dormant was my love like a bear waiting for the right time to emerge from a slump like slumber
Awakened at the sight, smell, and touch of your presence
Not enough time to dream of a love so perfect is what my heart tells me
I hold your heart to mine, I treat it as my own
Let it beat, let it beat, let it beat when I come near
I'll be the one to wake your love when the time comes
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Roisin Sullivan
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Roisin Sullivan
There was music in the way she moved
And her voice was of vivid sunlight.
She danced and leaped and twirled with water.
Her gaze was filled with the children soothed.

I tried to emulate all she did
I studied every single action
I noted the words she used in speech
I did every single thing she bid

But when I moved it was in silence
My mouth spoke words coated in moonlight
And when I danced it was with the earth.
My gaze filled with victims of violence.
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Alice Baker
I guess it seems to me
That falling in love
Is just a prettier way
Of going insane.
And falling out
Is just a more painful version
of ill prescribed pills.
 Dec 2013 Reagan
Sam Conrad
I check my inbox every 10 minutes
For your replies
And when I see the notification
I have a heart attack

But I loved you
I still do love you
But I'm not allowed
And frankly, I'm scared shitless by you.
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